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Infográfico Double Diamond
How to Use the Double Diamond Model Template for Enhancing Your Design Process
Improve the design process with the Double Diamond technique that allows you to map the knowledge about your customers and explore creative ways to delight them.
How to Use the Double Diamond Model Template for Enhancing Your Design Process
Improve the design process with the Double Diamond technique that allows you to map the knowledge about your customers and explore creative ways to delight them.
DOUBLE DIAMOND – Innovation and entrepreneurship in education
Why the Double Diamond is the Most Precious Diagram in UX Design …
… and unearthing its potential can provide stakeholders and team members with exponential benefits
How to apply a design thinking, HCD, UX or any creative process from scratch
This how-to article aims at providing designers, creative thinkers or even project managers with a tool to set up, frame, organise…
Quick steps through the Double Diamond
Simple explanation on the Double Diamond model by bald Dutch educator. The model is owned by the British Design Council. I'm just a fan! NOTE Please take ONE step at the time! Rushing will absolutely ruin the process. Feel welcome to join +10.000 fans at Fb group 'Service Design, Design Thinking, Service Innovation.' http://www.designcouncil.org.uk/sites/default/files/asset/document/ElevenLessons_Design_Council%20(2).pdf
Beyond the Double Diamond: thinking about a better design process model
Double Diamond is the name of a design process model developed by the British Design Council in 2005. Divided into four phases — Discover…
What is the framework for innovation? Design Council's evolved Double Diamond
Design Council’s framework for innovation helps designers and non-designers across the globe tackle some of the most complex social, economic and environmental problems. It is a fundamental part of our work: enabling us to support the public, private and third sector organisations we work with transform the way they develop and deliver their services.