Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Dosier Comercial Español Inglés Contacto ENLACES DE INTERÉS ACCEDE RÁPIDAMENTE A LA INFORMACIÓN MÁS RELEVANTE Fechas y horarios Miércoles 20 th and Thursday 21 October : 10:00 a 19:00 h. Friday 22 October: 10:00 a 15:00 h. Exhibitors catalog 2021 All the information of exhibitors at Funermostra 2021 … Portada Read More »
Funermostra presenta en Valencia las novedades en el sector funerario
Valencia, 22 may (EFE).- La tecnología digital se adentra también en el sector funerario ofreciendo la posibilidad de disponer de una copia digital de la huella del difunto grabado en una joya, abriendo con un mando a distancia el féretro o llevando las cenizas del ser querido en el interior de una joya realizada en plata. EFE
We calculated the year dead people on Facebook could outnumber the living
By the end of this century, Facebook might start to feel more like a digital graveyard than a place for the living.
How do you manage your digital death? - Chris Skinner's blog
I just completed one of those things that none of us like doing, making a will. I recently had a major change of circumstances in my life, and decided that I should make appropriate updates and provisions. After all, who gets my Batman and Spiderman comics? Anyways, it’s been bugging …
Life continues in the brain after people die, scientists find in shock study
Brain activity may continue for more than 10 minutes after the body appears to have died, according to a new study. Canadian doctors in an intensive care unit appear to have observed a person's brain continuing to work even after they were declared clinically dead. In the case, doctors confirmed their patient was dead through a range of the normal observations, including the absence of a pulse and unreactive pupils. But tests showed that the patients’ brain appeared to keep working – experiencing the same kind of brain waves that are seen during deep sleep.
What happens when you die? The TWO STAGES of death revealed
WHAT happens when you die? It’s the most fundamental question there is, asked at one time or another by every single human being who ever lived.
What Happens When You Die?
Here's what happens when a person nears death and then slips away.
What exactly happens during the 7 minutes of brain activity after death'? - Quora
There Are Seven Types of Near-Death Experiences, According to Research
Here's what to expect when you die.
Hundreds of Genes Spring to Life Up to 4 Days After Death, Scientists Find
We Dissected a Brain to Understand What Happens When You Die
What's happening in the last 30 seconds before death? Let's find out!
Here's What Happens to Your Brain When You Die
We had no idea this was possible.
The new death industry: funeral businesses that won’t exploit grief
From the mushroom death suit to no funeral at all, entrepreneurs are transforming the burials sector
Umberto Eco: "Come prepararsi serenamente alla morte"
Umberto Eco: "Come prepararsi serenamente alla morte. Sommesse istruzioni a un eventuale discepolo". L'ironica lettera a un discepolo immaginario che il semi...
Business Research Analysis
Sheet1 Business Research Analysis Marcela, https:// raindrop. io/ collection/ 2847744 Alan Name, Website, Social Networks, Description, Operation Country Business, Eternime, http:// eterni. me/, It creates an avatar/ bot copy of you based on several information. It' s currently in closed b...
From Rue Jo Cox to Place Victor Hugo via Gare Rosa Parks: how France honours the dead
France has a long history of naming roads or train stations after notable people – and not just its own. The Burgundy town of Avallon followed the tradition by naming a street after the Labour MP
Coping With End of Life Issues
Learn how to care for a dying loved one, including understanding hospice and palliative care and how to plan a funeral or memorial service, write a eulogy or condolence letter, and cope with grief and loss after a death occurs.
BoxTomorrow, i nostri dati eterni
E’ stato calcolato che nel 2060 oltre la metà degli iscritti online non saranno più vivi. Cosa ne sarà dei loro dati? Scriviamo, postiamo, taggiamo come se... #boxtomorrow #crittografia #datisicuri
BoxTomorrow: dopo la morte, la vita digital continua in un Box
La scatola virtuale, nata dai programmatori di defcontwelve, permette di inserire password e pin di ogni genere da lasciare a due o più beneficiari
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Eredità digitale, la soluzione BoxTomorrow è tutta italiana - IlSoftware.it
I più superstiziosi faranno sicuramente qualche gesto scaramantico. Eppure, come disse Benjamin Franklin, "al mondo di sicuro ci sono solo la morte e le tasse".