How do you manage your digital death? - Chris Skinner's blog
I just completed one of those things that none of us like doing, making a will. I recently had a major change of circumstances in my life, and decided that I should make appropriate updates and provisions. After all, who gets my Batman and Spiderman comics? Anyways, it’s been bugging …
Life continues in the brain after people die, scientists find in shock study
Brain activity may continue for more than 10 minutes after the body appears to have died, according to a new study. Canadian doctors in an intensive care unit appear to have observed a person's brain continuing to work even after they were declared clinically dead. In the case, doctors confirmed their patient was dead through a range of the normal observations, including the absence of a pulse and unreactive pupils. But tests showed that the patients’ brain appeared to keep working – experiencing the same kind of brain waves that are seen during deep sleep.
From Rue Jo Cox to Place Victor Hugo via Gare Rosa Parks: how France honours the dead
France has a long history of naming roads or train stations after notable people – and not just its own. The Burgundy town of Avallon followed the tradition by naming a street after the Labour MP
E’ stato calcolato che nel 2060 oltre la metà degli iscritti online non saranno più vivi. Cosa ne sarà dei loro dati? Scriviamo, postiamo, taggiamo come se... #boxtomorrow #crittografia #datisicuri
Eredità digitale, la soluzione BoxTomorrow è tutta italiana -
I più superstiziosi faranno sicuramente qualche gesto scaramantico. Eppure, come disse Benjamin Franklin, "al mondo di sicuro ci sono solo la morte e le tasse".
Boxtomorrow, la scatola digitale per il testamento online -
Chi penserà alle tue eredità in rete? Accessi ai social network, dati, migliaia di foto e video, account cloud, profili in decine di servizi online: ora c'è un servizio che ti consente di lasciarli in custodia alle persone giuste. E i sei motivi per farlo
QUANTE password usiamo ogni giorno? Decine. Per la posta elettronica, i social network, il conto bancario, i servizi di streaming, gli abbonamenti digitali ai giornali. Una miniera di informazioni di grande valore personale e, a volte, anche economico. Che quando si passa a miglior vita gall...
The Best Online Tools for Retirement Planning and Living
To help you get the most out of retirement, a growing array of apps and websites offer assistance with budgeting, Social Security questions, lifestyle planning and many other essentials.
Grieving families are splitting up the ashes of their relatives and funeral directors are using code words to view the body
Undertakers are being forced to divide ashes, set up password systems and supervise visits to funeral homes because of warring families who can't agree on funeral arrangements.
Catholic Church bans scattering of ashes as 'pantheism'
The Roman Catholic Church has banned the scattering of ashes of the dead, insisting that, in some circumstances, those who request it for themselves should even be denied a “Christian funeral”.
Die neuesten Tweets von DeadSocial (@DeadSocial). The free end of life planning tool that enables us to leave goodbye messages. These are sent to our social networks once we pass away. #Tutorials #DigitalLegacy. London
Ashes in space: British company launches first extra-terrestrial funerals
People will be able to have their ashes scattered in space from next month when a British company launches the first extra-terrestrial funeral service.
Woman brutally murders boyfriend before trying to it cover up with 'heartbreaking' Facebook tribute
A woman who brutally murdered her boyfriend posted an online tribute to him just hours later on Facebook in an attempt to cover up her crime. Zoe Warren was jailed for life alongside friend Keiran Adey after Mark Shaw was found dead with more than 80 injuries at his home in Newcastle.