Habite.se - Terapias do Corpo

Habite.se - Terapias do Corpo

ELLE Magazine (US) on Twitter
ELLE Magazine (US) on Twitter
Rise and shine and do this yoga routine: pic.twitter.com/3igOQHaaCb— ELLE Magazine (US) (@ELLEmagazine) December 7, 2016
ELLE Magazine (US) on Twitter
Mindful Breathing Meditation with Thich Nhat Hanh
Mindful Breathing Meditation with Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh offers this mindful meditation to show how practicing breathing meditations is very important as a foundation of meditation and a way to find clarity in the mind to focus on the present moment. Want more from Thich Nhat Hanh? Join him in a FREE VIDEO teaching: How Presence Transforms Your Relationships in which Thich shares two stories showing what happens when we let distractions isolate us from those we care about—and how our simple attention can change everything. WATCH NOW -- https://bit.ly/3o98rth Subscribe to Sounds True for more: http://bit.ly/2EAugMf Find more content with Thich Nhat Hanh here: https://bit.ly/2XElND3 Meditation is a tool for discovering ourselves—our embodied presence, authentic feelings, and inspirations. For the past 25 years, Sounds True has had the privilege of recording many of today’s leading meditation teachers from diverse spiritual traditions. Sounds True Selects: The Power of Meditation I invites you to experience for yourself the countless benefits of regular meditation practice: https://www.soundstrue.com/store/sounds-true-selects-2022-2427.html A care package for the Sounds True community: In response to the growing uncertainty and heightened stress during this unprecedented time, we have created this special digital care package to help you navigate the coming days with mindfulness, compassion, and presence. Please share and enjoy these free resources—we can all use some support! https://product.soundstrue.com/resilience-in-challenging-times/ Sounds True was founded in 1985 by Tami Simon with a clear mission: to disseminate spiritual wisdom. Since starting out as a project with one woman and her tape recorder, we have grown into a multimedia publishing company with more than 80 employees, a library of more than 1500 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time, and an ever-expanding family of customers from across the world. In more than three decades of growth, change, and evolution, Sounds True has maintained its focus on its overriding purpose, as summed up in our Mission Statement. Connect with us: Facebook: http://bit.ly/2XFIIeE Instagram: http://bit.ly/2UlEoiH Website: http://bit.ly/2tOl02d
Mindful Breathing Meditation with Thich Nhat Hanh
Zolpidem: os riscos do remédio que virou moda entre jovens
Zolpidem: os riscos do remédio que virou moda entre jovens
"Ideia de encontro: tomar zolpidem juntos para ver quem alucina mais e apaga primeiro". "Na noite passada, tomei zolpidem e picotei meu cabelo todinho." "Tomei quatro comprimidos de zolpidem agora e me deu vontade de comprar uma lhama." Relatos como esses, publicados num intervalo de poucas horas no Twitter, mostram como um remédio desenvolvido para tratar a insônia virou um fenômeno cultural, especialmente entre os mais jovens. Lançado no início dos anos 1990, o zolpidem é um fármaco da classe dos hipnóticos (para indução do sono) que deve ser usado por um curto período — no máximo, quatro semanas — por quem tem dificuldades para dormir ou manter o sono por um tempo adequado. Mas o nosso repórter André Biernath ouviu médicos e, segndo eles, o uso do zolpidem tem se popularizado além da conta — o que abre alas para efeitos colaterais preocupantes e quadros de dependência. Explicamos essa história no vídeo. Assista e confira. Reportagem em texto: https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/geral-63233824 Curtiu? Inscreva-se no canal da BBC News Brasil! E se quiser ler mais notícias, clique aqui: https://www.bbcbrasil.com #bbcnewsbrasil #medicina #saúde
Zolpidem: os riscos do remédio que virou moda entre jovens
Welcome to TAKE A DEEP BREATH, here you will find a huge variety of Breathing Exercises for Health, Relaxation & Motivation. We also host #Breathcast which is a dedicated Breathwork Podcast where we interview the world's top breath and health experts. Breathwork is where you consciously alter your breathing pattern to achieve a set of results such as helping you to relax, raise your energy, increase your immune system, change your state of consciousness or calm your parasympathetic nervous system. Here you have access to breathing exercises such as The Wim Hof Method, The Buteyko Method, Box Breathing, Breath of Fire & many other Yoga breathwork pranayamas. Breathwork has been a key component in Yoga for centuries, now with the help of people such as Joe Rogan & books such as the Oxygen Advantage, breathwork is part of mainstream society. Bio Hackers and Health Optimisation Experts such as Ben Greenfield, Tim Ferris & Tony Robbins all utilise the power of the breath.
Awaken Your Samurai Spirit || Ancestral Healing Summit
Awaken Your Samurai Spirit || Ancestral Healing Summit
For your FREE roadmap to help you move THROUGH and BEYOND your spiritual experiences, click here: https://awakenwithdrnicole.com/the-agent-of-awesome-roadmap This interview is part of Ancestral Healing Summit, a free online event featuring leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom. For more information, please visit https://ancestralhealingsummit.com This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Awaken Your Samurai Spirit || Ancestral Healing Summit
Qigong to Rejuvenate Your Immune System | Master Mingtong Gu | The Shift Network
Qigong to Rejuvenate Your Immune System | Master Mingtong Gu | The Shift Network
Qigong Master Mingtong Gu talks about the power of Qigong to rejuvenate your immune system. Enjoy this easy Qigong practice ❤️ SUBSCRIBE to The Shift Network for free videos on awareness with focus on chakras, meditation, kundalini and more. ❤️ https://www.youtube.com/theshiftnetwork More at www.theshiftnetwork.com ▶︎ Instagram: @the.shift.network ▶︎ Facebook: The Shift Network
Qigong to Rejuvenate Your Immune System | Master Mingtong Gu | The Shift Network
Myung Sung™ Living Meditation® - 8 Keys to Change Your Perspective & Change Your Life
Myung Sung™ Living Meditation® - 8 Keys to Change Your Perspective & Change Your Life
Today I will be discussing about Myung Sung ~ The Living Art of Korean Meditation ~https://jenellekim.com/ Follow us! Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/drjenellemkim/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drjenellemkim/ Connect with us! LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-jenelle-kim-863835175/ Tweet Us! Twitter: https://twitter.com/jenellemkim Stay connected and subscribe us for more videos!!! #jenellekim #drjenellekim #jbkwellnesslabs #livingmeditation #meditationtechniques #meditation #meditationpractice #meditationdaily #meditationteacher #meditationcoach #mindfulnesspractice #spiritualawakening #mindfulnessmeditation #meditationquotes #meditationeveryday #meditationiskey
Myung Sung™ Living Meditation® - 8 Keys to Change Your Perspective & Change Your Life
Clock is ticking fast for Springboks
Clock is ticking fast for Springboks
INTERVIEW: South African coach Jacques Nienaber is 'excited' about the World Cup next year, but admits preparation time is limited.
Clock is ticking fast for Springboks
Clock is ticking as Qataris watch World Cup and start to dream of 2022 - Kuwait Times
Clock is ticking as Qataris watch World Cup and start to dream of 2022 - Kuwait Times
DOHA: In four years’ time, Qatar’s Khalifa International Stadium will host a World Cup quarter-final, but on Tuesday it had to make do with a big screen. Some 4,500 people packed out the stadium’s fan zone as it showed France beating Belgium in the semi-final in Russia, knowing that the clock is ticking for Qatar’s …
Clock is ticking as Qataris watch World Cup and start to dream of 2022 - Kuwait Times
Body Tapping for Total Circulation | 10 Minute Daily Routines
Body Tapping for Total Circulation | 10 Minute Daily Routines
Have you tried body tapping? Try this body tapping routine to get healthy energy circulating in your whole body. 🔔SUBSCRIBE for weekly videos (and click the bell!) ► https://bit.ly/2QKgnje 👕Brain Education TV Merch ► https://bit.ly/3yxXqqu ADDITIONAL RESOURCES FOR THIS VIDEO Take a Body & Brain Yoga class to experience Brain Education ► https://www.bodynbrain.com WHAT IS BRAIN EDUCATION TV? Brain Education TV provides mental health and mental wellness videos to help young adults with loneliness, depression, and anxiety. The foundation of our content comes from Brain Education, an academic study from South Korea that stems from over 40 years of research and application and has been practiced by millions around the world. WHY WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH… We suffered from high-functioning loneliness and depression our whole lives. We lived different lives in different states, but when we met, we realized we were struggling with common issues that reflected an important problem in our young adult generation. We didn’t know who we were, what we were passionate about, what we should live for, and what direction our lives were “supposed” to go. We spent a lot of time wandering in search of that magical ‘answer’ that will solve all problems (like I’m sure most of you are doing right now), and yet the further we searched outside, the more pronounced the emptiness inside of us felt. Millions of people suffer silently from mental health related issues. Yet our society still places taboos around openly talking about relevant mental health topics like loneliness, depression, and anxiety. As a result, our young adults don’t know how to talk about it constructively, where to turn to, or what resources they have to combat this real-life threat to their wellbeing. We credit Brain Education for giving us the courage to overcome our own mental health struggles and create the lives we want...and now we hope you can too through the videos we share on this channel. CONNECT WITH US ON SOCIAL Instagram ► https://instagram.com/braineducation_tv Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/braineducationtv Website ► https://bit.ly/2T76bSY Business Inquiries ► braineducationtv@gmail.com #bodytapping #stressrelief #braineducation Please leave requests and comments down below! ❤️Linda and Gabi
Body Tapping for Total Circulation | 10 Minute Daily Routines
Power Plate MOVE
Power Plate MOVE
Official website for Power Plate, global leaders in whole body vibration technology. Move Better, Feel Better, Live Better. Improve strength, flexibility, circulation & balance. Suitable for all ages and fitness levels. The patented and consistent harmonic vibration of Power Plate is gentle and low impact.
Power Plate MOVE
Blue and Green Light Blocking Safety Glasses for Deep Sleep
Blue and Green Light Blocking Safety Glasses for Deep Sleep
Looking for blue and green light blocking lens glasses for protection during day and night? Look no further, find an amazing collection of blue blocking glasses at SafetyBlue™. Improve your sleep!
Blue and Green Light Blocking Safety Glasses for Deep Sleep