108 contos e parábolas orientais – Monja Coen
“Em 108 contos e parábolas orientais”, novo livro de Monja Coen, a mestre reúne pequenos textos que têm por objetivo...
A sabedoria da transformação – Monja Coen
Neste livro, Monja Coen, missionária o cial datradição Sôtô Zenshû para o Brasil, convida o leitora lançar um olhar sobre si mesmo e...
Zen Para Distraídos – Monja Coen
É possível viver de maneira zen no meio da distração moderna Viver nos grandes centros urbanos é um convite diário à distração....
Dez grandes discípulos do senhor Buddha - O Buda e Seus Discípulos
Existem 10 Grandes Discípulos de Buda que levaram seus ensinamentos, o dharma, e espalharam o budismo muito mais longe. São Sariputra, Moggallana,
How a Sheltered Prince Became the Buddha: The Life of the Buddha
The historic Buddha was known as Siddhartha Gautama. Explore his life and how he reached enlightenment, leading him to teach what we know as Buddhism.
Is Buddhism a Sexist Religion? The Status of Women in Buddhism
Is sexism intrinsic to Buddhism, or did Buddhist institutions absorb sexism from Asian culture? Can Buddhism treat women as equals, and remain Buddhism?
Women Disciples of the Buddha: Stories of the First Buddhist Nuns
Women as well as men became disciples of the Buddha, and many women were ordained into the monastic sangha. Here are the stories of some of these women.
Who Were Some of the Most Important Disciples of the Buddha?
Several of the Buddha's disciples were important figures in their own right and played significant roles in early Buddhism.
Mundo Espiritual
Bienvenido a Mundo Espiritual: El Portal de astrología, tarot, numerología, juegos, y productos del Niño Prodigio
Resumo da vida de Buda
Do site: sobrebudismo 12 de abril de 2012 por Leonardo Ota Histórias sobre centenas de vidas passadas do Buda são relatadas em ant...
Wemystic - Luz, Vida & Equilíbrio
Astrologia | Oráculos | Terapias Alternativas | Autoconhecimento
Rio de Janeiro - Para você que quer estudar o Budismo (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Por que vivemos?Este grupo é para pessoas que querem aprender o Budismo. A resposta desta questão é esclarecida no Budismo, doutrina ensinada por Sakyamuni (Sidarta Gautama) que viveu há mais de 2.500
Rituais de purificação e mantras entre relíquias do Buda
Quem quer chega e pode fazer uma oferenda do banho, pegando numa concha e deitando água sobre um pequeno Buda. Ao mesmo tempo, diz uma folha colocada ao lado, pode rezar um mantra: "Om mohi mohi/Maha mohi soha/Om muni muni/Mara soha." Algo
Wemystic - Luz, Vida & Equilíbrio
Astrologia | Oráculos | Terapias Alternativas | Autoconhecimento
Beyond the Book
Dakini Power honors accomplished contemporary female Buddhist teachers in the West.
Yoga of Arya Tara - Shang Shung Institute UK Webstore
This booklet contains a new short text on the Green Tara Practice, recently written by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, which includes the 21 action mantras of Tara. The original text is followed by an explanation on the meaning of the text and the way of doing the practice.
The Cult of Tara
"The real history of man is the history of religion." The truth of the famous dictum of Max Muller, the father of the History of Religions, is nowhere so obvious as in Tibet. Western students have observed that religion and magic pervade not only the forms of Tibetan art, politics, and society, but also every detail of ordinary human existence. And what is the all-pervading religion of Tibet? The Buddhism of that country has been described to us, of course, but that does not mean the question has been answered. The unique importance of Stephan Beyerís work is that it presents the vital mate...
Tara Verde e seu mantra
Tara (Sânscrito: Syamatara; Tibetano: Sgrol-ljang) é conhecida na filosofia budista como a Grande Deusa Bondosa, a Salvadora, “senhora dos barcos”, salva os ‘náufragos’ do mundo, leva-os do oceano …
Guan Yin – a Deusa chinesa da misercódia e compaixão - China na minha vida
Guan Yin é considerada pelos chineses como a deusa da misericórdia, que percorreu o mundo, viu muita dor e jurou proteger todos os humanos até que o último sofrimento acabe.
momento zen - YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du großartige Videos und erstklassige Musik. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder mit der ganzen Welt teilen.
Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation
The Thich Nhat Hanh Foundation works to continue the mindful teachings and loving practice of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Lovingly referred to as Thay (meani...
Thich Nhat Hanh: is mindfulness being corrupted by business and finance?
The Zen master discusses his advice for Google and other tech giants on being a force for good in the world
Plum Village, near Bordeaux in southwest France, is tthe first monastic community founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) in the West. Plum Village is w...
Plum Village
Mindfulness Practice Centre in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh
Home › About › Thich Nhat Hanh Thich Nhat Hanh Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his powerful teachings and bestselling …
Buda Virtual
Buda Virtual. Gefällt 243.609 Mal · 217 Personen sprechen darüber. www.budavirtual.com.br
Buda Virtual