Medicina Natural

Medicina Natural

7 Tips for Daily Detoxification eBook
7 Tips for Daily Detoxification eBook
The 7 Tips for Daily Detoxification is based on the premise that I so absolutely love about human body, that you have a seamlessly running detoxification
7 Tips for Daily Detoxification eBook | SHEtreat | SHEtreat
Maya Shetreat, MD is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and author of The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child (Simon and Schuster, 2016), which has been translated into ten languages. She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more. Dr. Maya is the founder of the Terrain Institute, where she teaches Terrain Medicine™, earth-based programs for transformational healing. She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers in Ecuador, and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing, and the sacred.
·· | SHEtreat
Alimento para o corpo e para a alma
Alimento para o corpo e para a alma
Saímos em carreata para um lugar desconhecido. Um dia no sítio, no Baú, em Ilhota. Parada no caminho para comprar o pão caseiro e mais 20 minutos de estrada. Estrada de terra, mas boa, caminho...
Alimento para o corpo e para a alma
An Ayurveda Expert Shares Her Favorite Digestive Spice
An Ayurveda Expert Shares Her Favorite Digestive Spice
For a practice so ancient, why are we only now gaining more insight and awareness into the application of Ayurveda into daily life? We get an expert's opinion on what her number one digestive spice is.
An Ayurveda Expert Shares Her Favorite Digestive Spice
The Best Natural Sweeteners to Use
The Best Natural Sweeteners to Use
Life certainly is a little sweeter with sugar. However, the levels of sugar that our society is currently consuming is a direct reflection of our global chronic health concerns. On average, we’re only meant to consume 25-36g of added sugar a day (this doesn’t include the beautiful natural sugars in fruits), but realistically the average American consumes 71.14g each day - that’s 17 whole teaspoons!
The Best Natural Sweeteners to Use
4 Of The Best Oils To Cook With
4 Of The Best Oils To Cook With
Choosing the best oils to cook with doesn’t need to be daunting, it simply comes down to a simple two-step approach. Firstly, is the oil or fat in its nutritious raw form and suitable for human consumption in small amounts? And secondarily, does the oil have a high smoke point, in that it can resist high temperatures before oxidizing, which can create harmful free-radicals?
4 Of The Best Oils To Cook With
What's the Healthiest Way to Cook Eggs?
What's the Healthiest Way to Cook Eggs?
Eggs. Firstly, not all eggs are created equal. And secondly, not all cooking methods pack the same nutritional punch. Find out the healthiest way to cook an egg.
What's the Healthiest Way to Cook Eggs?
The Truth About Eggs
The Truth About Eggs
Free range, cage free, organic - the list of egg variations seems almost endless! We've cut the confusion and found out the truth behind the labels. If you love eggs, this is a must read!
The Truth About Eggs
Daily Health and Wellness Inspiration | FOOD MATTERS®
Daily Health and Wellness Inspiration | FOOD MATTERS®
Food Matters uncovers the secrets of natural health to help you achieve optimum wellness! Discover inspiring documentaries, wellness guides, nutrition tips, healthy recipes, and more.
Daily Health and Wellness Inspiration | FOOD MATTERS®
Total Wellness Summit - FREE & ONLINE March 20 - 31 | Food Matters
Total Wellness Summit - FREE & ONLINE March 20 - 31 | Food Matters
Join Food Matters for your total mind-body guide to fighting inflammation, boosting your immunity, and healing the gut naturally. This free online event begins on March 20, 2021. Save your spot today.
Total Wellness Summit - FREE & ONLINE March 20 - 31 | Food Matters
Top 15 Foods High in Vitamin K
Top 15 Foods High in Vitamin K
Vitamin K is an important nutrient necessary for the synthesis of various proteins that work as mediators in coagulation and anti-coagulation of blood. Vitamin K deficiency in an individual increases the risk of hemorrhage (bleeding). Another important function of the vitamin is activating a protein named osteocalcin, which is responsible for building and strengthening bones. […]
Top 15 Foods High in Vitamin K
Top 15 Magnesium-Rich Foods
Top 15 Magnesium-Rich Foods
An essential mineral for the functioning of human body, the benefits of magnesium includes keeping the bones strong, maintaining a steady heart beat, aiding in weight loss, maintaining proper blood glucose levels, preventing kidney stones, regulating blood pressure, controlling anxiety as well as restlessness, reducing migraine attacks and regulating the sleeping cycle. Magnesium also helps in absorbing and regulating the levels […]
Top 15 Magnesium-Rich Foods
Top 15 Foods High in Phosphorus
Top 15 Foods High in Phosphorus
Phosphorus is the second most important mineral (after calcium) required for proper bone development in humans. It also plays a significant role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule which is the main source of energy for human cells. Phosphorus has numerous other important functions in the human body apart from helping in […]
Top 15 Foods High in Phosphorus
Um Caminho Para a Autocura - Os 4 A's da Saúde e Bem Estar
Um Caminho Para a Autocura - Os 4 A's da Saúde e Bem Estar
É em nosso dia a dia, quando geramos diversas escolhas ao alinhar pensar/sentir e agir que passamos a criar em nossa realidade os hábitos que revelam nosso caminho em direção a saúde ou adoecimento. Por isso, nada mais essencial do que buscar despertar, com foco e clareza, o que nos traz plenitude e bem-estar em nossa rotina diária. Mas, como começar? A partir de 4 pilares: Auto Responsabilidade, Autocuidado, Autonomia e Autocura. __________________________________________________________________ Encontro ao vivo com Cristina Paixão, apresentado por Fátima Alves. Ao vivo às 16h no horário d...
Um Caminho Para a Autocura - Os 4 A's da Saúde e Bem Estar
Como fazer um antibiótico natural com alho
Como fazer um antibiótico natural com alho
Um excelente antibiótico natural que pode ser útil para complementar o tratamento de diversas doenças é o alho. Para isso, basta comer 1 dente de alho cru por dia para alcançar seus benefícios. Mas é importante sempre esperar 10 minutos depois de esmagar ou picar o alho antes de o submeter ao...
Como fazer um antibiótico natural com alho
Aftas frequentes: 7 principais causas e o que fazer
Aftas frequentes: 7 principais causas e o que fazer
As aftas frequentes possuem diversas causas, podendo surgir por conta do uso de aparelhos dentários ou significar uma doença mais grave, como a AIDS. Veja quais são as 7 principais causas de aftas frequentes e quando ir ao médico
Aftas frequentes: 7 principais causas e o que fazer
5 dicas infalíveis para curar aftas mais rápido
5 dicas infalíveis para curar aftas mais rápido
A afta é uma lesão na boca que pode causar intensa dor e demorar muito tempo para cicatrizar. No entanto, existem 5 alimentos que ajudam a acelerar o processo de cura, além de aliviarem a dor. Confira que ingredientes pode encontrar em casa para tratar facilmente das aftas
5 dicas infalíveis para curar aftas mais rápido
7-Day Plan to Start a Raw Food, Vegan Diet
7-Day Plan to Start a Raw Food, Vegan Diet
By Taylor JonesThe raw food diet has been around since the 1800s, but has surged in popularity in recent years.Its supporters believe that consuming mostly raw foods is ideal for human health and has many benefits, including weight loss and better overall health.However, health experts warn that eat...
7-Day Plan to Start a Raw Food, Vegan Diet