Scientists have begun to look in a different way at how the brain creates the convictions that mould our relationships and inform our behaviour. Alok Jha reports.
Consulte os cursos no site da Casa do Saber: Inscreva-se no canal - Vídeos novos terças e quint...
Consulte os cursos no site da Casa do Saber: Inscreva-se no canal - Vídeos novos terças e quint...
Em que medida o conhecimento afeta as relações sociais? - Luiz Felipe Pondé
ME ACOMPANHEM NAS MINHAS OUTRAS REDES SOCIAIS: { Facebook} {Twitter} @lf_ponde { Instagram} @lf_pond...
Não há diálogo com quem é dogmático • Leandro Karnal
assista a palestra completa ► playlist Leandro Karnal ► texto sugerido: Somos os maiores inimigos de nossa ...
In this new, turbulent international globalised landscape, a central message must be heralded: peace is more than the absence of war, it is living together with our differences – of sex, race, language, religion or culture – while furthering universal respect for justice and human rights on which such coexistence depends. Therefore, peace should never be taken for granted. It is an on-going process, a long-term goal which requires constant engineering, vigilance and active participation by all individuals.
Where does respect for others begin? Launch of the manual « Writing Peace »
"Writing Peace" is a manual that invites young audiences to discover contemporary writings by introducing them to a sample of them. Its goal is to make the world appear a little closer and a little more familiar. "Writing Peace" encourages children (aged 8 to 14) to become aware of the interdependence of cultures through familiarization with contemporary writing systems, their history, and their borrowings.
Building Human rights-based intercultural competences
If one compares the process of intercultural dialogue to the weaving of a tapestry, then intercultural competencies would be its main thread. Having adequate knowledge about one’s cultural environment, receptive attitudes encouraging exchange, and specific skills so as to mobilize both knowledge and attitudes when interacting with diverse others is an indispensable requirement for an open and respectful exchange of views.
Ouvir e entender | Monja Coen | Palestra #31 | Zen Budismo
Compartilhe! A sabedoria pertence a todos os seres. Curta a MOVA no facebook: Vídeos também no Instagram: @canalmova Conheç...
Por que a comunicação é tão difícil - Flávio Gikovate
Falar é algo que requer cautela, porque o que falamos quase sempre não coincide com o que o outro vai ouvir. Segundo o filósofo Ortega Y Gasset, estamos todo...
Economia Colaborativa 1. Introdução 2. O que é economia e suas premissas 3. Sobre desenvolvimento econômico 4. Sobre o livre mercado 5. Sobre escassez artificial 6. O conceito do homem econômico 7. Motivação intrínseca e extrínseca 8. Paradigma da abundância 9. Organizações d...
Economia colaborativa é uma nova maneira de produzir, comercializar e consumir. Uma visão sobre a economia (dos países, das empresas e das pessoas) que está transformando o mundo. Nesse curso, a Camila do Cinese vai te inspirar para criar iniciativas e negócios colaborativos.
The College Transition Collaborative (CTC) brings together pioneering social psychologists, education researchers and higher education practitioners to create learning environments that produce more equitable higher education outcomes.