I don't want children -- stop telling me I'll change my mind | Christen Reighter
One in five women in the United States will not have a biological child, and Christen Reighter is one of them. From a young age, she knew she didn't kids, in...
Emotional Mastery: The Gifted Wisdom of Unpleasant Feelings | Dr Joan Rosenberg | TEDxSantaBarbara
What often blocks people from feeling capable in life and from having greater success with finances, health or relationships is how they handle unpleasant fe...
Antes de fazer o que ama, descubra o que você quer! | Marcelo Vieira | TEDxUFABC
Marcelo Vieira conta sua jornada desde que ouviu a frase "Faça o que você ama" há 10 anos. Desde então, vem descobrindo e re-significando a frase, compreende...
Como dar sentido à sua vida: Iradj Eghrari at TEDxLaçador
Iradj Eghrari é ativista dos Direitos Humanos, integra o Conselho Deliberativo da ONG Transparência Brasil e é membro permanente do Comitê Nacional de Educaç...
Dealing with the Burdens of Chasing Your Dreams | Tomás Crozier | TEDxYouth@NidodeAguilas
For those who already have undertaken a career ask yourselves: What was your dream career in high school? What might have prevented you from doing it back th...
Visit www.tedxsudeste.com.br About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized...