There Are Seven Types of Near-Death Experiences, According to Research
Here's what to expect when you die.
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Church attendance, allostatic load and mortality in middle aged adults
Importance Religiosity has been associated with positive health outcomes. Hypothesized pathways for this association include religious practices, such as church attendance, that result in reduced stress. Objective The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between religiosity (church attendance), allostatic load (AL) (a physiologic measure of stress) and all-cause mortality in middle-aged adults. Design, setting and participants Data for this study are from NHANES III (1988–1994). The analytic sample (n = 5449) was restricted to adult participants, who were between 40–6...
Want To Reduce Stress And Live longer? Go To Church!
Vanderbilt University researchers find
International Observatory on End of Life Care - Research Portal | Lancaster University
Find out more about Lancaster University's research activities, view details of publications, outputs and awards and make contact with our researchers.
International Observatory on End of Life Care | Faculty of Health and Medicine | Lancaster University
International Observatory on End of Life Care
DeadSocial - Prepare for Death Digitally & Build Your Digital Legacy - The Digital Legacy and Digital Assets Infographic 2016
Addressing all things that surround digital death, dying and creating a digital legacy in today's world
Palliative social media
The uses of social media have become ubiquitous in contemporary society at an astonishingly fast-paced rate. The internet and in particular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are now part of most people's vocabulary and are starting to replace many face-to-face interactions. The online world, in particular, is alive with discussions, comments and anecdotes about the topics of illness, disease, hospitals, death and dying. The topic of death and dying had in the not too distant past been seen as taboo, but willingness and need to talk openly about it appears to be on the increase...
DeadSocial | If someone you care about dies how important is it for you to be able to view their social media accounts
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DeadSocial | If someone you care about dies how important is it for you to be able to view their social media profile
1060x874 (499.4 kB)
DeadSocial | Digital death survey infographic compressed resized
800x8000 (1.0 Mb)
DeadSocial - Prepare for Death Digitally & Build Your Digital Legacy - Our Research
The end of life social media tool and digital legacy resource for today's social media & connected world
Why Don't Patients and Physicians Talk About End-of-Life Care?
Background Patients with chronic and terminal disease frequently do not talk to their physicians about end-of-life care. Interventions to improve this communication have generally been unsuccessful, suggesting that important barriers to this communication must exist.Objectives To...
Evaluation of the End of Life Care Facilitator Networks - Research Database, The University of York