This tool is a time tracker. You can record the time you spend on any task.For example you can record time you spend on all your different projects! You can also track your personal stuff, how much time you spend doing sport, sleeping, watching tv...Once you have tracked your time, you can start analyzing where you spend it and give you goals to use your time more efficiently.
Brain Focus Productivity Timer - Apps on Google Play
Brain Focus is a time-management application helping you getting things done! Based on technique like Pomodoro or 52/17, but you can adjust the session duration to fit your needs.How To • Start a work session • At the end of the work session reward yourself with a break • At the end of the break session restart both previous stepsNote: x amount of break you can reward youself with a longer break.Task • Track your time by task • Configure different settings per task • Group task by categoriesFree features • Pause and resume sessions • Disable WI-FI and Sound during work session • Add time if...
Pomodoro Method Style Time Management Tool & Timer | Marinara by 352
Inspired by Pomodoro Technique time management tools, Marinara online timers are customizable to meet your productivity goals. By digital agency 352 Inc.
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.
Habitica - Gamify Your Life >Let's do Pomodoro Study Sessions!
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.
Habitica - Gamify Your Life > Organizando a bagunça e agregando valor à vida
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.
Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products. The Scrum Guide contains the official definition of Scrum as authored by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland.
Era da experimentação: especialistas dão dicas de como implantar uma gestão ágil e eficiente em empresas de tecnologia
A Indústria 4.0 e o aumento da participação da tecnologia em setores da economia e da sociedade criam novas rotinas e processos. A velocidade com que as mudanças acontecem e a necessidade de soluções inovadoras fomentam uma dinâmica de trabalho cada vez mais ágil. Tudo isso faz com que as empresas estimulem cada vez mais a experimentação: tentativas de sucesso que podem ou não dar certo, mas que devem ser frequentes.
Laboratório de inovação responde as 5 principais dúvidas sobre Design Thinking
A economia está mudando tão rápido quanto as necessidades do mercado. Diante disso, ser inovador é fundamental e isso vale tanto para empresas quanto para os profissionais que as formam. Dentro desse novo mundo em constante transformação, há um processo que está em alta nas discussões que envolvem empreendedores: Design Thinking.
Habitica | Italia > Salute e Fitness (fino a Giu 2017)
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.