NeurocienciasLas neurociencias son un conjunto de disciplinas científicas que investigan acerca de la función, la estructura y la bioquímica sel sistema nervioso.#neuroscience#neuropsychology··Jan 24, 2018Neurociencias
American Psychological Association | Neuropsychology Journal#neuropsychology#research··Oct 30, 2017American Psychological Association | Neuropsychology Journal
Neuropsychology Careers» Neuropsychology Careers#neuropsychology··Oct 30, 2017Neuropsychology Careers
Images Show The Shocking Effect Of Emotional Trauma On A Child's BrainTake a look at the image of two brains above. Although they belong to children of the same age, you’ll notice that the one on the left is much bigger and h#neuroscience#neuropsychology··Oct 28, 2017Images Show The Shocking Effect Of Emotional Trauma On A Child's Brain