Learn the art of energy healing from Dr. Bradley Nelson, author of The Emotion Code™ and Creator of The Body Code® System. Learn more about our services today!
What Is Cellular Memory? 8 Signs Of A 'Past Life' Connection
Have you ever had the uncanny sense that you've lived before? Or, maybe you've heard amazing past life stories about people who have recovered memories
Discover Energy Healing with The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™ system! Learn this simple method for energy healing. Releasing Trapped Emotions™ may facilitate physical and emotional balance and recovery so you can live a healthier, happier life! This channel will cover everything Emotion Code and Body Code as well as getting to know Dr. Bradley Nelson's personal side. All materials provided on DrBradleyNelson.com and Discover Healing, Inc. are provided for informational or educational purposes only and are not intended to be, or serve as a substitute for, professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of information you accessed on or through any portion of the DrBradleyNelson.com web site. YOUR USE OF THESE VIDEOSIS AT YOUR SOLE RISK.
Dr. Joe Dispenza - Creating Miracles with Meditation & The Science of Spontaneous Remissions
The HEAL Podcast: Dr. Joe Dispenza - Creating Miracles with Meditation and The Science of Spontaneous Remissions
0:00 Introduction & Dr Joe's Personal Story
3:00 The Quantum Model of Causing An Effect
10:00 Overcoming A State of Survival
16:05 Unlocking True Freedom & Living in the Present
24:20 The Health Benefits of Meditation
43:00 Love Is The Greatest Healer
51:05 The 4 Minute Mile
Listen to the FULL EPISODE of The HEAL Podcast with Dr. Joe Dispenza on...
Spotify - https://tinyurl.com/n4acjkm8
Apple Podcasts - https://tinyurl.com/5cu9x6f7
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a New York Times bestselling author, researcher and international lecturer whose passion lies at the intersection of neuroscience, epigenetics and quantum physics. He uses this knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives and evolve their consciousness. Since 2010 he has also partnered with several scientists and universities to perform extensive research on the effects that meditation can have on the brain and body. In this episode of The HEAL Podcast, Dr. Joe shares how his findings demonstrate that truly anything is possible and we can create the lives and the healing we all dream of.
The HEAL Podcast is a continuation of the HEAL documentary and HEAL book. Kelly Noonan Gores, a passionate seeker on a mission to find out the true extent of human potential and healing, continues the conversation by interviewing leading doctors, scientists, spiritual teachers, and healers around the globe. She also interviews real people with remarkable healing stories who have turned around supposedly incurable diseases. So much more is possible when it comes to healing than we are often told by mainstream, conventional medicine. HEAL will inspire you with hope and empower you with knowledge, tools, awareness, and a strong belief that almost anything is possible when it comes to healing. A most powerful and intelligent healer resides within us all and the HEAL Podcast will teach us how to activate this innate healer within.
Listen to all episodes of The HEAL Podcast now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/healpodcast-spotify
Apple: https://tinyurl.com/healpodcast-apple
See where you can watch HEAL Documentary now by going to: https://www.healdocumentary.com/purchase.html
Read The HEAL Book with double the content of the movie: https://www.healdocumentary.com/book.html
Kelly Noonan Gores
Musicbed SyncID:
Fever means a body temperature of 100.4 F (38 C) or higher. An infection is the most common cause of fever. Examples include the flu, pneumonia, food poisoning, and bladder infection....
Fever Symptoms: In Adults, in Children, in Babies, Treatment, and More
Fever symptoms may include more than just an increase in body temperature. In adults and children, a temperature of 100.4F (38C) or higher marks a fever. In babies, a temperature of 99.5F (37.5C) or higher indicates a fever. Learn about other fever symptoms to watch for and how to relieve them.
Médicos veem relação entre vida urbana e distúrbios mentais
Estudos indicam que pessoas que nasceram e cresceram em centros urbanos são mais propensas a transtornos mentais. Nova área do conhecimento, o neuro-urbanismo, pode ajudar a melhorar o planejamento das grandes cidades.
Tisane anti-spleen, massage réconfortant... Nos alliés pour déconnecter en janvier 2022
L’année commence à peine que déjà le stress quotidien nous entraîne dans sa course effrénée. Pour que janvier rime pleinement avec sérénité, voici nos alliés pour déconnecter.
Bonne nouvelle : il est possible (et simple) d’enrayer les mécanismes du stress excessif et des épisodes anxieux. Exercices flash, changement de regard sur soi, lifestyle spécial bonne humeur… Notre boîte à outils validée par les pros.
Baume détente, sylvothérapie et neurosciences… Nos alliés pour déconnecter en mars 2022
Le mois de mars a commencé dans un tourbillon d’angoisse et de fatigue mentale. Pour trouver de quoi s’apaiser et déconnecter son esprit, voici nos alliés bien-être mensuels. Trois, deux, un… soufflez !