A Ciência do Marketing Viral: A Fórmula "Secreta" das 6 E.T.A.P.A.S
O que é marketing viral? Como produzir conteúdos altamente "contagiosos"? E como viralizar na web sem parecer um idiota? Baixe o infográfico completo sobre marketing viral abaixo.
🎴Infográfico em alta resolução sobre Marketing Viral:
Clique » http://vdblo.gg/info-viral-youtube
👓 Cursos de Marketing Digital da Viver de Blog:
🔶 http://bit.ly/cursos-vdb
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Clique » http://bit.ly/yt-vdb
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!? Pesquisas comuns sobre Marketing Viral respondidas nesse vídeo:
1. Como fazer Marketing Viral
2. Por que usar Marketing Viral?
3. Os tipos de conteúdos virais
4. Características do Marketing Viral
5. Como funciona o Marketing Viral na prática?
6. Por que adoramos compartilhar conteúdos virais?
7. Quais as etapas do Marketing Viral?
8. Pra quê serve o Marketing Viral?
🎥 Link desse vídeo » https://youtu.be/SZaH6m9jf8g
Why you should talk to strangers
"When you talk to strangers, you're making beautiful interruptions into the expected narrative of your daily life -- and theirs," says Kio Stark. In this delightful talk, Stark explores the overlooked benefits of pushing past our default discomfort when it comes to strangers and embracing those fleeting but profoundly beautiful moments of genuine connection.
❗AMAR E SER LIVRE É POSSÍVEL - chegou o novíssimo livro de Marcos Lacerda!
Clique neste link para comprar:
📲 https://linktr.ee/nosdaquestao
Quando a relação acaba e o outro vai embora, o que guardar? Devemos jogar tudo fora, inclusive as boas lembranças? Escute o que o psicólogo Marcos Lacerda diz a esse respeito, e mude sua forma de viver esse momento.
Conheça já os outros livros de Marcos Lacerda:
e "AMAR, DESAMAR, AMAR DE NOVO" (relacionamentos)
Selo Latitude - VR Editora
Todos os livros estão à venda nas melhores livrarias, ou pela Amazon, Submarino, Americanas, Magalu, ou neste link: https://linktr.ee/nosdaquestao
#amor #romance #relacionamento
Um novo mundo - O despertar de uma nova consciência - Eckhart Tolle (AudioBook)Completo
"O principal propósito deste livro não é acrescentar novas informações e crenças à sua mente nem tentar convencê-lo de alguma coisa, e sim produzir uma modificação da sua consciência, ou seja, o despertar. (...) Se você não sabe o que significa despertar, continue lendo. Só por meio da experiência se conhece o verdadeiro sentido dessa palavra."
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E aí galera, beleza?
resolvi criar esse canal para ajudar vocês com alguns resumos de livro =D
O primeiro resumo do canal será sobre o Novo Mundo - O despertar de uma Nova Consciência
Nesse vídeos vamos abortar temas como: O ego. O qué o Ego?. Como ele é formado?; O poder do Agora; A ilusão do tempo; O que é uma emoção?; O fim do sofrimento... entre outros
espero que gostem do vídeo =DD
Uncommon Sense: Moving from a Problem-Focused to Solution-Focused Mindset | Mel Gill | TEDxVarna
In Mel Gill's inspirational talk there are self-experience stories, giving you the chance to change your mindset, your point of view about the problems in your life and focus on taking action and responsibility for your mind, happiness and life.
Legendary Psychotherapist Dr Mel Gill is one of the world's leading experts in Personal Development and a Mentor to countless other Speakers and Trainers around the world. He is an internationally-recognized Training Consultant and is also Corporate Advisor to CEOs of Fortune 500 Companies.
He has been recognized by the Business Times and The Sentinel as one of the Top Asian American Motivational Speakers. He was invited by the Napoleon Hill Foundation to speak as one of the Top 17 Speakers in the World in their Inaugural World Convention.
This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
What would your life be like if you learned that you are more powerful than you have ever been taught?
Groundbreaking scientific studies find that genes can be turned on and off by environmental signals
including thoughts, feelings and emotions from outside the cell. Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, a
former medical school professor and research scientist, was one of the first scientists to posit such
extra-cellular control. Dr. Lipton conducted a series of experiments that reveal that the cell membrane,
the outer layer of a cell, is the organic equivalent of a computer chip, and the cell’s equivalent of a
brain. Although this view conflicts with the widely held scientific dogma that genes control behavior,
papers by other researchers have validated his iconoclastic thinking.
Curriculum Vitae at BruceLipton.com/curriculum-vitae
Hay House
Come discover the immense power of your thoughts and beliefs and learn that by changing just one thought, you can improve the quality of your life!
Hay House was founded in 1984 by Louise Hay. Today, Hay House is committed to publishing products that have a positive self-help slant and are conducive to healing planet Earth.
Hay House launched its own radio station in early 2005. HayHouseRadio.com®—Radio for your Soul™—is broadcast worldwide via the Internet 24/7. Come be a part of the Hay House community!
Heal Documentary
Director Kelly Noonan's documentary takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This film will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all. Featuring Deepak Chopra, Anita Moorjani, Anthony William, Medical Medium, Gregg Braden, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, and many more.
Bruce Lipton Ph.D. - The Power of Our Mind and How Fear and Stress Compromise Our Health
The HEAL Podcast with Bruce Lipton Ph.D. - The Power of Our Mind and How Fear and Stress Compromise Our Health
0:00 Introduction & Bruce's Work
16:30 Misinformation or Misunderstanding
30:00 How To Change Programming
44:00 The Fear Agenda
49:00 Fear & Big Pharma
56:00 The Power of Interpretation
1:03:45 The Danger in Convenient Living
Listen to the FULL EPISODE of The HEAL Podcast with Bruce Lipton on...
Spotify - https://tinyurl.com/mr3684vx
Apple Podcasts - https://tinyurl.com/mw744bm5
On this episode I sit down with Bruce Lipton, PhD. You all remember Bruce from HEAL. He is a stem cell biologist, the author of The Biology of Belief, and an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirituality. He was the recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as a keynote presenter for national and international conferences
Bruce and I discuss the detrimental effect that fear, and stress have on our bodies and minds. We cover some controversial topics and say some potentially triggering things with the good intention of opening the aperture in order to see the cycle of fear, consumption, dis-ease, and destruction that we are in and how to break out of it. For instance, one way that we can consciously create a new paradigm of harmony is by changing our unique, negative subconscious programming that we downloaded as a child.
Bruce shares with us the importance of understanding that people are not inherently bad, but they can be running bad programs and therefore every human being is worthy of our love, compassion, and forgiveness. This awareness alone, is the elixir that can heal so much of the divisiveness and hatred infecting our society right now. This episode is for anyone who wants to break out of the hypnosis of fear and discover their inherent power to create peace, harmony, and vibrant health in their lives.
To find out more about Bruce Lipton via his website: https://www.brucelipton.com - You can purchase his books anywhere books are sold.
The HEAL Podcast is a continuation of the HEAL documentary and HEAL book. Kelly Noonan Gores, a passionate seeker on a mission to find out the true extent of human potential and healing, continues the conversation by interviewing leading doctors, scientists, spiritual teachers, and healers around the globe. She also interviews real people with remarkable healing stories who have turned around supposedly incurable diseases. So much more is possible when it comes to healing than we are often told by mainstream, conventional medicine. HEAL will inspire you with hope and empower you with knowledge, tools, awareness, and a strong belief that almost anything is possible when it comes to healing. A most powerful and intelligent healer resides within us all and the HEAL Podcast will teach us how to activate this innate healer within.
Listen to all episodes of The HEAL Podcast now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts
Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/healpodcast-spotify
Apple: https://tinyurl.com/healpodcast-apple
See where you can watch HEAL Documentary now by going to: https://www.healdocumentary.com/purchase.html
Read The HEAL Book with double the content of the movie: https://www.healdocumentary.com/book.html
Kelly Noonan Gores
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