Medicina Natural
Malta's First Sustainable Food Directory Is Here - And We're Living For It
Have you ever wanted to check whether the restaurants you visit in Malta are sustainable in terms of their products and ingredients used? Well, now you can. Malta’s first sustainable food directory is here, and we are absolutely living for it. It’s called ‘Sustainable Eats and Treats’, and it aims to connect conscious consumers with … Continued
A Special Feature by Alison Ruth Schmitt with Kombucha Hunter staff Karla Cadeau —a stay-at-home mom from Toronto, Canada—vividly remembers when her daughter Emilia, who was around 18 months at the time, took her first sip of kombucha. “It was met with the most adorable lip
MonteNativo Olio di Cocco Biologico Extra Vergine –3x1000ml– Crudo e Spremuto a Freddo; Organico e Puro 100%; Non Processato, Bio, Ideale per Capelli, per il Corpo e ad Uso Alimentare, Non Raffinato
Compra MonteNativo Olio di Cocco Biologico Extra Vergine –3x1000ml– Crudo e Spremuto a Freddo; Organico e Puro 100%; Non Processato, Bio, Ideale per Capelli, per il Corpo e ad Uso Alimentare, Non Raffinato. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei
Bio Kokosöl (1000ml)
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What Is the Recommended Daily Intake of Vitamin D?
The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is 600 international units for adults, but infants, children, teens, and the elderly may need more. In this detailed article, learn how age, location, sex, and health conditions can affect how much vitamin D yo
How much vitamin D should you take to be healthy
Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, but it can be difficult for people to know if they are getting the right amount. Some people will be able to get enough vitamin D from sunlight. Others may need to make dietary changes or take supplements. Here, we explain how to get vitamin D from sunlight, food, and supplements.