Horta terapêutica e saúde bucal: desafios na utilização de plantas medicinais na promoção da saúde

Medicina Integrativa Regenerativa
Electromagnetic (EMF) Sensitivity Treatment Experts
Portland OR doctor specializing in Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) relief, brain function & performance, concussions & hyperbaric chamber therapy.
12 dicas de um médico japonês de 105 anos para viver mais (e melhor)
12 dicas não apenas para viver mais, como para viver melhor, por quem conseguiu fazer isso na prática.
drmaya.com | SHEtreat
Maya Shetreat, MD is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and author of The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child (Simon and Schuster, 2016), which has been translated into ten languages. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more. Dr. Maya is the founder of the Terrain Institute, where she teaches Terrain Medicine™, earth-based programs for transformational healing. She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers in Ecuador, and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing, and the sacred.
Alimento para o corpo e para a alma
Saímos em carreata para um lugar desconhecido. Um dia no sítio, no Baú, em Ilhota. Parada no caminho para comprar o pão caseiro e mais 20 minutos de estrada. Estrada de terra, mas boa, caminho...
Exercício de visualização para antes de dormir
Já há algum tempo na minha vida eu tenho gostado de imaginar alguma situação antes de dormir, assim que coloco a cabeça no travesseiro, para dormir com uma mente positiva e alegre, mas acima de tudo relaxada, porque pensar em coisas assim faz com que eu divague e, por fim, durma logo. Mas eu mudei [...]
O ato de cozinhar e estar presente
Quando eu falo sobre organização da rotina de preparo de refeições para o dia a dia, é normal receber comentários sobre a falta de tempo e a rotina ser corrida. Tanto que até os posts sobre isso vão nessa linha, porque meu interesse sem dúvida é ajudar. Mas hoje, escrevendo o último post da semana [...]
Meus acessórios essenciais para ter uma boa noite de sono
Meu sono é sensível. Isso significa que, para eu pegar no sono, preciso de todo um ritual. Sempre admirei as pessoas que conseguem encostar e dormir rapidamente em qualquer lugar e sob quaisquer condições. Nunca fui essa pessoa. Por isso, com o passar dos anos fui descobrindo o que funcionava de verdade para mim. Já [...]
Health & Well-Being Podcast Series
Uncover a world of health products to detoxify your home, boost your health, and live naturally. Supplements, juicers, healthy pantry essentials & more!
Daily Health and Wellness Inspiration | FOOD MATTERS®
Food Matters uncovers the secrets of natural health to help you achieve optimum wellness! Discover inspiring documentaries, wellness guides, nutrition tips, healthy recipes, and more.
How to Reduce Stress: 4 Things You Can Do Right Now
Prolonged stress can bring about a whole host of illnesses and imbalances within the body. Everyone has different ways to cope when anxiety rises or the pain of uncertainty sets in. Here's what to do if you’re not sure where to begin.
Home Page | The Institute for Integrative Health
The Institute for Integrative Health, a nonprofit founded by Brian Berman, MD, in Baltimore, provides an environment for innovative thinking and action to create an epidemic of health.
Millennials and integrative medicine why the connected generation is turning to connected health
To sleep or not to sleep
Inspired Health: Integrative + Functional Medicine Center | Bend, OR
Inspired Health: Integrative + Functional Medicine Center offers premiere Naturopathic Functional Medicine and Acupuncture healthcare services. Bend, OR
Our Healing Mission | Global Healing Story
Did you know Global Healing was founded in 1998 by Dr. Group? Want to know more about the origins of Global Healing? Learn about our story and healing mission.
Healthline: Medical information and health advice you can trust.
We're committed to being your source for expert health guidance. Come to us in your pursuit of wellness.
18 of the Best Stress-Relieving Foods
Everyone deals with occasional stress, but you may not know that your diet can be key to combating it. Here are 18 of the best stress-relieving foods.
The Best Alternative Medicine Blogs of 2017
Nick Polizzi: Ayahuasca & The Sacred Science
This week welcome to the show Nick Polizzi. He has spent his career directing and producing feature-length documentaries about holistic alternatives to conventional medicine. Most recently, Nick directed The Tapping Solution and co-edited Simply Raw - Raw for 30 Days. His current role as producer of The Sacred Science—a documentary about explorations in the Amazon to learn about traditional, healing practices—stems from a calling to honor, preserve, and protect the ancient knowledge and rituals of the indigenous peoples of the world.
GreenMedInfo | Alternative Medicine | Vitamin Research | Natural
GreenMedInfo.com Is The World's Most Widely-Cited, Open-Access, Evidence-Based Natural Health Resource With 20,000+ Articles!
Terry Patten
Author. Teacher. (R)evolutionary | Co-creating a New Republic of the Heart. Claim Your Citizenship now.
Dr and Master Sha
Dr and Master Sha. 232,755 likes · 1,840 talking about this. "Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow."® Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha
Dr and Master Sha
Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is a transformational leader, a renowned teacher, and humanitarian. An MD in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada, he created Soul Mind Body Medicine®, combining the essence of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine with ancient energy and spiritual secrets from China. Founder of the Tao Academy, Master Sha is a grandmaster of many ancient disciplines, including tai chi, qigong, feng shui, and the I Ching. An inspired guide in his bestselling books, TV programs, teachings, and service, Master Sha says, “Heal and transf...
How Essential Oils Became the Cure for Our Age of Anxiety
Aromatic oils have become big business. But are they medicine or marketing?
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
What would your life be like if you learned that you are more powerful than you have ever been taught? Groundbreaking scientific studies find that genes can be turned on and off by environmental signals including thoughts, feelings and emotions from outside the cell. Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, a former medical school professor and research scientist, was one of the first scientists to posit such extra-cellular control. Dr. Lipton conducted a series of experiments that reveal that the cell membrane, the outer layer of a cell, is the organic equivalent of a computer chip, and the ce...
TreeSisters (@treesisters) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from TreeSisters (@treesisters). Women Seeding Change. TreeSisters exists to elicit collective responsibility for planetary restoration at the grassroots level. Global
We envision a world in which it is normal for everyone to protect and restore themselves and their world. As a registered charity, we fund the planting of tropical trees, to rapidly accelerate tropical reforestation by inspiring and channeling women's Nature-based feminine leadership into local and global action. Find out more: https://www.treesisters.org/
Clare DuBois