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Joshua Leeds | Soundwork and Sound Healing | Shift Network 2020
Joshua Leeds | Soundwork and Sound Healing | Shift Network 2020
Find more from Joshua on or Joshua Leeds Soundwork on Facebook. This interview is part of the Sound Healing Summit, presented by The Shift Network. (c) The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Joshua Leeds | Soundwork and Sound Healing | Shift Network 2020
Trance Drumming for Healing - Shift Sound Healing Summit
Trance Drumming for Healing - Shift Sound Healing Summit
Trance Drumming for Healing Broadcast on August 12, 2021 Hosted by Christine Stevens With Krista Holland Throughout diverse cultures, humans worldwide have explored ways to create trance states through drumming, dancing, and other practices. Many modern people seek to understand the healing mechanisms and potential within these trance states. Together with Krista Holland, learn how drumming in rituals, ceremonies, and rites of passage are a means for accessing states of ecstasy and trance — and hold keys for modern humans in trauma resolution and facilitating greater mental health and wellbeing. In This Session: How widespread traditional cultures have utilized drumming and trance for healing Experience how to use the drum for soothing, such as a lullaby for your child Experience odd meter rhythms — in 5 and 7 — to create repetition and trance Discover the five element sounds on the frame drum Learn to play the frame drum: The SACRED ⚪️ DRUMMING ACADEMY:
Trance Drumming for Healing - Shift Sound Healing Summit
Healing strategies with Tiffany Barsotti
Healing strategies with Tiffany Barsotti
🙏🙏 The New Free Courses by The Chopra Well Guests 🙏🙏 FREE Feminine Power Breakthrough Ebook 👉 FREE Feminine Power Seminar 👉 SPECIAL FREE COURSE : How to Unlock YOUR QUANTUM POWERS 👉 -- From Human to #Metahuman - 🙏 Get the book @ 🙏 Healing strategies with Tiffany Barsotti
Healing strategies with Tiffany Barsotti
Heather Salmon ~ The Shift Network Global Sound Healing Summit
Heather Salmon ~ The Shift Network Global Sound Healing Summit
Heather Salmon explores different types of sacred sound group experiences, including guided journeys, in which people are more passive and receiving… as well as interactive processes, in which people are actively engaged in sounding and toning. This interview is part of the Sound Healing Summit, a free online event where you can revitalize yourself through vibrational medicine. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Heather Salmon ~ The Shift Network Global Sound Healing Summit
Healing and Compassion Logan Visionary Conference 2022
Healing and Compassion Logan Visionary Conference 2022
Through the generous support of Dan and Gloria Logan and their Revada Foundation, AVAM’s annual free conference of international experts this year focuses on the twin forces of healing and compassion. This year's generous speakers: Tracy Gaudet, MD is a recognized leader in the evolution of healthcare and is currently the Executive Director of the Whole Health Institute. Prior to accepting this position, Dr. Gaudet was the founding executive director of the Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA) National Office of Patient-Centered Care and Cultural Transformation. While at the VHA, her office was charged with leading the VHA’s evolution to Whole Health, a unique and visionary approach to wellness that delivers personalized, proactive, and patient-centered care to US veterans. Dana Ullman, MPH, CCH is one of America’s leading advocates for homeopathy. He has authored 10 books, two of which include a Foreword by the Physician to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II…and these book are The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People and Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy, and Discovering Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century. He has also authored chapters on homeopathy in 4 different medical textbooks, two of which were published by Oxford University Press. Chris Beyrer, MD, MPH is a professor of epidemiology, international health, medicine, and of health, behavior and society. A prolific public health and human rights activist, Dr. Beyrer has dedicated himself to researching and preventing transmissible diseases. Dr. Beyrer serves as Director of Johns Hopkins Training Program in HIV Epidemiology and Prevention Science and as Founding Director of the Center for Public Health and Human Rights. He also was recognized as the Inaugural Desmond M. Tutu Professor in Public Health and Human Rights at Johns Hopkins University. He is a longtime Lay Buddhist practitioner. Mama Rashida Forman-Bey is a lifelong community organizer, visual artist, performing artist, activist, and educator. She is a co-founder of the nonprofit WombWork Productions, a premier social justice youth and adult theatre company. A Baltimore native, Rashida has centered her transformational work on city-youth, designing curricula to help both youth and adults to reach their full potential through theatre, character building and professional development workshops. She is also a Distinguished Community Arts Fellow at Maryland Institute College of Art and a certified Master Virtues Project and African Rites of Passage facilitator in demand internationally. Arno Michaelis is a speaker, author of My Life After Hate, co-author of The Gift of Our Wounds, Filmmaker, and Peacebuilding Consultant. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Arno was a leader of hate groups, and frontman of the hate-metal band Centurion before single parenthood, love for his daughter, and the forgiveness shown by people he once hated helped to change his world, bringing love for diversity and gratitude for all life. Arno has appeared on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360”, “The View”, the BBC, CBC, and ABC. He has published op-ed on CNN, The Huffington Post, The Washington Post, and Al Jazeera English. Eileen McKusick is an independent researcher, practitioner, author, and educator who has been studying the effects of sound on the human body for over 25 years. Creator of the pioneering sound therapy method Biofield Tuning, McKusick engages in a systematic study of the body’s electrical system in its entirety to discover how the clarity, strength, and coherence of this system plays a critical and overlooked role in our overall health and energy levels. Lara Naughton is a writer, teacher, certified compassion trainer, and founder of The Compassion Program at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola. With more than twenty years of experience, she has worked with students K-12, as well as with adults who have faced challenging circumstances, including homelessness, domestic violence, wrongful conviction, and incarceration. MORE:
Healing and Compassion Logan Visionary Conference 2022
The Shift Network's Science Healing Summit
The Shift Network's Science Healing Summit
This interview with Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier is part of the Science of Healing Summit, a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
The Shift Network's Science Healing Summit
Episode 45: Eileen McKusick - Biofield Tuning
Episode 45: Eileen McKusick - Biofield Tuning
Subscribe to the podcast here -- Listen to the podcast here --- On this episode of My Corner of the Universe Podcast Eileen Mckusick shares how she got started with Biofield Tuning and how it can help in so many ways. Biofield Tuning is based on the premise that the human biofield - the energy field that surrounds and permeates our bodies - is inextricably connected with our conscious and subconscious mind, including all of our memories. All physical, mental and emotional disorders can be perceived as "dissonance" in our energy fields. Biofield Tuning is able to diminish and resolve this dissonance and in doing so, alleviate and even eradicate the corresponding physical, mental and/or emotional symptoms. HOW IT WORKS ​ During a Biofield Tuning session, a client lies fully clothed on a treatment table while the practitioner activates a tuning fork and scans the body slowly beginning from a distance. The practitioner is feeling for resistance and turbulence in the client's energy field, as well as listening for a change in the overtones and undertones of the tuning fork. When the practitioner encounters a turbulent area he/she continues to activate the tuning fork and hold it in that specific spot. Research suggests the body's organizational energy uses the steady coherent vibrational frequency of the tuning fork to "tune" itself. In short order, the dissonance resolves and the sense of resistance gives way. This appears to correspond to the release of tension with the body. Practitioners work with the "Biofield Anatomy Map", a compilation of Biofield Tuning's founder, Eileen Day McKusick’s 20+ years of biofield observations. Areas of dissonance can be pinpointed to a specific age and type of memory. For example, one might find a strong sense of sadness at age 12 or birth trauma at the outer edge of the biofield.
Episode 45: Eileen McKusick - Biofield Tuning
The Shift Network's 2022 Ancestral Healing Summit - Neurodynamic Breathwork and Ancestral Healing
The Shift Network's 2022 Ancestral Healing Summit - Neurodynamic Breathwork and Ancestral Healing
This is the interview that I did in The Shift Network's Ancestral Healing Summit where I discussed how I was able to have a tremendous breakthrough in my own ancestral healing with NeuroDynamic Breathwork. If you have never participated in one of our online breathwork sessions before, for a free online breathwork session (via Zoom), go to: and click on "Try a free breathwork session". After participating in your first session, you will receive an offer to participate for an entire month for free, up to 20 live breathwork sessions worth up to $800.00! For more information on our Breathwork Facilitator Training Program, go to: Note: This interview is part of The Breathwork Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
The Shift Network's 2022 Ancestral Healing Summit - Neurodynamic Breathwork and Ancestral Healing
Dr. Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage -- The Physics of Emotions | EU2017
Dr. Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage -- The Physics of Emotions | EU2017
Most people have heard of the “mind/body connection” and are aware that emotions affect the way people act. However, few can describe how that works. What is relatively new is our understanding that emotions are stored in and around the body as magnetic fields. Not only do these magnetic fields cause the biochemical effects noted above, but they also block the flow of voltage in the associated muscle battery packs that provide the voltage necessary for organs to function and repair themselves. He will discuss the human body’s battery packs, wiring system, and the physics of how our electronic systems are affected by these emotions. In addition, he will discuss how other magnetic fields and scalar energy can be used to erase these emotions, leaving behind only memories that do not disrupt our health and physiology. Dr. Jerry Tennant is board certified in ophthalmology and ophthalmic plastic surgery (residency, Harvard Medical School and Southwestern Medical School.) He was the director of ophthalmic plastic surgery clinic at Parkland Hospital in Dallas and practiced from 1965 to 1995. He did much of the FDA study for the VISX Excimer laser and performed approximately 1,000 surgeries in the United States and Europe. In addition, Dr. Tennant was the founder/director of the Dallas Eye Institute and one of the first surgeons in the USA to place intraocular lenses in eyes after cataract surgery and taught these techniques around the world. He holds patents for medical devices including intraocular lenses and several surgical instruments. While licensed in Arizona by the Board of Homeopathic and Alternative Medicine, Dr. Tennant is currently the Director of the Tennant Institute for Integrative Medicine. If you see a CC with this video, it means that subtitles are available. To find out which ones, click on the Gear Icon in the lower right area of the video box and click on “subtitles” in the drop-down box. Then click on the subtitle that you would like. Become a Producer through the PATREON Rewards program... Subscribe to Thunderbolts eNewsletter The Thunderbolts Project homepage Essential Guide to the Electric Universe Electric Universe Books & Merch Electric Universe by Wal Thornhill Instagram Facebook Podcasts Twitter @tboltsproject
Dr. Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage -- The Physics of Emotions | EU2017
Jessica Luibrand - Biofield Tuning - Alternative Heal Tools podcast
Jessica Luibrand - Biofield Tuning - Alternative Heal Tools podcast
Jessica Luibrand is a holistic health practitioner who specializes in healing the body physically and energetically. A health crisis in college caused by traditional medicine was the catalyst for Jess to search for natural modalities that heal the physical body in union with the mind. Biofield Tuning is a way to literally "tune" the human biofield with tuning forks. We, as humans, are electrical, magnetic, chemical and organic beings that emit an electromagnetic (EM) field around us - called the 'Biofield' which is a term coined by esteemed Subtle Energy Scientist, Beverly Rubik in 1994. The term was badly needed then to explain the aura in scientific terminology. Our memories and traumas that we experience in our lives are not stored in our brain, like once thought, but in the energy that surrounds our body - in chronological order - like rings on a tree, so your birth story exists about 5-6 feet away from you and then as we move closer to the body you become your age! Traumas and situations that caused an emotional upheaval in your life also cause a distortion in the EM field that the tuning forks can easily pick up on. A tuning fork creates a coherent sound, so it changes in pitch, timbre and tone when it hits a discoherent spot, or as it's hypothesized, or packet of biophotons (light particles we emit). "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration." ~ Nikola Tesla By gently combing through the field with the tuning forks you can re-regulate this dis-coherence by pulling it back into alignment with the chakras of the body. The chakras act as transformers and circulate energy to help the body rebalance itself. I have completed all 3 levels of Biofield Tuning under the guidance of Eileen Day McKusick, author, scientist, innovator, a researcher on audible noise, and my dear friend.
Jessica Luibrand - Biofield Tuning - Alternative Heal Tools podcast
A New and Life-Changing Perspective on Health - Get Real with Dr. Friedemann - Ep 002
A New and Life-Changing Perspective on Health - Get Real with Dr. Friedemann - Ep 002
READ MORE ON MY BLOG: 10 Days of Free Empowerment Tools: Work with me 1 on 1: “Do you remember how electrical currents and ‘unseen waves’ were laughed at? The knowledge about man is still in its infancy.” -- Albert Einstein Emotional health is one of the areas that cause more head-scratching than certainty. One of the most fiercely discussed topics is whether feelings such as anxiety or sadness are created by our mind or created by biochemical changes in our brain. Medical research has mainly focused on a physiological solution to emotional problems. There is also no doubt that anti-anxiety medications have helped countless people disrupt the downward spiral of anxiety and depression, and escape a state of emotional paralysis and entrapment. But what came first—the chicken or the egg? Are neurotransmitter imbalances in the brain the root cause of fear and anxiety, or are they just a biochemical symptom of consciousness-created emotions? And what if there is another explanation for what causes our emotions – an explanation that potentially changes our entire view on health and well-being? My guest on this episode of Get Real is Eileen Day McKusick, a pioneering researcher in the fields of electric health and therapeutic sound. 0:00 - The paradigm shift of the electric nature of the body 5:07 - The body's bioplasmic field and how it conducts electricity 9:20 - How our emotions impact our physical health 11:44 - The torus of our electrical structure 16:39 - Stuck emotions stopping energy flow in the body 21:52 - How having beliefs can limit opportunities 26:01 - The imbalance of the biofield on Earth and its societal impact --- Learn more at -- FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: PINTEREST: TWITTER: LINKEDIN: Friedemann Schaub, MD, PhD, is the award-winning author of The Fear + Anxiety Solution. Dr. Schaub has helped thousands of people with his Personal Breakthrough and Empowerment program to overcome their fear and anxiety by addressing the deeper, subconscious root causes of these emotional challenges.
A New and Life-Changing Perspective on Health - Get Real with Dr. Friedemann - Ep 002
Ancestral Healing Summit // Shift Network
Ancestral Healing Summit // Shift Network
Have you ever had the inkling that your childhood, along with the life experiences and childhood of your parents, and even further back into your family line may be influencing the way that you yourself live your life and may even be affecting your health? Tune into this interview where we dive deep into the ways our generational trauma and experiences can impact our health, and how we can begin unwinding these imprints to restore and optimize our health. Dr. Beth . . . This interview is part of the Ancestral Healing Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. . . . #health #ancestral #imprint #generationaltrauma #generational #medicine #newearth #newhuman #summit #shiftnetwork #healing #family #systemic #ancestralhealing #meditation #yoga #truth #reality #epigenetics
Ancestral Healing Summit // Shift Network
Biofield Tuning
Biofield Tuning
Clients often wonder how Biofield Tuning works and what they can expect, this video takes you through a condensed version of a client's session.
Biofield Tuning
Eileen McKusick - What evidence do we have for Electric Biology?
Eileen McKusick - What evidence do we have for Electric Biology?
The Electric View - Ep 37 - August 14th, 2018 Today we have Heather, Robert, Edwin, Buddy, Richard, Jim and Dave with our wonderful guest Eileen McKusick. She will be describing her work in Human biofield tuning and we will be discussing the electrical properties and mechanisms that seem to make this possible. Eileen McKusick at EU2017: "These conversations are for education and imagination. We are here to explore and speculate on ideas, theories, concepts, and visions. Opinions expressed are that of the individuals and are fluid and malleable. What we learn today may change our minds tomorrow." **FAIR USE DISCLAIMER** This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. The Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976 states that allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. FAIR USE DEFINITION: Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107:
Eileen McKusick - What evidence do we have for Electric Biology?
The Body Electric with Eileen McKusick
The Body Electric with Eileen McKusick
The Body Electric with Eileen McKusick How fear shuts down your electrical circuits! Can just using a tuning fork for 5-10 minutes a day help create Peace in your life, flatten your stomach, strengthen and tone your biceps and be able to eat gluten again? The physical body needs a tune-up too- How to keep your system running optimally SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES: FULL SHOWNOTES HERE: Today I talk with Eileen McKusick about how using the Sonic Slider tuning fork helped her to tone her entire body and look better than ever at 52 after having 2 babies without exercise or changing her diet. We go deep into how the sound of the earth frequency 7.83 Hertz can help you feel at peace and release old traumas for good. Say goodbye to holding onto fear and self-sabotage! WE DISCUSSED Looking for areas of distortion- how the body can be like a guitar in needing to be tuned. Biofeedback of the body Tension makes you go out of tune, but the body can be adjusted easily How Elaina uses her sonic slider tuning fork over her organs, pineal, and thyroid for healing Creating a coherent consistent vibe throughout the body to make us feel consistent If you are a meditator, how tuning can work in conjunction How to clear our memory banks in specific places Breathing is the key to everything! Liberate the breath- the primary source of electrical juice Being electrically connected to our environment The more connected we are to nature, the more connected we are to the “vibe of truth” Feeling the earth beneath your feet- that’s what’s real! The simplicity of sitting, breathing, and listening to birds Bones are crystalline in nature and when compressed they make electricity (such as bouncing) How many minutes a day does it take to get toned muscles Feeling calmer, clearer, improving digestion and making everything stronger Emotions last only 90 seconds in your body, but we lock it in and create a story around it which is just noise in the signal People are unplugged from the juice of life by compartmentalizing things The best medicine? Have more fun! Be in service, enjoy others, learn to sing, dance, laughter Wake up out of the spell of doom and gloom and misery. Connect and Play! “Your Breath done right is all you need!” If you like this episode and want to hear more, please head to iTunes, subscribe, rate, and review this podcast. If you’d like us to explore more on any of the topics above, right to us! We’d love to hear from you. Subscribe here:
The Body Electric with Eileen McKusick
"Modern Science is finally recognizing that energy constitutes the blueprint of the physical body. Meanwhile, the energetic vibration of sound can be used to change that blueprint in ways that foster health and well-being. Genes literally express themselves in different ways when exposed to specific kinds of sound. Tuning the Human Biofield is a ground-breaking introduction to the art and science of applying these principles. It will take you on an intellectually juicy ride." Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine *** SO MUCH APPRECIATION & GRATITUDE FOR LIKING, SUBSCRIBING, COMMENTING & SHARING - This supports our younger alters generational consciousness growth, they feel acknowledged & recognised. It supports the growth of this channel & spreading these keys far & wide so the collective dream can begin & It also helps these videos reach everyone else out there who are wanting/needing to self-align, want to be inspired & want to turn surviving into THRIVING! *** When Eileen McKusick began offering sound therapy in her massage practise she soon discovered she could use tuning forks to locate and hear disturbances in the energy field, or biofield, that surrounded each of her clients. She found these energetic disturbances correlate with the emotional and physical traumas her clients had experienced through their lives, the biofield acting as a record of pain, stress and trauma from a gestation onward. Passing the forks through these areas in the biofield not only corrected the distorted vibrational sounds she was hearing but also imparted consistent, predictable and sometimes immediate relief from pain, anxiety, insomnia, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, and a host of other complaints. Now nearly 20 years later, Mckusick has fully developed her sound healing method, which she calls sound balancing, and created a map of the biofield, revealing the precise locations where specific emotions, memories, ailments and traumas are stored. Do you Want, NEED, a new way, PERSPECTIVE of MEDITATING? Embark on your own internal awareness journey by joining in on my personal live healing meditations. Put across in a modality that is receptive to me and my alters and any other readers in the easiest, funniest but challenging way of being read to and then embracing each moment fully by listening with your whole body, being in your resonance silence. LISTEN is an anagram of SILENT!!! There are many balancing, restorative, healing & transformative frequencies and vibrations being sent out during in this live visual meditation (there is a live audio SoundCloud meditation to accompany this, my first YouTube live meditation post but many other out-loud reading live meditation podcasts on shinto-self-empowerment ). As they are always dedicated to everyone's highest good with at least a couple of hours previous, personal, private meditations. BUT BE AWARE - There are personal deep deep dark childhood pains, facilitating need and want to live, mental, emotional and physical pains and catholic church generational trauma patterns being reprogrammed in these meditations from all my bodies (mental, physical, emotional, chemical, energetic and spiritual) - "all about maximum output minimum effort for me!" These aren't done from the rational mind and although we are triggered....... being triggered for us (me, niamh and my many alters) is an opportunity to transform, reprogram the past C-PTSD memory-vibration-frequency residing in my physiological body (the Psychosomatic memory) being played out in that present moment and then the conscious collective ,I, Niamh, fully applying her years of life experience knowledge, educated knowledges, just all of it and its diversities (as there are many lol) but especially the sounding and body movements or subtle internal panting-shaking, face-mouth yoga and my personal breathing styles and rhythms being interconnected and used all at once to counter balance as much of the pain in all the bodies at once bringing to NO or at least bearable pain. TIME~CODES: 00:00 - 00:16 Title 00:16 - 00:55 "Quote Reference" 00:55 - 04:00 Back of Book 04:00 - 00:00 More Quotes 06:06 - 06:53 Om & G Tuning Forks 06:53 - 07:17 Vocal Sounding 07:17 - 08:52 Contents & Fibonacci Excitement 08:52 - 09:04 Release of Unserving Lower Vibration Frequencies/Energies 904 911 09:04 - 09:11 Our Tuning Fork Mantra 09:11 - 09:38 Contents 09:38 - 18:06 Foreword 18:06 - 19:25 Sounding Through Triggers 19:25 - 19:53 Tapping & Thymus Tap 19:53 - 49:09 Foreword Continued 49:09 - 49:17 Namaste *** I am not a licensed physician. Anything expressed in this video are our personal opinions or the opinion of the author and should be viewed as entertainment purposes only. *** #ShintoSelfEmpowerment #NiamhDebsSnowflakeColeman #JourneyOfInvolution2CoConsiousness
Eileen Day McKusick - Healing With The Masters Summit
Eileen Day McKusick - Healing With The Masters Summit
Eileen McKusick and Jennifer McLean discuss the human biofield and Biofield Tuning as a science and practice. This interview is part of the Healing With The Masters Summit, a free online event where you can experience advanced guided healings and receive proven self-healing tools. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Eileen Day McKusick - Healing With The Masters Summit
Electric Body, Electric Health | Eileen McKusic
Electric Body, Electric Health | Eileen McKusic
Welcome to my podcast: Want to experience the benefits of this work for yourself? Take my (free) 7 Day Trust Meditation Challenge and start changing your life for the better: My lovely guest this week is Eileen Mckusick. Eileen is a researcher, author, and speaker. Her area of focus is health and human potential, and she has conducted pioneering research in the new paradigm of electric health and biofield science. During our conversation, we speak about adjusting the electrical systems of people bodies. We discuss using the voice in order to create vibrations and how these actions can affect the electrical charge within you and create resonance. If you’re interested in knowing how you can influence your emotions and your body using electrical charges, then this episode is for you.  About Eileen: Eileen McKusick is an author and thought leader in health and human potential who has conducted pioneering research in the new paradigm of electric health and biofield science. She has been researching the many facets of health and human potential for the past 35 years. In 1996, she picked up her first set of tuning forks and began incorporating them in her massage therapy practice. After witnessing the positive effects on her clients, she began researching the effects of therapeutic sound on the human body and energy field, ultimately creating the sound therapy method of Biofield Tuning. Eileen is the author of two books on sound therapy and biofield science. Her first book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy (based on her Master’s thesis) won the 2015 Nautilus Silver Award and 2017 Gold COVR award. Her second book, Electric Body, Electric Health is a ground-breaking look at the electric nature of the human body, emotions and life itself. Eileen's Website:   Key points with time stamp: - Eileen work in her own words (0:12) - Eileen’s research (1:03) - Eileen on the Ether (4:26) - What set Eileen on the path to spirituality? (6:28) - Using toning to affect the electrical charge of the body (13:51) - Is it easier to overcome life’s challenges when we are more coherent with our energies? (15:40) - The storing of emotions in our body and how we can affect them (18:27) - Examples of effectively changing emotions with redistributing the electrical charge in our bodies (23:48) - Is Eileen hopeful for the future of this kind of medicine? (28:22) - Eileen’s book (30:21) - Practices in Electric Body, Electric Health to help you retune (30:51) - A low point for Eileen that later became a blessing (35:03) - Eileen’s morning routine (37:21) - Eileen’s choice of a dinner guest, from any time frame (39:21) - What Eillen leaves us with (40:46) Mentioned in this episode: - The Akashic Records - Remote viewing - Distance healing - The Doppler effect - The CDC - The Schuman resonance - Electric Body, Electric Health, Eileen’s second book - National Geographic - Joe Dispenza - Bob Marley - Peter Toms About me: My Instagram: My website: Listen On iTunes; Listen On Stitcher (Android): Grab a FREE copy of My 5 Step Morning Routine:
Electric Body, Electric Health | Eileen McKusic
Biofield Tuning - Mini System Reset 2020
Biofield Tuning - Mini System Reset 2020
Biofield Tuning session including the adjustment, opening, and connection of Earth and Sun Star chakras. It allows for deep relaxation stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system, grounding, and opening up to greater energetic flow in the bio-electromagnetic system. More information at: IMPORTANT - CONTRAINDICATIONS: Biofield tuning is intended for individuals in general good health and is contraindicated for people who have pacemakers, women who are pregnant, in cases of recent concussions (3-6 months), morbid obesity or anyone with any advanced or terminal disease or at the end-of-life. Contraindication details at: More about Biofield Tuning: Biofield Tuning is a simple yet powerful method for shifting the rhythms and patterns of the body’s electromagnetic system. The coherent input of a tuning fork gently supports the body in recognizing and correcting its own vibrational imbalances. Part of supporting the coherence of your electromagnetic system is achieved by acknowledging areas of unprocessed emotion in the field. Everyone experiences Biofield Tuning differently. The modality is working on your subtle or etheric body, yet often has profound results. In general, people experience feeling lighter, and more expansive after a session. #BiofieldTuning #EnergyHealing #SoundHealing
Biofield Tuning - Mini System Reset 2020
Eileen McKusick discusses her new book Electric Body, Electric Health
Eileen McKusick discusses her new book Electric Body, Electric Health
Originally a Facebook live, this is a discussion and Q&A about Eileen McKusick's new book, Electric Body, Electric Health
Eileen McKusick discusses her new book Electric Body, Electric Health
Understanding Electric Health with Eileen McKusick
Understanding Electric Health with Eileen McKusick
This interview is part of The Energy Medicine Summit, a free online event featuring brilliant speakers sharing how you can fortify your internal power & emotional resilience. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. Learn more about Eileen and Biofield Tuning at
Understanding Electric Health with Eileen McKusick
Eileen McKusick and Shamini Jain discuss the biofield and electric health
Eileen McKusick and Shamini Jain discuss the biofield and electric health
This interview is part of the Science of Healing Summit, a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. Learn more about Eileen, Biofield Tuning and Electric Health
Eileen McKusick and Shamini Jain discuss the biofield and electric health
Episode 123 - Eileen McKusick: Tuning the Human Biofield
Episode 123 - Eileen McKusick: Tuning the Human Biofield
Do you know sound affects human healing? Did you know there are multiple definitions for sound? Learn about the ability to heal through sound from Eileen McKusick, a pioneer and teacher in human biofield therapeutic sound and electric health, in this very acoustic Living 4D conversation. More resources are available for this episode on our website at
Episode 123 - Eileen McKusick: Tuning the Human Biofield
Eileen McKusick & Dr. Christine Schaffner discuss Electric Health
Eileen McKusick & Dr. Christine Schaffner discuss Electric Health
This interview is part of the Energy Medicine Summit, a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved. Learn more about Biofield Tuning at
Eileen McKusick & Dr. Christine Schaffner discuss Electric Health
Eileen Day McKusick | Biofield Tuning, The Electric Universe, & Ether Physics
Eileen Day McKusick | Biofield Tuning, The Electric Universe, & Ether Physics
Eileen Day McKusick is an internationally recognized thought leader in the fields of therapeutic sound and the human biofield. She is the originator of Biofield Tuning (also known as “sound balancing”) a unique therapeutic method utilizing tuning forks; founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute; and the author of the best-selling Nautilus Award-winning book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy.
Eileen Day McKusick | Biofield Tuning, The Electric Universe, & Ether Physics
Here We Go... Researchers Now Say Video Games Can Cause Heart Attacks in Children if They Get Too Excited
Here We Go... Researchers Now Say Video Games Can Cause Heart Attacks in Children if They Get Too Excited
You can’t make this up. So-called researchers now warn that young people with undiagnosed heart problems are at most risk if they become too excited from playing video games. “Electronic gaming has recently been reported as a precipitant of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia in susceptible individuals,” according to a study published in Heart Rythm. “Video games…
Here We Go... Researchers Now Say Video Games Can Cause Heart Attacks in Children if They Get Too Excited
O que é e para que serve a física quântica
O que é e para que serve a física quântica
Algumas pessoas costumam dizer que a ciência em seu estágio mais avançado é um tipo de mágica, e a física quântica é um ótimo exemplo disso. Essa teoria é tão surpreendente que alguns dos físicos mais renomados da história, entre eles Albert Einstein, se recusaram a aceitá-la. Mas, um século depois, a física quântica não apenas conquistou seu lugar no mundo científico, como está à beira de uma revolução. O repórter Rafael Barifouse explica o que é a física quântica e como ela nos permite desenvolver novas tecnologias que podem mudar o mundo. Curtiu? Visite nosso site:
O que é e para que serve a física quântica
Da imunidade à mente: a importância dos micróbios intestinais
Da imunidade à mente: a importância dos micróbios intestinais
Nesse exato momento, há trilhões de bactérias, fungos e vírus de vários tipos trabalhando dentro do seu intestino. Neste vídeo, nossa repórter Mariana Alvim explica que isso é algo muito bom. A microbiota intestinal, esse conjunto de micróbios que vivem dentro da nossa barriga desde nossos primeiros momentos de vida e que têm um papel, quase sempre silencioso, da nossa imunidade à saúde mental. Assista e entenda. Leia também textos sobre o intestino: Curtiu? Inscreva-se no canal da BBC News Brasil! E se quiser ler mais notícias, clique aqui: #bbcnewsbrasil #saúde #ciência
Da imunidade à mente: a importância dos micróbios intestinais
I have been on this spiritual cleanse for about 2-3 weeks now and let me say, honey I am LOVING this journey. I turned my phone on do not di...