The Basics of Punctuation | SkillsYouNeed
The correct use of punctuation is a key skill in writing. Learn how to use: Full Stops (.) Commas (,) Exclamation Marks (!) Question Marks (?) and more.
6 reasons why Brazilians do not speak English properly
For whom is an English course good in Brazil?
How to End an Email: 9 Best and Worst Email Sign-Offs
You’ve worked to make your email clear, and you’ve carefully edited to streamline your writing. The body of your email might well be…
7 Clever Ways to Say “I Look Forward to Hearing from You”
You sent an important email and you’re eager to get a reply. You end your message with “I look forward to hearing…
How to Formally Write the Date
A few things to consider when you’re trying to determine how to formally note the date in a piece of writing.
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Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation
This course is designed for high-intermediate ESL students who need to develop better listening comprehension and oral skills, which will primarily be achieved by detailed instructions on pronunciation. Our focus will be on (1) producing accurate and intelligible English, (2) becoming more comfortable listening to rapidly spoken English, and (3) learning common expressions, gambits, and idioms used in both formal and informal contexts.
Marie Claire Australia: Women's Beauty & Fashion Magazine
Your daily dose of style and substance, from fashion and beauty to real life stories, news, travel, interiors and food. Sign up now!
Marie Claire - Beauty Tips, Celebrity, and Career Advice
Welcome to Marie Claire, the site that women turn to for information on fashion, style, hairstyles, beauty, womens issues, careers, health, and relationships.
The latest fashion & beauty trends, opinion, celebrity news | Marie Claire
The home of Marie Claire's fashion and beauty shopping advice, trends and tips, global reportage, news and interviews with the world's biggest celbrities