Impacto da Internet no Trabalho

Impacto da Internet no Trabalho

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Make Professional Events Meaningful with Bizzabo
Make Professional Events Meaningful with Bizzabo
Bizzabo is the world’s fastest growing event tech company. Our holistic Events Cloud empowers marketers and planners to manage, grow and maximize events.
Make Professional Events Meaningful with Bizzabo
Sistema hibrido do Tinder e Linkedin parece ser uma ótima escolha para fazer networking sem sair de casa - Engenharia é:
Sistema hibrido do Tinder e Linkedin parece ser uma ótima escolha para fazer networking sem sair de casa - Engenharia é:
Quem já acessou o Tinder sabe que a ideia do sistema em si(a lógica do match) pode ser aplicada em diversos outros aplicativos e é isso o que tem acontecido. Mas, agora o próprio Tinder resolveu usar a premissa do sistema para criar um híbrido de Tinder com Linkedin. É desta forma que o Tinder, […]
Sistema hibrido do Tinder e Linkedin parece ser uma ótima escolha para fazer networking sem sair de casa - Engenharia é:
Boost new business, explore career opportunities and expand your professional network with this free new app
Shapr - Meet Inspiring People, Shape Your Life
Shapr - Meet Inspiring People, Shape Your Life
Shapr is a networking app that brings you a personalized daily dose of inspiring people to meet. It is the quickest and easiest way to connect with like-minded people nearby on a daily basis, and to give you the opportunity to grow as a professional and as an individual, right at your fingertips! It's pronounced Shaper ;)
Shapr - Meet Inspiring People, Shape Your Life
Ripple, a Tinder spin-off backed by Match, launches app for professional networking
Ripple, a Tinder spin-off backed by Match, launches app for professional networking
A team of former Tinder employees, led by Tinder's original CTO Ryan Ogle, are today launching a new app aimed at professional networking. The app, called Ripple, aims to be a sort of mobile-first alternative to LinkedIn that addresses some of the problems common to the aging, now Microsoft-owned business networking platform.
Ripple, a Tinder spin-off backed by Match, launches app for professional networking
‘Uberização’ do emprego chega ao setor da saúde
‘Uberização’ do emprego chega ao setor da saúde
Ministro britânico anuncia que associação de enfermagem trabalhará sob demanda de um aplicativo. Sindicatos fazem duras críticas
‘Uberização’ do emprego chega ao setor da saúde
The End of Work is Nigh - A Call for Submissions -
The End of Work is Nigh - A Call for Submissions -
shares Embed from Getty Images— Technology is changing the face of work. For millions, since the economic collapse of 2008, their definition of work has changed from an office job to working one or more jobs in retail or the service industry. Tens of thousands of people have been driven into the “algorithmic economy” working…
The End of Work is Nigh - A Call for Submissions -
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
More comfortable online than out partying, post-Millennials are safer, physically, than adolescents have ever been. But they’re on the brink of a mental-health crisis.
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
Why the millennial stereotype is wrong
Why the millennial stereotype is wrong
They’re lazy, bored and are constantly job-hopping – or so the stereotypes would have you believe. Jess Holland takes another look at the myths of Gen Y
Why the millennial stereotype is wrong
Dez mil demitidos por causa de WhatsApp no trabalho
Dez mil demitidos por causa de WhatsApp no trabalho
Fique por dentro das últimas notícias do Espírito Santo no portal da Rede Tribuna - jornal, TV e transmissão ao vivo da Tribuna FM. Tudo sobre esporte, lazer, entretenimento, política e o que acontece na Grande Vitória.
Dez mil demitidos por causa de WhatsApp no trabalho