Found 30 bookmarks
Complete Handbook of English Grammar | Learn English
Complete Handbook of English Grammar | Learn English
Learn English Grammar with us. Our detailed grammar section beholds the key of easily understanding all the aspects of English Grammar, serially or individually.
Complete Handbook of English Grammar | Learn English
Grammar Rules
Grammar Rules
Find answers to all your writing conundrums with our simple guide to basic English grammar rules.
Grammar Rules
What Is A Mood In Grammar? | Lexico
What Is A Mood In Grammar? | Lexico
Can you tell your indicative mood from your interrogative mood? After reading our guide, you’ll know all five moods in English and how to use them.
What Is A Mood In Grammar? | Lexico
Become an Advanced ESL Speaker Using These Strategies
Become an Advanced ESL Speaker Using These Strategies
You can attain an advanced level of English. First, let’s take a look at why so many learners are stuck at the intermediate level.
Become an Advanced ESL Speaker Using These Strategies
BBC Learning English - BBC Learning English - Homepage
BBC Learning English - BBC Learning English - Homepage
Learn English with these free learning English videos and materials from BBC Learning English. This site will help you learn English and improve your pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary knowledge.
BBC Learning English - BBC Learning English - Homepage
Learn English with apps
Learn English with apps
Mejora tu capacidad de comprensión oral viendo y escuchando conversaciones reales cotidianas en inglés, por ejemplo, cómo hacer un cumplido y cómo escribir un CV.
Learn English with apps
EnglishScore | Mobile English Test & Certificate
EnglishScore | Mobile English Test & Certificate
Download EnglishScore, a recognised mobile English test and certificate. Explore online English tutoring with British Council. Get a $1 trial session.
EnglishScore | Mobile English Test & Certificate
English As A Second Language
English As A Second Language
We live in a world where learning English as a second language is essential. Not only for professional growth, but a second language brings possibilities to
English As A Second Language
Free online English grammar exercises | Grammaring
Free online English grammar exercises | Grammaring
Test and practice your English grammar. The exercises listed on this page are free and available to all site visitors. They cover topics such as verb tenses, modals, conditionals, indirect speech, passive voice and causative structures, non-finite verb forms (infinitive, gerund, participle), relative clauses, inversion, articles, and countable and uncountable nouns.
Free online English grammar exercises | Grammaring
Grammar Rules
Grammar Rules
Find answers to all your writing conundrums with our simple guide to basic English grammar rules.
Grammar Rules
Rules for Comma Usage
Rules for Comma Usage
Ah, the comma. Of all the punctuation marks in English, this one is perhaps the most abused and misused. And it’s no wonder. There are…
Rules for Comma Usage
Test your English | Cambridge English
Test your English | Cambridge English
Not sure which exam to take? Try our online test to find out which Cambridge English exam is right for you. It’s quick, free and gives an instant score.
Test your English | Cambridge English
How to Formally Write the Date
How to Formally Write the Date
A few things to consider when you’re trying to determine how to formally note the date in a piece of writing.
How to Formally Write the Date
5 erros de inglês que muitos brasileiros cometem | EXAME
5 erros de inglês que muitos brasileiros cometem | EXAME
Rosangela Souza, sócia-diretora da Companhia de Idiomas, explica a gramática por trás de alguns equívocos frequentes de quem estuda a língua inglesa
5 erros de inglês que muitos brasileiros cometem | EXAME
Compreensão de texto: Apple Coffee Cake recipe – Inglês Online
Compreensão de texto: Apple Coffee Cake recipe – Inglês Online
Hoje tem mais uma atividade de compreensão de texto! Que tal a gente usar um texto bem diferente hoje… uma receita! A receita abaixo, de Apple Coffee Cake, veio do site Steve’s Recipe Database e, segundo o dono do site, é de domínio público. Coloquei a receita exatamente da maneira que encontrei, com as abreviações típicas […]
Compreensão de texto: Apple Coffee Cake recipe – Inglês Online
Inglês na Ponta da Língua | Dicas de Inglês
Inglês na Ponta da Língua | Dicas de Inglês
Inglês na Ponta da Língua: dicas de inglês, gramática inglesa, expressões em inglês, gírias em inglês, vocabulário de inglês.
Inglês na Ponta da Língua | Dicas de Inglês
Inglês de Bolso
Inglês de Bolso
Aprenda inglês online de um jeito divertido e de graça! Nossas aulas são em vídeos de curta duração e fácil memorização. Assista no celular ou no computador....
Inglês de Bolso