How Neuroscience Reveals Your “Expert Blindness”
How Neuroscience Reveals Your “Expert Blindness”
SXSW 2018 Schedule | Your expertise fuels your success; it also creates “expert blindness,” skewing how you see and react to the world. Neuroscience can help. Explore a study we conducted using neurometric measures to compare experts to the “normal” people they’re trying to connect with, revealing the subconscious biases expertise creates. Understand how your expertise affects your brain so you can be aware of your potential “blindness” and work to bridge the gap between experts and “normal” people. [Programmi...
How Neuroscience Reveals Your “Expert Blindness”
Where belief is born
Where belief is born
Scientists have begun to look in a different way at how the brain creates the convictions that mould our relationships and inform our behaviour. Alok Jha reports.
Where belief is born
Herdamos nossa inteligência da mãe, revela pesquisa - Psiconlinews
Herdamos nossa inteligência da mãe, revela pesquisa - Psiconlinews
Pessoas que são mais inteligentes do que a média deveriam agradecer a uma pessoa em especial: suas mães. E, como vários estudos têm destacado, são as mães que transmitem para os filhos a maior parte da carga genética relacionada com as habilidades cognitivas . Isso desmente muitos dos preconceitos de gênero que continuam enraizados em […]
Herdamos nossa inteligência da mãe, revela pesquisa - Psiconlinews