Saúde Mental & Bem Estar Archives - InovaSocial
Os transtornos de saúde mental no mundo, por idade e gênero
Populações de países das Américas são mais acometidos por transtornos de ansiedade, enquanto leste europeu tem maior prevalência de transtornos por uso de álcool
Post #1756
New Posts from Take This Sixty Seconds About Take This One-in-four people struggle with mental health issues. Especially in the video game community, the idea that "no one will miss me if I'm...
The Facts About Gaming Disorder
In the last few days, many consumers and industry professionals have expressed concern regarding the implications of several news articles that claim the World Health Organization (WHO) now...
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Mental health campaign poster 3
The Effects of Stigma on Accessing Mental Health Care
There are many perks to living in a city like Toronto, a drive down to Young and Dundas for shopping and a movie, a few blocks up to Young and Bloor for some delicious Shawarma, or Front and Jarvis…
Time to Change
Time to Change aims to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems in our city.
Mental Health Trivialization and Stigmatization in the Media
Movies, film, and social media often stigmatize and trivialize mental illness. Conflating violence with mental illness is particularly damaging.
Cuidados e hábitos saudáveis contra a depressão
O artigo mostra quais são as alternativas para prevenir e tratar a doença de forma mais sadia
How We Lose Sight of the Profound Awesomeness of Life
Living in the moment really does make people happier
Psychologists have found that people are distracted from the task at hand nearly half the time, and this daydreaming consistently makes them less happy
Mental health | Society | The Guardian
Moodscope - Lift your mood with a little help from your friends
Moodscope's depression test is a brand new social networking tool that helps treat depression by simply giving sufferers a way of measuring, tracking & sharing their mood.
People Tell Us How They Keep Their Mental Health in Check
We all have different ways of dealing when we feel like falling apart.
Mental Health
Everything with the topic 'Mental Health' on VICE
Occupations with High Rates of Substance Abuse
Construction workers. Food servers. If you have ever been employed in these occupations you probably know that drug and alcohol abuse are a major prob