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Zen Buddhism
Zen Buddhism
An introduction to Zen, a form of Buddhism that emphasizes seeking one's own Buddha nature through meditation. Learn more about Buddhism in Japan on the
Zen Buddhism
Mundo Espiritual
Mundo Espiritual
Bienvenido a Mundo Espiritual: El Portal de astrología, tarot, numerología, juegos, y productos del Niño Prodigio
Mundo Espiritual
Resumo da vida de Buda
Resumo da vida de Buda
Do site: sobrebudismo 12 de abril de 2012 por Leonardo Ota Histórias sobre centenas de vidas passadas do Buda são relatadas em ant...
Resumo da vida de Buda
Rituais de purificação e mantras entre relíquias do Buda
Rituais de purificação e mantras entre relíquias do Buda
Quem quer chega e pode fazer uma oferenda do banho, pegando numa concha e deitando água sobre um pequeno Buda. Ao mesmo tempo, diz uma folha colocada ao lado, pode rezar um mantra: "Om mohi mohi/Maha mohi soha/Om muni muni/Mara soha." Algo
Rituais de purificação e mantras entre relíquias do Buda
Beyond the Book
Beyond the Book
Dakini Power honors accomplished contemporary female Buddhist teachers in the West.
Beyond the Book
Yoga of Arya Tara - Shang Shung Institute UK Webstore
Yoga of Arya Tara - Shang Shung Institute UK Webstore
This booklet contains a new short text on the Green Tara Practice, recently written by Chogyal Namkhai Norbu, which includes the 21 action mantras of Tara. The original text is followed by an explanation on the meaning of the text and the way of doing the practice.
Yoga of Arya Tara - Shang Shung Institute UK Webstore
The Cult of Tara
The Cult of Tara
"The real history of man is the history of religion." The truth of the famous dictum of Max Muller, the father of the History of Religions, is nowhere so obvious as in Tibet. Western students have observed that religion and magic pervade not only the forms of Tibetan art, politics, and society, but also every detail of ordinary human existence. And what is the all-pervading religion of Tibet? The Buddhism of that country has been described to us, of course, but that does not mean the question has been answered. The unique importance of Stephan Beyerís work is that it presents the vital mate...
The Cult of Tara
Tara Verde e seu mantra
Tara Verde e seu mantra
Tara (Sânscrito: Syamatara; Tibetano: Sgrol-ljang) é conhecida na filosofia budista como a Grande Deusa Bondosa, a Salvadora, “senhora dos barcos”, salva os ‘náufragos’ do mundo, leva-os do oceano …
Tara Verde e seu mantra
Plum Village, near Bordeaux in southwest France, is tthe first monastic community founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh (Thay) in the West. Plum Village is w...
Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh
Home › About › Thich Nhat Hanh Thich Nhat Hanh Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist, revered around the world for his powerful teachings and bestselling …
Thich Nhat Hanh
Buda Virtual
Buda Virtual
Buda Virtual. Gefällt 243.609 Mal · 217 Personen sprechen darüber.
Buda Virtual