Medicina Integrativa Regenerativa

Medicina Integrativa Regenerativa

Gabor Maté - The Roots of Healing
Gabor Maté - The Roots of Healing
A renowned speaker, and bestselling author, Dr. Gabor Maté is highly sought after for his expertise on a range of topics including addiction, stress and childhood development. Subscribe to Sounds True for more: Tami and Gabor talk about the immune system and how it is connected to healthy, emotional expression, and why it matters so much that we own our healthy anger and express it. They also talk about how our body can function as a teacher, and how Gabor views such diagnoses as ADHD and depression, and how his views differ from the way the medical community views those conditions. Sounds True was founded in 1985 by Tami Simon with a clear mission: to disseminate spiritual wisdom. Since starting out as a project with one woman and her tape recorder, we have grown into a multimedia publishing company with more than 80 employees, a library of more than 1500 titles featuring some of the leading teachers and visionaries of our time, and an ever-expanding family of customers from across the world. In more than three decades of growth, change, and evolution, Sounds True has maintained its focus on its overriding purpose, as summed up in our Mission Statement. Connect with us: Facebook: Instagram: Website: #IATE
Gabor Maté - The Roots of Healing
CAPA - Medicina Integrativa
CAPA - Medicina Integrativa
Matéria de capa Leia também nesta edição Laserpuntura e fotobiomodulação ThetaHealing e cura energética Craniopuntura para AIDS/HIV Ginecologia natural e união de práticas integrativas Decodificação biológica de traumas Medicina cabalista: viver com mais saúde e felicidade Fio de PDO para ptose de pálpebra Renovação de energias Imagens mentais para depressão
CAPA - Medicina Integrativa
Medicina cabalista: como viver com mais saúde e liberdade - Medicina Integrativa
Medicina cabalista: como viver com mais saúde e liberdade - Medicina Integrativa
Já reparou como a saúde não é um equilíbrio estático? Não seria ótimo se você alcançasse o equilíbrio na sua vida e ele se mantivesse para sempre? Mas a realidade é que a saúde é um equilíbrio dinâmico e não estático. Pense nisso por um momento: você se movimenta pelas estações do ano, pelos meses, ... Ler mais
Medicina cabalista: como viver com mais saúde e liberdade - Medicina Integrativa
Ginecologia natural e a união de práticas integrativas na saúde da mulher - Medicina Integrativa
Ginecologia natural e a união de práticas integrativas na saúde da mulher - Medicina Integrativa
Dos saberes herdados e compartilhados por mulheres ao longo de gerações, aos protocolos de tratamentos de terapeutas holísticas e médicas com abordagem que foge do convencional, a ginecologia natural é um movimento novo que relembra conhecimentos ancestrais e tem como um dos principais objetivos estimular o autoconhecimento e a autonomia feminina. Apesar de parecer uma ... Ler mais
Ginecologia natural e a união de práticas integrativas na saúde da mulher - Medicina Integrativa
Laserpuntura: a menina dos olhos dos terapeutas integrativos - Medicina Integrativa
Laserpuntura: a menina dos olhos dos terapeutas integrativos - Medicina Integrativa
O laser, considerado a menina dos olhos dos físicos desde sua criação em 1917 por Einstein, pode hoje ser designado também como a menina dos olhos dos terapeutas integrativos. Mas foi apenas em 1960, a partir das descrições teóricas elaboradas pelo célebre físico alemão, que uma nova forma de emissão de luz foi criada, no ... Ler mais
Laserpuntura: a menina dos olhos dos terapeutas integrativos - Medicina Integrativa
Decodificação biológica de traumas - Medicina Integrativa
Decodificação biológica de traumas - Medicina Integrativa
Acontecimentos difíceis e complexos na vida do ser humano, como a morte de um familiar querido, vivências de assaltos e outros atos violentos desse tipo, ameaças à vida, violência sexual, etc., podem causar traumas no indivíduo, mudando seu pensamento e comportamento diante da vida. Desde o final do século XIX, o neurologista e psiquiatra austríaco ... Ler mais
Decodificação biológica de traumas - Medicina Integrativa
Ancestral Healing Summit with Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone
Ancestral Healing Summit with Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone
This interview is part of the Ancestral Healing Summit, a free online event to connect with your ancestors to heal your lineages and transform your life past, present and future. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Ancestral Healing Summit with Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone
Alexander Fournier: Electricity of Life | EU2016
Alexander Fournier: Electricity of Life | EU2016
There is a truly staggering complexity to reality. Yet the case can also be made for a fresh view of organic lifeforms that is in some ways elegantly simple. Learn to see organic life with new eyes. Through a ground-up view of lifeforms that emphasizes their electrical organizing physics and their relationship to this planet, we adjust our paradigm of existence to be more cohesive. We also innovate our approach to curing a cellular disorder that members of our species in English-speaking culture have termed “cancer.” Alexander Fournier graduated from John F. Kennedy University with a Masters in Integral Psychology, which focuses on outgrowing degrees of bias and studying the psychosocial development of human systems. He values sharing important scientific discourse with a wider audience, without sacrificing its accuracy when attempting to translate it into more common vernacular. Alex is the producer and narrator for “The Electricity of Life” video series on The Thunderbolts Project YouTube Channel. SUPPORT US ON PATREON AND WATCH OUR INFLUENCE GROW: “Changing the world through understanding of the Electric Universe." Subscribe to Thunderbolts Update newsletter: The Thunderbolts Project Home: Essential Guide to the Electric Universe: Facebook: Twitter: @tboltsproject Electric Universe by Wal Thornhill: Electric Universe T-shirts and Gifts: The ideas expressed in videos presented on The Thunderbolts Project YouTube Channel do not necessarily express the views of T-Bolts Group Inc or The Thunderbolts Project(TM).
Alexander Fournier: Electricity of Life | EU2016
Science of Healing Summit - The Other Pandemic with Dr Jan Bonhoeffer
Science of Healing Summit - The Other Pandemic with Dr Jan Bonhoeffer
Dr Jan Bonhoeffer discusses the 'silent pandemic' being spread by doctors and nurses, and what we can do to stop it. This interview is part of the Science of Healing Summit, a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Science of Healing Summit - The Other Pandemic with Dr Jan Bonhoeffer
Energy Healing for healthcare workers, caregivers, wellness practitioners - Biofield Tuning
Energy Healing for healthcare workers, caregivers, wellness practitioners - Biofield Tuning
Energy Healing for healthcare workers, caregivers, wellness practitioners. Self-care support for anyone in the role of service to others. This group biofield tuning works with four directions or quadrants are shifted into coherence and 'dropped' into the middle. More information at: Biofield Tuning is a simple yet powerful method for shifting the rhythms and patterns of the electromagnetic signal of individuals, spaces, and intentions. The coherent input of a tuning fork gently supports the organism in recognizing and correcting its own vibrational imbalances. Part of supporting the coherence of your electromagnetic system is achieved by acknowledging areas of unprocessed emotion in the field. Everyone experiences Biofield Tuning differently. The modality is working on your subtle or etheric body, yet often has profound results.In general, people experience feeling lighter and more expansive after a session. #BiofieldTuning #EnergyHealing #SoundHealing IMPORTANT - CONTRAINDICATIONS:Biofield tuning is intended for individuals in general good health and is contraindicated for people who have pacemakers, women who are pregnant, in cases of recent concussions (3-6 months), morbid obesity, or anyone with any advanced or terminal disease or at the end-of-life. Contraindication details at:
Energy Healing for healthcare workers, caregivers, wellness practitioners - Biofield Tuning
Ancestral Healing Summit 2021: Bloodline Affiliations with Mona Delfino
Ancestral Healing Summit 2021: Bloodline Affiliations with Mona Delfino
This interview is part of Ancestral Healing Summit, a free online event featuring leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Ancestral Healing Summit 2021: Bloodline Affiliations with Mona Delfino
2021 Ancestral Healing Summit with Kimberly Mascaro, PhD
2021 Ancestral Healing Summit with Kimberly Mascaro, PhD
This interview is part of Ancestral Healing Summit, a free online event featuring leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. Dr. Kim can be reached at #healing #ancestors #deceased #family #love
2021 Ancestral Healing Summit with Kimberly Mascaro, PhD
Biofield Sound Healing with Ali Bowen
Biofield Sound Healing with Ali Bowen
When we come into this world, we’re joyful, trusting, curious, and loving. Then as part of living, we experience trauma, toxic relationships, heartbreak, and stress. If those struggles and stress go unprocessed, they lead to stuck energy in our biofield. We begin to feel fatigued and out of touch with ourselves and who we are. This may even express itself as physical pain and disease. I use tuning forks, medicine drumming, sound bowls, and vocalization to release these energy blocks to help bring you back into health and alignment with the true essence of who you are. If you’re interested in really healing, I would be delighted to assist you on that journey. #biofieldtuning #healthandwellnessjourney #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #mindfulnesspractice #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealer
Biofield Sound Healing with Ali Bowen
C3: Consciousness, Communication, and Change Webinar - with Cassandra Vieten, PhD
C3: Consciousness, Communication, and Change Webinar - with Cassandra Vieten, PhD
C3: Consciousness, Communication, and Change Are you a changemaker? Working to promote positive change in yourself, your clients, organizations, or society? Learn science-based strategies for supercharging your message, and practices for conveying a powerful and genuine presence. This C3: Consciousness, Communication and Change webinar is facilitated by Cassandra Vieten, PhD, President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (A CHI Founding Organization). People promoting good causes often unintentionally employ methods that are not only ineffective, but actually counterproductive to what they are trying to achieve. Conventional approaches to advancing progressive causes are not working. C3 is a comprehensive and engaging, easy-to-access and evidence-based set of strategies, tools, and practices that you can use immediately to boost your success. Developed by over 25 leading social, cognitive, and brain scientists and experts on powerful presence, and based on the discoveries of hundreds more, this C3 mini-workshop will send you home with skills and practices you can use today to help you succeed in your change-making, fundraising, awareness-raising, or advocacy work.
C3: Consciousness, Communication, and Change Webinar - with Cassandra Vieten, PhD
Science of Healing Summit: Charles Eisenstein & Ben Stewart
Science of Healing Summit: Charles Eisenstein & Ben Stewart
We had a blast talking about healing our state of the world, dynamics with Charles filming, & much more... #BenStewart #CharlesEisenstein #Science #Healing #Solutions This interview is part of the Science of Healing Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. You are the most powerful technology. Don't ever forget that. Join our kickass Discord community! Support & Access Exclusive Content! Check Out My Latest Documentaries - “Awake In The Darkness” - "DMT QUEST" - Visit to get more involved. Check out my Gaia shows "Psychedelica" & "Limitless" with a free trial. - Make sure to hit the like button and Follow me on: Facebook: Minds: Instagram: Twitter: Rumble: BitChute: TikTok:
Science of Healing Summit: Charles Eisenstein & Ben Stewart
Sound Healing Global Summit 2020 with Maestro Satya Brat www iash in
Sound Healing Global Summit 2020 with Maestro Satya Brat www iash in
Discover the Life transforming Healing Power of Sound medicine & Singing Bowls with Maestro Satya Brat on the eve of Global Sound Healing Summit 2020. For more info on Sound Therapy with Singing Bowl, Pls. visit IASH.IN / IASH.US This interview is a part of the Global Sound Healing Summit, a free online event where you can revitalize yourself through vibrational medicine. For more information, Pls. visit This recording is a copyright of the shift network. All rights reserved.
Sound Healing Global Summit 2020 with Maestro Satya Brat www iash in
Live Biofield Tuning with Alena Rudkouskaya
Live Biofield Tuning with Alena Rudkouskaya
This session begins at 1:11 pm EST. Join us live! Zoom to participate with the meditation or YouTube to be incognito, yet still ask questions and comment :) PARTICIPATE LIVE All her life Alena was fascinated by anything related to a healthy lifestyle. The right food choices and holistic healing were her main interest. At the same time, she chose to pursue a scientific career in biology since it was the closest field to her primary interest. Shortly after receiving her PhD degree in Plant Physiology in her home country Belarus, Alena moved to the United States with her family to start a new life. During twenty plus years of successful research in biomedical science her passion for alternative healing modalities continued to grow in parallel; she acquired Reiki training, other energy practices and accumulated vast knowledge in many modalities to maintain energetic balance in our bodies. Recently, frequency healing via sound therapy, especially biofield tuning with tuning forks, got her attention and spurred her spiritual awakening. Eventually, she was purged from academia for non-compliance with the mandates which launched her into the biofield tuning world! Alena started her YouTube channel with how to videos explaining the essential elements for robust health and resilience. She also offers personal sessions. In this session Alena will perform a group biofield adjustment with tuning forks. Biofield is an electromagnetic field surrounding and permeating our bodies. It takes the shape of a torus and acts as a capacitor with two terminals above our heads and below our feet to allow descending and ascending electric currents from the Sun and Earth. In a sense, biofield serves as the storage of our life force and simultaneously as a record of our personal and ancestral traumas, limiting beliefs, fears etc. All these energetic distortions can be detected by changed sound quality of tuning forks when inserted into specific pockets of frozen energy. Our bodies innate organizing intelligence also perceives these sound distortions and automatically self-adjusts (auto tunes) to more harmonious and coherent energy flow. By eliminating energy distortions in the biofield various physical, emotional and spiritual issues can be resolved. This will be a remote session using the intention to work on the holograms of the participants through the quantum field, amplified by the power of the Stargate pyramid. We will adjust the energy in the biofield terminals, Earth star and Sun star energy centers, first to amplify the currents in the central channel, after that we will clear all fears in the collective biofield, that are ready to surface and be resolved. It’s important to be well hydrated before, during and after the session. ALENA'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL SCHEDULE A PERSONAL BIOFIELD TUNING SESSION PYRAMID SCIENCE FOUNDATION The Pyramid Science Foundation was incorporated in 2019 as a Pennsylvania nonprofit corporation and was designated by the Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) organization in early 2020. The Foundation was founded to conduct scientific research relating to the value of pyramids to human physical and behavioral health, the environment, agriculture, materials science and other affiliated areas of research. As part of our research, we will examine the numerous factors affecting pyramid energy and performance, including geometry, building materials, energy enhancements, location, color and other factors. DONATIONS APPRECIATED :) Charlie Ziese Chair PSF Owner Author 76.345 CHARLIE ZIESE'S NEW BOOK 76.345 Through his original research in Sacred Geometry, harmonics and ancient diagrams, Charlie demonstrates the essential role of 76.345 in the progression of the Platonic Solids, in vibrational coherence, and in Universal Phi Scaling. He also addresses the troubling questions of how mankind came to lose this ancient knowledge. He lays out concrete examples of how the history and knowledge of the Golden Ratio, Sacred Geometry, fractals, the Fibonacci Sequence, the Aether, the Platonic Solids, and Western mathematics has been falsified and suppressed. The first book published of its kind! Lisa Richards Vice Chair PSF Owner Paul Barlow President PSF Owner GIVESENDGO DONATIONS
Live Biofield Tuning with Alena Rudkouskaya
Ancestral Healing Summit 2020 - Suzanne Giesemann
Ancestral Healing Summit 2020 - Suzanne Giesemann
The online Ancestral Healing Summit was hosted by The Shift Network on February 17-21, 2020. Several leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers shared insights and practices for connecting with the wise and loving among our ancestors. Suzanne Giesemann presented, “Continuing the Dialogue with our Loved Ones Across the Veil.” Enjoy Suzanne’s evidence from across the veil as she describes the conversations and connections with those who have passed. Hear tips and tools to recognize the assistance, signs, and lessons from ancestors. This interview is part of the Ancestral Healing Summit, a free online event to connect with your ancestors to heal your lineages and transform your life past, present and future. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. Find more information on The Shift Network at Find more information about Suzanne and her work at
Ancestral Healing Summit 2020 - Suzanne Giesemann
Shift Sound Healing Global Summit
Shift Sound Healing Global Summit
In the Shift Network Global Sound Healing Summit, Dean and Dudley Evenson joined 37 sound healers and experts in the field of vibrational medicine. In their presentation the Evensons share sound healing tools and techniques they have used to keep their relationship fresh and alive for over 50 years! They also offer simple ways non-musicians can use elements of sound and music to deepen their connection. Whether working with a significant other, friends, or a group, these ideas can be useful to enhance all relationships in meaningful ways. Breath, vocal toning and humming are the basis of both healthy living and also of music in general. The simple practices offered by the Dean and Dudley can form the basis of good health for both the individual and the relationship. Self-expression through sound can be beneficial in dislodging and releasing negative or damaging emotions. When meaning is added to sound and vocal expression, the positive result can be amplified. Singing can raise your vibration. Whether you were told to sing in the back of the choir or just never had confidence in your voice, singing can lift your spirit, boost your immune system and help balance emotions and stress levels. Dean and Dudley draw from a lifetime of singing together, not as professional singers, but as people living a life of joy and connection. Playing open tuned instruments, percussion, or singing bowls can make music available to all, whether musically trained or not. Tibetan singing bowls have long been used to deepen the meditation experience. Therapy harps with open tunings can create beautiful sounds and require no special training. Native American style wooden flutes are tuned to five notes and are quite simple to play. Beating a round drum to a simple rhythm supports mutual entrainment. This interview is part of the Sound Healing Summit, a free online event where you can revitalize yourself through vibrational medicine. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To listen on all streaming platforms, search Dean Evenson. Thank you for subscribing to SOUNDINGS MINDFUL MEDIA: Listen to Soundings on all streaming platforms and check out our latest multi-media releases: Follow Soundings of the Planet & Dean Evenson: --YouTube: (Soundings of the Planet) --Facebook: (Soundings of the Planet) --Facebook: (Dean Evenson) --Instagram: (Soundings of the Planet) --Instagram: (Dean Evenson) --Soundings Blog: Please visit our music site and blog at:
Shift Sound Healing Global Summit
The Next Level Science of Sound Healing | John Stuart Reid
The Next Level Science of Sound Healing | John Stuart Reid
Did you know you can heal yourself and evolve your consciousness with frequency medicine? Join us in a FREE online event with CymaScope inventor John Stuart Reid and experience a scientific demonstration on how sound and infrared light activates and powers our bodies. New scientific insights into the fabric of the universe places us on the edge of new frontiers in healing and spiritual expansion in our world. Acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid is your go-to source for cutting-edge information about the remarkable power of sound and frequency to foster healing in the body. Sign up for FREE here: SUBSCRIBE to The Shift Network for free videos on awareness with focus on chakras, meditation, kundalini and more. More at ▶︎ Instagram: ▶︎ Facebook: The Shift Network
The Next Level Science of Sound Healing | John Stuart Reid
The Link Between Ancestral Trauma & Health
The Link Between Ancestral Trauma & Health
Everything that has happened to each of our parents, their parents, and their parents, etc, informs our health. Why? Because every single thing that happens to someone has an energetic signature associated with it, and that reverberates within the field of the individual. Tune in to hear how my theory about the Pristine Blueprint and the Unified Field tie in perfectly to the idea that ancestral trauma can indeed impact our health. Dr. Beth . . . This interview is part of the Ancestral Healing Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. . . . #health #ancestral #imprint #generationaltrauma #generational #medicine #summit #shiftnetwork #healing #family #systemic #meditation #yoga #truth #reality #connection #theory #quantum #physics
The Link Between Ancestral Trauma & Health
Eileen Day McKusick Healing PTSD
Eileen Day McKusick Healing PTSD
Watch the Free Healing PTSD Summit Now! Eileen Day McKusick, Doctors, Therapists, Psychologists & More Share Life-Changing Strategies to Overcome PTSD. Register now to get access to this free BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS. Watch The Free Overcoming PTSD Series! Release your fears, heal your past, live a life filled with joy, peace & fulfillment! According to the American Psychiatric Association, PTSD can be a disabling condition that impacts about 3.5 percent of U.S. adults. And women are twice as likely as men to have PTSD. Do you struggle with PTSD? Do you yearn to feel more peace, serenity, happiness & contentment in your life? If you answered yes to any of these questions, we invite you to join us for the free Overcoming PTSD BREAKTHROUGH MASTERCLASS, where we've brought together a collection of the world's most respected teachers, doctors, therapists, psychologists, bestselling authors & more to share their expertise & wisdom with you. During this online event, our teachers will be helping you free yourself from the grip anxiety, depression, panic attacks, fear & trauma has on your life, and/or the lives of those you love. Please join us (And Share This Information With People You Know Would Benefit) for The Free Overcoming PTSD Series Now:
Eileen Day McKusick Healing PTSD