Palestra sobre Inteligência Artificial aplicada à Psiquiatria e Neurociências
O Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biomédicas convida para a palestra "Mental health through the lens of Machine Learning applied to Neuroimaging" a ser ministrada pela Professora Janaína Mourão-Miranda UCL/UK.
Quando você está num beco sem saída e nenhum caminho parece o obviamente mais correto, acaba sendo obrigado a testar todas as possibilidades. É quando você sai do modo automático, das respostras-pa...
If low serotonin levels aren't responsible for depression, what is? | Scicurious
Blog festival: By studying the other effects that antidepressants have in the brain, we may arrive at more effective ways to treat depression, writes Scicurious
Research on depression and anxiety shows that exercise and other physical activity can help improve mood, reduce anxiety and improve other health problems.
Images Show The Shocking Effect Of Emotional Trauma On A Child's Brain
Take a look at the image of two brains above. Although they belong to children of the same age, you’ll notice that the one on the left is much bigger and h