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Buffer is the best way to share great content to Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Instagram from anywhere on the web, with just one click.
Social Media Management Platform | Buffer
Social Media Management Platform | Buffer
Buffer is an intuitive social media management platform trusted by brands, businesses, agencies, and individuals to help drive social media results.
Social Media Management Platform | Buffer
Infográfico: como se forçar a sair da sua zona de conforto
Infográfico: como se forçar a sair da sua zona de conforto
Não é fácil desprender-se de uma série de comportamentos que estamos acostumados. Estas ações diárias vão te ajudar a sair da zona de conforto.
Infográfico: como se forçar a sair da sua zona de conforto
7 melhores ferramentas de gestão de projetos | tutano
7 melhores ferramentas de gestão de projetos | tutano
Gestão de Projetos não precisa ser difícil. Que bom que temos aplicativos e ferramentas para facilitar o serviço! Confira nossa seleção das 7 melhores ferramentas de gestão de projetos.
7 melhores ferramentas de gestão de projetos | tutano
How Can I Turn Vague Goals Into Actionable To-Dos?
How Can I Turn Vague Goals Into Actionable To-Dos?
I've got the hang of keeping my daily to-do list actionable, but I'm struggling to include some of my large and vague goals. How would I go about creating actionable items for a to-do list from a list of non-concrete goals, like ideas or self-improvement concepts?
How Can I Turn Vague Goals Into Actionable To-Dos?
Why You Need Boredom, Distraction, and Procrastination in Your Life
Why You Need Boredom, Distraction, and Procrastination in Your Life
Most of us—no matter how many time-saving techniques we employ—don’t have enough time to waste. But productivity comes at a cost: having that down time is extremely beneficial. We fight against boredom, distraction, and procrastination all the time, but that doesn’t mean you should get rid of them completely.
Why You Need Boredom, Distraction, and Procrastination in Your Life
Apply "Schumpeterianism" to Push Through Criticism and Get Things Done
Apply "Schumpeterianism" to Push Through Criticism and Get Things Done
Schumpeterianism, or "creative destruction," means very specific things in social theory, but for those of us looking to get things done or find our creativity, it means the ability to let go of old ways and embrace teardowns and criticism as a way to improve the way you do things.
Apply "Schumpeterianism" to Push Through Criticism and Get Things Done
Right task v2
Right task v2
Right task v2