Observatório do Amor

Observatório do Amor

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Il vero motivo per cui le persone si lasciano
Il vero motivo per cui le persone si lasciano
I ricercatori sono arrivati alla conclusione che i motivi per cui le coppie si lasciano sono esattamente tre, anche se ci si nasconde dietro frasi banali
Il vero motivo per cui le persone si lasciano
Quando ci ammaliamo per le cose che non diciamo
Quando ci ammaliamo per le cose che non diciamo
Quando non esprimiamo i nostri sentimenti, ci ammaliamo. Il nostro corpo è saggio e parla, per questo bisogna imparare ad ascoltarlo
Quando ci ammaliamo per le cose che non diciamo
Imparare ad amare secondo Erich Fromm
Imparare ad amare secondo Erich Fromm
Secondo Erich Fromm, chi riesce a imparare ad amare in modo maturo e cosciente, comprende che l'amore non conosce possesso o condizioni.
Imparare ad amare secondo Erich Fromm
4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationships | Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings | TEDxSquareMile
4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationships | Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings | TEDxSquareMile
ALL relationships face a similar set of hurdles. We all need to be equipped to get over the hurdles, so that our relationships don’t just survive, but thrive. Based on over 20+ years’ experience of working with countless couples, Dr. Andrea & Jon Taylor-Cummings share their observations of the 4 fundamental habits that all successful relationships exhibit. Dr Andrea & Jon Taylor-Cummings are co-founders of Soulmates Academy – an organisation on a mission to reduce relationship and family breakdown across the globe, by proactively educating people to develop strong relationship capability. A...
4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationships | Dr. Andrea & Jonathan Taylor-Cummings | TEDxSquareMile
Have you met your soul mate? | Ashley Clift-Jennings | TEDxUniversityofNevada
Have you met your soul mate? | Ashley Clift-Jennings | TEDxUniversityofNevada
What does it mean to be married to someone who is transgender? Ashley Clift-Jennings had to answer that question six years into marriage to her husband. After overcoming her fear of what other people would think, she now appreciates that her spouse is her soul mate, and she would know how to find her in a dark room. Ashley is the rare combination of big ideas and big action. With an innate ability to see the larger picture and connect seemingly unrelated dots, Ashley has advised dozens of small businesses from startup into growth. She believes strongly in community and is a powerhouse in he...
Have you met your soul mate? | Ashley Clift-Jennings | TEDxUniversityofNevada
Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU
Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU
People may know what a healthy romantic relationship looks like, but most don’t know how to get one. Psychologist and researcher Joanne Davila describes how you can create the things that lead to healthy relationships and reduce the things that lead to unhealthy ones using three evidence-based skills – insight, mutuality, and emotion regulation. Share this with everyone who wants to have a healthy relationship. Dr. Joanne Davila is a Professor of Psychology and the Director of Clinical Training in the Department of Psychology at Stony Brook University. She received her PhD in Clinical Psych...
Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU
Learning to Love Yourself | Amanda Jetté Knox | TEDxYouth@Nepean
Learning to Love Yourself | Amanda Jetté Knox | TEDxYouth@Nepean
In this TEDx Talk, Amanda shares her inspiring journey of self love and acceptance through personal stories which are sure to capture any audience. Amanda Jetté Knox is an award-winning writer, human rights advocate and speaker. The mother of three believes passionately in equality for all, and that acceptance and compassion for ourselves brings acceptance and compassion for others. Her writing has been featured on Upworthy, Buzzfeed, CBC, the Globe and Mail, and various other national and international outlets. Amanda lives in Ottawa, Canada, with her wife, daughter, two sons, and a coffee...
Learning to Love Yourself | Amanda Jetté Knox | TEDxYouth@Nepean
Marriage 2.0 -- a system update for lifelong relationships | Liza Shaw | TEDxHickory
Marriage 2.0 -- a system update for lifelong relationships | Liza Shaw | TEDxHickory
Liza is the Director of Marriage and Family Therapy Services in Hickory, NC and a Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). She received her Master's Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Appalachian State University in 1999 and began her private practice at that time. Liza's expertise is in couples therapy, specifically, assisting couples to move beyond the barriers of their past and create futures together that may never before have seemed possible. "I consider it my personal mission to reduce the divorce rate in the United States... one cou...
Marriage 2.0 -- a system update for lifelong relationships | Liza Shaw | TEDxHickory
What no one ever told you about people who are single | Bella DePaulo | TEDxUHasselt
What no one ever told you about people who are single | Bella DePaulo | TEDxUHasselt
Movies, novels, love songs, and even scientific research all seem to tell us the same stories: Everyone wants to find that special someone. Once you get married, you will live happily ever after and you will never be lonely again. However, more people than ever before are living single – often by choice. A close look at the best scientific studies shows that people who get married do not end up happier or psychologically healthier than they were when they were single. The stories we have so often been told are distracting us from other stories about single people that we have never been tol...
What no one ever told you about people who are single | Bella DePaulo | TEDxUHasselt
The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen
The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: http://bit.ly/1FAg8hB Tracy McMillan is a television writer (Mad Men, United States of Tara) and relationship author who wrote the book Why You're Not Married...Yet, based on her viral 2011 Huffington Post blog. She also appeared as a dating coach on the NBC reality show Ready For Love. She lives in Los Angeles and is the mother of a 16-year-old guy. In her TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen talk, McMillan answers the question: "Who is the one person you need to marry in order to have a successful relationship? (Yourself)" About TEDx, x = independently or...
The person you really need to marry | Tracy McMillan | TEDxOlympicBlvdWomen
Para que o amor aconteça.
Para que o amor aconteça.
A partir de histórias reais, mergulhe em uma análise profunda sobre suas motivações e escolhas na vida amorosa. Neste livro, a autora Ceci Akamatsu ajudará você a refletir, questionar e aprender a viver o amor em toda sua simplicidade e plenitude. Para que o amor aconteça é o primeiro volume da Coleção Personare.
Para que o amor aconteça.
Expectativa X Frustração
Expectativa X Frustração
Conheça caminhos para deixar de idealizar o futuro e evitar transformar desapontamentos em rancor
Expectativa X Frustração
Medo de amar afasta pretendentes
Medo de amar afasta pretendentes
Medos e bloqueios que carrega em si são sentidos pelo outro, que se distancia
Medo de amar afasta pretendentes
É amor ou apenas comodismo?
É amor ou apenas comodismo?
Reflita se o seu relacionamento merece ou não uma nova chance
É amor ou apenas comodismo?
Amor em liberdade
Amor em liberdade
Florais para transformar o apego e a dependência em um sentimento saudável
Amor em liberdade
O que pode acontecer quando nos propomos ir além da idealização romântica
Você sabe lidar com a carência?
Você sabe lidar com a carência?
Reconheça o tanto de afeto que o cerca e deixe de temer a solidão
Você sabe lidar com a carência?
Assuma o controle do seu romance
Assuma o controle do seu romance
Como perceber e lidar com as dificuldades afetivas de modo inteligente
Assuma o controle do seu romance
10 sinais da paixão: saiba se ele (a) está a fim pelas reações do corpo
10 sinais da paixão: saiba se ele (a) está a fim pelas reações do corpo
Será que ele, ou ela, está a fim? A pergunta, que muitas vezes tira o sono dos apaixonados, ou de quem está paquerando, é fácil de responder: basta prestar atenção nas reações da pessoa pretendida. Os sinais do interesse aparecem no jeito de falar, nos gestos,. Leia Mais
10 sinais da paixão: saiba se ele (a) está a fim pelas reações do corpo
Por Que o Amor é Importante - 2ed
Por Que o Amor é Importante - 2ed
Os momentos em que os pais brincam, dão carinho, fazem cócegas, abraçam, acalmam e seguram os bebês no colo estimulam o cérebro e constroem conexões que são a base da inteligência, das habilidades e do desenvolvimento de seres completamente humanos. Este livro explica por que o afeto é essencial para o desenvolvimento do cérebro nos primeiros anos de vida e como essas interações iniciais podem ter consequências duradouras sobre a saúde física e emocional futura. Se, no início da vida da criança, pudermos desacelerar, minimizar o estresse, valorizar a bondade, o tempo, o divertimento e a lud...
Por Que o Amor é Importante - 2ed