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Documentário investiga a sinestesia
Documentário investiga a sinestesia
Segundo o dicionário Houaiss, sinestesia é uma “relação que se verifica espontaneamente (e que varia de acordo com os indivíduos) entre sensações de caráter diverso mas intimamente ligadas na…
Documentário investiga a sinestesia
5 Warning Signs You’re a Victim of Hedonistic Adaptation ⋆ LonerWolf
5 Warning Signs You’re a Victim of Hedonistic Adaptation ⋆ LonerWolf
Hedonistic adaptation is a phrase that refers to the pursuit of happiness. This happiness is much like running on a treadmill because no matter how much we get, we aren’t completely happy, and we always want more – thus, we keep running and running, seeking for the next happiness hit like addicts.
5 Warning Signs You’re a Victim of Hedonistic Adaptation ⋆ LonerWolf
The Virtues of Solitude - #5 Appreciation ⋆ LonerWolf
The Virtues of Solitude - #5 Appreciation ⋆ LonerWolf
Life brings us innumerable gifts each day. Unfortunately ... we tend to slap life in the face. Learn more about Appreciation and how it can transform us.
The Virtues of Solitude - #5 Appreciation ⋆ LonerWolf
LonerWolf ⋆ Our mission is to help you connect with your soul through soulwork. By working with your soul, you’ll be able to discover true joy, fulfillment, and peace.
LonerWolf ⋆ Our mission is to help you connect with your soul through soulwork. By working with your soul, you’ll be able to discover true joy, fulfillment, and peace.
Embody the sacred, embrace the wild. We believe that you have permission to be both human and divine. We teach a down-to-earth approach to spirituality.
LonerWolf ⋆ Our mission is to help you connect with your soul through soulwork. By working with your soul, you’ll be able to discover true joy, fulfillment, and peace.