

Why You Need a Company Manifesto
Why You Need a Company Manifesto
When a brand has a strong company manifesto, it often becomes a label that people choose to define themselves with.
Why You Need a Company Manifesto
The Small Business Manifesto
The Small Business Manifesto
The snap election is just days away, when the nation will decide which political party will lead the country through some of the most important times in the UK’s recent history.
The Small Business Manifesto
17 Inspiring Brand Manifestos |
17 Inspiring Brand Manifestos |
Tweet Tweet Mission statements are dead. Those dull paragraphs, filled with vague aspirations of “to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential”* are a way of the past. Today’s customers simply do not have the time or will to care about lofty and overly general objectives. We don’t have the attention …
17 Inspiring Brand Manifestos |
5 Inspiring Manifestos for Business
5 Inspiring Manifestos for Business
A well-crafted manifesto portrays the fundamental essence of a company. Here are five examples to help inspire your own business manifesto.
5 Inspiring Manifestos for Business
Who We Are
Who We Are
LIVESTRONG fights for the more than 32.6 million people around the world affected by cancer now. We provide direct services, we connect people and communities with the services they need, and we call for state, national and world leaders to help fight this disease. This is LIVESTRONG.
Who We Are
Who We Are
Who We Are
LIVESTRONG fights for the more than 32.6 million people around the world affected by cancer now. We provide direct services, we connect people and communities with the services they need, and we call for state, national and world leaders to help fight this disease. This is LIVESTRONG.
Who We Are
Ten things we know to be true | Google – Google
Ten things we know to be true | Google – Google
Learn about Google's "10 things we know to be true", a philosophy that has guided the company from the beginning to this very day. Keywords: google company philosophy, corporate philosophies, 10 things we know to be true, don't be evil
Ten things we know to be true | Google – Google
What Is A Manifesto? Do You Need One? - Confetti Design
What Is A Manifesto? Do You Need One? - Confetti Design
What is a manifesto? A manifesto is a written statement where you publicly declare your, intentions. beliefs and vision for the business you wish to be.
What Is A Manifesto? Do You Need One? - Confetti Design
How to Write a Manifesto for a Tiny Business
How to Write a Manifesto for a Tiny Business
A good manifesto aligns your business with your values. But does that sound like a hopeless task? Check out this 4-step process to writing your manifesto.
How to Write a Manifesto for a Tiny Business
5 Manifestos for Art, Life & Business
5 Manifestos for Art, Life & Business
Writing a manifesto can be a powerful catalyst for action. Get the creative juices flowing with visionary manifestos from Apple, Frank Lloyd Wright, Seth Godin, and more.
5 Manifestos for Art, Life & Business
Manifesto - Desynit
Manifesto - Desynit
We believe that good systems can change your life. Find out more about our thinking in our Good Systems Manifesto.
Manifesto - Desynit
The Get Real manifesto - The Get Real Project
The Get Real manifesto - The Get Real Project
Download the Booklet > You’ve heard We believe “Knowledge is power.” Curiosity is king. “Always be closing.” Stop selling; start...
The Get Real manifesto - The Get Real Project
How to write a business manifesto
How to write a business manifesto
Great manifestos think big. They document the change you want to bring to the world. Here's how to write your business manifesto.
How to write a business manifesto
Vero Manifesto
Vero Manifesto
Vero makes sharing online more like real life. That means naturally choosing which posts get seen by who – whether it’s a photo, a song, a book or movie recommendation, a cool restaurant or a great article.
Vero Manifesto
manifesto - Coworking Brasil
manifesto - Coworking Brasil
O coworking é um movimento que está redefinindo a forma como nós trabalhamos e vivemos. Inspirados pela cultura participativa do movimento open source e da natureza transformadora das áreas de tecnologia, nós estamos construindo um futuro mais sustentável através de um novo equilíbrio entre vida e trabalho.
manifesto - Coworking Brasil
por uma cidade lúdica e coletiva, por uma arte pública, crítica e poética Publicado originalmente na Revista UFMG volume 20.1 em 2013, o Manifesto do Poro apresenta um pouco de nossas inquietações em relação aos processos urbanos contemporâneos e propõe um modo de fazer arte que seja mais aberto e relacional. Fizemos
Manifesto - VIVA PICNIC
Manifesto - VIVA PICNIC
MANIFESTO VIVA PICNIC: desde 2013 e ainda atual
Manifesto - VIVA PICNIC
Nosso Manifesto |
Nosso Manifesto |
Em toda nossa vida passamos por obstáculos geralmente sem questionar o porquê. É fácil se sentir preso. Uma pequena peça de uma grande máquina. Mas isso não tem que ser assim. Não desperdice sua vida não sendo você. Não peça permissão, a vida é muito c...
Nosso Manifesto |