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5 Apps to Help You Declutter in 2016 - Vogue
5 Apps to Help You Declutter in 2016 - Vogue
Sweep up—or in this case, click away—the messes surrounding you at home this year with these simple, potentially life-altering services.
5 Apps to Help You Declutter in 2016 - Vogue
4 Household Management Apps I Can't Live Without
4 Household Management Apps I Can't Live Without
Using technology to help manage the household can add up to a good amount of time and money saved—not to mention a significant reduction in things (paper calendars and planners) and clutter (all those papers!). Here are the top four apps I'd hate to live without
4 Household Management Apps I Can't Live Without
Maggiordomo - Nanny & Butler - Personale di Alto Profilo
Maggiordomo - Nanny & Butler - Personale di Alto Profilo
Nanny & Butler seleziona il vostro maggiordomo ideale fra i candidati più qualificati e referenziati. Il nostro staff è a disposizione per ogni informazione
Maggiordomo - Nanny & Butler - Personale di Alto Profilo
Alfred | Turn your old phones into home security cameras
Alfred | Turn your old phones into home security cameras
Free DIY home security system, baby monitor, and pet cam on your phone. Available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Android smartphone, and tablet.
Alfred | Turn your old phones into home security cameras
Power your buildings with Alfred. The ultimate amenity offers residents a wide range of digital, in-home and concierge services. Find out if Alfred is in your building.
24me | Smart Personal Assistant
24me | Smart Personal Assistant
24me - Next Generation Personal Assistant. 24me unites your Calendar and Tasks and uses artificial intelligence to tell you what to do and how to do it.
24me | Smart Personal Assistant
7 Apps That Will Be Your Personal Butler
7 Apps That Will Be Your Personal Butler
You’ve got bills to pay, dishes to do, groceries to buy, and an apartment in desperate need of some dusting. Wouldn’t it be nice to have some free time for a change? With the rise of shared economy-apps following in Uber’s footsteps, for a few bucks, you can have these chores taken care of for you.
7 Apps That Will Be Your Personal Butler
Organize anything, together. Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, know what's being worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process.
Dragon Dreaming Brasil
Dragon Dreaming Brasil
Dragon Dreaming Brasil. Gefällt 6.965 Mal. Esta página foi criada para divulgar a metodologia do Dragon Dreaming no Brasil, e permitir trocas entre as pessoas que já conhecem a metodologia e estão...
Dragon Dreaming Brasil
Humana, São Paulo. Gefällt 2.226 Mal. A Humana é uma consultoria em sustentabilidade criada em 2013 que atua em todo território brasileiro e América Latina formada por uma rede de mais de 50...
Sustainable Start Systemic Business Model Innovation 4 Sustainability - Sustainable Start
Sustainable Start Systemic Business Model Innovation 4 Sustainability - Sustainable Start
Business Model Innovation from a Systems Thinking perspective Satisfy real human needs. Grow social resilience. Integrate circularity. Innovate your strategy for success in today’s fast-changing complexity. Download your Systemic Business Model Canvas for Sustainability. 13 building blocks for a systemic perspective trigger questions to map, check, and innovate Printable b&w A1 size canvas high resolution … Sustainable Start Systemic Business Model Innovation 4 SustainabilityRead More »
Sustainable Start Systemic Business Model Innovation 4 Sustainability - Sustainable Start