Medicina Integrativa Regenerativa

Medicina Integrativa Regenerativa

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Despertar para a realidade! O que somos, de onde viemos, porque estamos aqui e para onde vamos?
Energia Chi, Qi, Ki, Energia Vital…
Energia Chi, Qi, Ki, Energia Vital…
O conceito de Chi… O significado etimológico do ideograma qi (” 氣”) na sua forma tradicional mais conhecida é uma imagem do “vapor ( 气) subindo do arroz ( 米) enquanto…
Energia Chi, Qi, Ki, Energia Vital…
Energia Kundalini…
Energia Kundalini…
Para compreender a Energia Kundalini, é preciso saber tudo sobre as energias Yin-Yang de tudo no Universo… O universo todo se baseia na dualidade, nos pares de opostos. Temos, por exemplo, a …
Energia Kundalini…
Is TCM Evidence-Based and Safe? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
Is TCM Evidence-Based and Safe? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
Traditional Chinese Medicine has undergone some of the most rigorous testing and research of all the treatment options offered by complementary and alternative therapies. Furthermore, the two treatments most often utilized in TCM clinical practice, acupuncture and herbal medicine, are supported as effective by many research studies.
Is TCM Evidence-Based and Safe? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
What Is Qi? (and Other Concepts) | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
What Is Qi? (and Other Concepts) | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
After 2,500 years of evolution, TCM has become a very rich and sophisticated system of rational medicine with a great diversity of theories and applications. But, in its essence, it seeks to understand and facilitate harmony in human life.It is based on a very simple principle: any system that is in harmony tends towards health, wellbeing, and sustainability. A system that is in disharmony tends towards illness, disease, suffering, and collapse.
What Is Qi? (and Other Concepts) | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
What Is the TCM Perspective? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
What Is the TCM Perspective? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
In the simplest terms possible, TCM is a way of looking at ourselves and our world that sees everything as a whole and considers everything in context. In TCM this perspective is called "taking whole."
What Is the TCM Perspective? | Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing
Teste Chakra
Teste Chakra
Faça este teste chakra gratuito para descobrir o quão aberto está cada um de seus sete chakras.
Teste Chakra - -
ecologia, sustentabilidade, bem-estar natural, alimentação natural, vida sustentável, turismo sustentável
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Como usar a cromoterapia a seu favor
Como usar a cromoterapia a seu favor
Há quem diga que gostaria de viver em um mundo colorido ou cor-de-rosa... É que as cores trazem alegria e tantas outras sensações para nós
Como usar a cromoterapia a seu favor