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Como estar presente
Como estar presente
Especialista desvenda os três pilares do processo de presencificação, que vão permitir a você estar aberto ao novo, atingir a alta performance e liderar melhor
Como estar presente
Solução de Problemas com Design Thinking
Solução de Problemas com Design Thinking
Design Thinking é uma metodologia de inovação voltada para a identificação e solução colaborativa de problemas com foco no usuário. É empregada por empresas de design como a IDEO para criar produto…
Solução de Problemas com Design Thinking
Design Thinking - Inovação em Negócios
Design Thinking - Inovação em Negócios
Este livro apresenta etapas, técnicas e ferramentas, ilustradas através de cases genuinamente brasileiros, para inspirar e auxiliar na empreitada rumo à inovação.
Design Thinking - Inovação em Negócios
Foundations in Design Thinking Certificate "Design Thinking isn’t just a method, it fundamentally changes the fabric of your organization and your business." —David Kelley, founder of IDEO and The Stanford DOWNLOAD SYLLABUS LEARN A CREATIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING APPROACH Explore the unmet needs of the people you're
What is Sense-making?
What is Sense-making?
This apparently innocent question was asked on the ActKM forum this morning. I replied and…
What is Sense-making?
Sensemaking - Seminario
Sensemaking - Seminario
-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool...
Sensemaking - Seminario
Sensemaking or sense-making is the process by which people give meaning to their collective experiences. It has been defined as "the ongoing retrospective development of plausible images that rationalize what people are doing" (Weick, Sutcliffe, & Obstfeld, 2005, p. 409). The concept was introduced to organizational studies by Karl E. Weick in the 1970s and has affected both theory and practice. Weick intended to encourage a shift away from the traditional focus of organization theorists on decision-making and towards the processes that constitute the meaning of the decisions that are enact...
The Growth of Sensing and Sensemaking
The Growth of Sensing and Sensemaking
(May 25, 2012) Mobile computing and embedded software is becoming increasingly able to adapt to its surroundings and users. Anthony LaMarca discusses the wor...
The Growth of Sensing and Sensemaking
What Meditation Really Is
What Meditation Really Is
Based on the wisdom of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, ‘What Meditation Really Is’ offers videos, a series of courses (online and in-person), and retreats.
What Meditation Really Is
O obscurantismo no século 21
O obscurantismo no século 21
Movimentos anti-vacinas, negação das mudanças no clima, terraplanistas. Tais retrocessos vêm da confusão entre o que é opinião e o que é fato.
O obscurantismo no século 21