

Custom sorting
Shine a Light
Shine a Light
Let's include conflicts in our plans!
Shine a Light
Feedly: organize, read and share what matters to you.
Feedly: organize, read and share what matters to you.
Feedly connects you to the information and knowledge you care about. We help you get more out of you work, education, hobbies and interests. The feedly platform lets you discover sources of quality content, follow and read everything those sources publish with ease and organize everything in one place.
Feedly: organize, read and share what matters to you.
Get a notification for birthday events in your calendar
Get a notification for birthday events in your calendar
Don't miss an important birthday! This Applet searches for the word "birthday" in an event's title or description and sends you a notification once the event starts.
Get a notification for birthday events in your calendar
Track your work hours in Google Calendar
Track your work hours in Google Calendar
All you have to do is set your work location and any time you arrive or leave the area, it will be automatically added to a calendar for easy tracking.
Track your work hours in Google Calendar
How do I create an Applet?
How do I create an Applet?
You can create an Applet for personal use on using the Applet creation tool or on our mobile Apps. On Navigate to your username in the upper right corner Select New Applet fro...
How do I create an Applet?
Carlos Julio ensina gestão descomplicada na CBN
Carlos Julio ensina gestão descomplicada na CBN
O ponto de vista das empresas, com questões sobre inovação, longevidade do negócio, entre outras. No Jornal da CBN 2ª Edição, às 17h25.
Carlos Julio ensina gestão descomplicada na CBN
Como adotar o método bullet journal
Como adotar o método bullet journal
Neste vídeo, explicamos como você pode se organizar com o método bullet journal. Saiba os benefícios científicos de ter uma agenda e anotar objetivos e sonho...
Como adotar o método bullet journal
Sustainable Start Systemic Business Model Innovation 4 Sustainability - Sustainable Start
Sustainable Start Systemic Business Model Innovation 4 Sustainability - Sustainable Start
Business Model Innovation from a Systems Thinking perspective Satisfy real human needs. Grow social resilience. Integrate circularity. Innovate your strategy for success in today’s fast-changing complexity. Download your Systemic Business Model Canvas for Sustainability. 13 building blocks for a systemic perspective trigger questions to map, check, and innovate Printable b&w A1 size canvas high resolution … Sustainable Start Systemic Business Model Innovation 4 SustainabilityRead More »
Sustainable Start Systemic Business Model Innovation 4 Sustainability - Sustainable Start