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Creating bilingual minds | Naja Ferjan Ramirez | TEDxLjubljana
Creating bilingual minds | Naja Ferjan Ramirez | TEDxLjubljana
Dr. Naja Ferjan Ramirez is a researcher studying the brain processing of language in infants and young children. In her talk, she showcases the latest techniques to study the infant brain and explains why all babies have the full potential to learn two languages at the same time. She discusses the benefits of bilingual environments for language and brain development and describes what it takes to create bilingual minds. Dela na Inštitutu za učenje in možganske znanosti univerze Washington v Seattlu. Na univerzo Brown v Združenih državah, kjer je doštudirala nevroznanost, so jo v rani mladosti pripeljali odlični športni rezultati v teku na 400 in 800 m z ovirami. Doktorirala je iz lingvistike in kognitivnih znanosti na univerzi v Kaliforniji, v San Diegu. Kasneje jo je pot ponesla v Seattle. Tam danes dela in živi s svojo družino, v kateri se uspešno sporazumevajo v kar treh jezikih - slovenskem, španskem in agleškem. Trenutno raziskuje, kako elastični in dojemljivi za učenje tujega jezika so možgani otrok od rojstva do tretjega leta starosti. Najzanimivejše ugotovitve s tega področja bo 4. decembra v Cankarjevem domu delila z nami. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Creating bilingual minds | Naja Ferjan Ramirez | TEDxLjubljana
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Josh Kaufman is the author of the #1 international bestseller, 'The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business', as well as the upcoming book 'The First 20 Hours: Mastering the Toughest Part of Learning Anything.' Josh specializes in teaching people from all walks of life how to master practical knowledge and skills. In his talk, he shares how having his first child inspired him to approach learning in a whole new way. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring peo...
The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU
How to Talk Like a Native Speaker | Marc Green | TEDxHeidelberg
How to Talk Like a Native Speaker | Marc Green | TEDxHeidelberg
Marc talked about the process of learning a foreign language and the different levels of fluency. He will show that there is a higher realm of language proficiency and explain what it takes to reach this “native” point where the benefits far surpass mere communication skills. Marc’s passion is the study of languages, their manifestation in local dialects, as well as their expression in poetry and folkloric song. He has acquired a near-native proficiency in six languages and their sub-forms and has given various musical performances. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conferen...
How to Talk Like a Native Speaker | Marc Green | TEDxHeidelberg
How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity
How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Chris Lonsdale is Managing Director of Chris Lonsdale & Associates, a company established to catalyse breakthrough performance for individuals and senior teams. In addition, he has also developed a unique and integrated approach to learning that gives people the means to acquire language or complex technical knowledge in short periods of time. Jan-21-2014 Update. The video transcripts are now available via the following links: English Only:
How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity
The most important language you will EVER learn | Poet Ali | TEDxOrangeCoast
The most important language you will EVER learn | Poet Ali | TEDxOrangeCoast
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Do you speak this language? Do you share the experience? These are questions that Poet Ali masterfully tries to answer in an original narrative. This talk explains why we should all learn the most important language that unites us all. Credits: Pictures and media are creative common or belong to the speaker Poet Ali is a Motivational Speaker, Actor, Writer, and Hip Hop Troubadour. He has used his voice and talents to be an advocate for many causes. He has toured global stages in Italy, Spain, the U.K.,...
The most important language you will EVER learn | Poet Ali | TEDxOrangeCoast
Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game | Marianna Pascal | TEDxPenangRoad
Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game | Marianna Pascal | TEDxPenangRoad
Marianna Pascal shows how the secret to speaking a new language with confidence is all about attitude, not ability. Marianna Pascal helps professionals achieve greater success in life by communicating effectively in English. Marianna began her career as an actor and performed across her native Canada in film television and on stage for 15 years. Today, Marianna improves the way employees relate to their bosses, clients, colleagues and other key stakeholders. Marianna is also the Official Communication Trainer for Miss Malaysia World. An award-wining speaker, Marianna is known for her humoro...
Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game | Marianna Pascal | TEDxPenangRoad