Psicologia Positiva

Psicologia Positiva

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Recados do bem
Recados do bem
Recados do bem. 7.6K likes. Pagina oficial do Recados do bem, um projeto Indiretas do bem.
Recados do bem
"Sustaining Happiness Through Mindful Living" | Barry Margerum | TEDxSantaClaraUniversity
"Sustaining Happiness Through Mindful Living" | Barry Margerum | TEDxSantaClaraUniversity
Your brain is a powerful tool, but is wired for you to survive and at times subconsciously operates at cross purposes with what you might consider to be the best behavior. This presents a problem in the world where digital devices have led to increasingly high levels of stress in our lives. Being “Mindful” insures that you properly reflect on the situation before acting and behave in a way that would be most beneficial. Being present, in an open and accepting way, with the right mindset, to what you are experiencing, prepares you for this optimal behavior. Barry Margerum has more than twent...
"Sustaining Happiness Through Mindful Living" | Barry Margerum | TEDxSantaClaraUniversity
Why we're unhappy -- the expectation gap | Nat Ware | TEDxKlagenfurt
Why we're unhappy -- the expectation gap | Nat Ware | TEDxKlagenfurt
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Why are we getting richer but not happier? Why do lottery winners not have sustained happiness? Why are bronze medalists often happier than silver medalists? “The first step to being happy is to understand why we’re often unhappy,” says economist and entrepreneur Nat Ware. In an entertaining and enlightening talk, Nat shows that we’re bad predictors of happiness, and explains why this is. We make decisions based on actual outcomes, Nat says, but our happiness depends on relative outcomes. We’ve been se...
Why we're unhappy -- the expectation gap | Nat Ware | TEDxKlagenfurt
The 5 People You Need To Be Happy | Stacey Flowers | TEDxUNO
The 5 People You Need To Be Happy | Stacey Flowers | TEDxUNO
Everyone wants to be happy, but we often don't know how to actually achieve it. Having a supportive network helps but here are the 5 specific people that we all need in our lives to be happy. Stacey Flowers is an international speaker, business strategist, and author known for connecting happiness to peak performance. Stacey holds a Bachelor’s degree in Paralegal Studies from College of Saint Mary and a Master’s degree in Human Resources from Loyola University. She became the first in her family to graduate high school and pushed on as a first-generation college student, striving to build a...
The 5 People You Need To Be Happy | Stacey Flowers | TEDxUNO
Hacking your brain for happiness | James Doty | TEDxSacramento
Hacking your brain for happiness | James Doty | TEDxSacramento
Dr. James Doty explains the neurological benefits of Compassion. "Project Compassion" has now turned into a leading research and educational institution and the only institution solely focused on the study of Compassion, Altruism and Empathy. Compassion improves the world; yet the world around us seems ever in need of greater feats of compassion. How, then, can we create more compassion and inspire compassionate acts? And how is it that the brain and the heart work together to create compassion in the first place? James Robert Doty, M.D., tackles these tough questions, examining the neural,...
Hacking your brain for happiness | James Doty | TEDxSacramento
Power of Postivity | Samsara Shrestha | TEDxLACM | Samsara Shrestha | TEDxLACM
Power of Postivity | Samsara Shrestha | TEDxLACM | Samsara Shrestha | TEDxLACM
Samsara Shrestha Little Angels' College of Management Batch 2018 Has served as master of ceremony in numerous events of the college and never failed to grasp the attention of all those in her presence. We are glad to be able to once again feature her as a speaker on home grounds. Little Angels' College of Management Batch 2014-2018 Bachelors degree in Business Administration Currently applying to graduate school This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Power of Postivity | Samsara Shrestha | TEDxLACM | Samsara Shrestha | TEDxLACM
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
Never miss a talk! SUBSCRIBE to the TEDx channel: Just before his passing on January 10, 2014, Sam Berns was a Junior at Foxboro High School in Foxboro, Massachusetts, where he achieved highest honors and was a percussion section leader in the high school marching band. He also achieved the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. Sam was diagnosed with Progeria, a rare, rapid aging disease, at the age of 2. He is featured in the Emmy award-winning documentary Life According to Sam, which premiered on HBO on October 21, 2013, 2 days before his 17th birthday. I...
My philosophy for a happy life | Sam Berns | TEDxMidAtlantic
O que é e como alcançar o estado de fluxo?
O que é e como alcançar o estado de fluxo?
Conheça mais sobre o Flow, uma condição fundamental para que o indivíduo possa estar bem consigo mesmo. Clique e confira!
O que é e como alcançar o estado de fluxo?
As Vantagens de ser Otimista – Allan Percy
As Vantagens de ser Otimista – Allan Percy
Quando enfrentamos um problema, o otimismo nos ajuda a manter a serenidade e a perspectiva. Por pior que seja a situação, temos a certeza...
As Vantagens de ser Otimista – Allan Percy
Verbete Draft: o que é Slow Design
Verbete Draft: o que é Slow Design
É sobre desenvolver — sem pressa — produtos mais úteis, contextualizados e duradouros. É também uma abordagem de negócio, uma vez que aposta no consumo consciente.
Verbete Draft: o que é Slow Design
Como vivem as pessoas nos países mais felizes do mundo? - InovaSocial
Como vivem as pessoas nos países mais felizes do mundo? - InovaSocial
Nós, seres humanos, somos completamente diferentes uns dos outros. Mas se formos fazer uma lista das poucas coisas que todos nós temos um comum certamente uma delas será o fato...
Como vivem as pessoas nos países mais felizes do mundo? - InovaSocial
Good vibes com azul | Toques de Cor
Good vibes com azul | Toques de Cor
Criada em parceria com a Twinings, a nova cor da Pantone é puro alto astral
Good vibes com azul | Toques de Cor