International Observatory on End of Life Care - Research Portal | Lancaster University
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The uses of social media have become ubiquitous in contemporary society at an astonishingly fast-paced rate. The internet and in particular platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube are now part of most people's vocabulary and are starting to replace many face-to-face interactions. The online world, in particular, is alive with discussions, comments and anecdotes about the topics of illness, disease, hospitals, death and dying. The topic of death and dying had in the not too distant past been seen as taboo, but willingness and need to talk openly about it appears to be on the increase...
Why Don't Patients and Physicians Talk About End-of-Life Care?
Background Patients with chronic and terminal disease frequently do not talk to their physicians about end-of-life care. Interventions to improve this communication have generally been unsuccessful, suggesting that important barriers to this communication must exist.Objectives To...
End of Life Care Training and Education in the North West
The training supported with the funding provided by HEE (NW) has enabled staff working in NHS settings, primary and community care, voluntary and the private care sector to benefit from education programmes and projects which have enhanced knowledge and skills in amongst others the following key areas: Advanced communications skills, symptom and palliative care management, implementation of palliative care guidelines and developments such as a consistent evaluation of training framework.
Welcome to The Good Grief Project the only bereavement charity in the UK dedicated to understanding grief as a creative and active process Our Mission Approximately 6000 young people under the age of 24 die in the UK
Archives of the web like the Internet Archive offer us an incredible glimpse into the digitization of human society, so why are so few researchers making use of these incredible collections?
Woman brutally murders boyfriend before trying to it cover up with 'heartbreaking' Facebook tribute
A woman who brutally murdered her boyfriend posted an online tribute to him just hours later on Facebook in an attempt to cover up her crime. Zoe Warren was jailed for life alongside friend Keiran Adey after Mark Shaw was found dead with more than 80 injuries at his home in Newcastle.
Online memorial websites - free, special memorials - MuchLoved
MuchLoved is the memorial website charity helping bereaved people to create their own personalised and free online memorial in memory of a loved one. MuchLoved offers you a unique way to remember and share memories as a lasting tribute to the special people that have touched your life.
Dying Matters is a broad based, inclusive and rapidly growing national coalition which aims to change public knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards dying, death and bereavement.
Death's Summer Coat: A Review of The Natural Death Handbook, Fifth Edition
When I was four years old, I lived with my mother and grandparents in a white house with two porches. A great, leaning barn sheltered the farm cats, Snow...
Natural Death Centre .org - The Natural Death Centre
The Natural Death Centre, Natural Death Handbook, dying at home, helping prepare for death and dying, Living Wills, Advance Directives, Advance Funeral Wishes, best funeral directors, crematoria, cemeteries, natural burial, woodland burial grounds, cardboard coffins, diy funerals, private land burial, burial on farmland