Psicologia Positiva

Psicologia Positiva

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Matthieu Ricard – The Simple Secret to Happiness
Matthieu Ricard – The Simple Secret to Happiness
Matthieu Ricard, often called 'the happiest person in the world', talks about the simple and straightforward secret to happiness.
Matthieu Ricard – The Simple Secret to Happiness
Matthieu Ricard – The Benefits of Altruism
Matthieu Ricard – The Benefits of Altruism
Some people believe that altruism doesn't exist, others say that genuine altruism is impossible. From the Buddhist point of view, altruism is entirely possib...
Matthieu Ricard – The Benefits of Altruism
11 Ways to Help Others
11 Ways to Help Others
There are many ways to help when we meet someone in need.
11 Ways to Help Others
Curso online gratuito promove conexão e positividade
Curso online gratuito promove conexão e positividade
Para espantar as energias negativas nessa fase de intensas transformações, Bruno Jimenes apresenta suas técnicas de autodesenvolvimento e espiritualidade
Curso online gratuito promove conexão e positividade
A serventia do encantamento no dia a dia
A serventia do encantamento no dia a dia
O cotidiano está cheio de descobertas e prazeres, mas precisamos saber reconhecê-los. Isso nos ajuda a ter uma vida mais feliz e a encontrar poesia onde antes parecia existir apenas cinza
A serventia do encantamento no dia a dia
O poder da gratidão
O poder da gratidão
Exercitar esse sentimento no dia a dia faz bem para a gente mesmo e também para quem está próximo. Melhor, nos ajuda a cultivar a desejada paz interna
O poder da gratidão
caminhar com gentileza
12 Kinds of Kindness
12 Kinds of Kindness
Two self-centered New Yorkers created their own 12-step program to become kinder, more empathetic people. As a resolution, they practiced this for 12 months. By Jessica Walsh & Timothy Goodman, creators of 40 Days of Dating.
12 Kinds of Kindness
How to Defeat your Enemies with Kindness: 18 Tips - WiseStep
How to Defeat your Enemies with Kindness: 18 Tips - WiseStep
Enemies will always be enemies. And it wont be wrong in saying that everyone has one. It doesn’t matter if you are entirely innocent of the matter or not, you must learn to defeat and vanquish the pesky enemies as it is an essential part of moving forward with your life and getting on with …
How to Defeat your Enemies with Kindness: 18 Tips - WiseStep
live life as play
The 40-Day Random Act Of Kindness Experiment
The 40-Day Random Act Of Kindness Experiment
Why not try doing 40 days of acts of kindness - we do this every day - hopefully this too will make your heart soar To read the full article go to simple marriage / act-of-kindness The world in which we live is often an isolated existence. Days can go by and no real meaningful contact with...
The 40-Day Random Act Of Kindness Experiment
Why Self-Compassion Signifies A Return To Love
Why Self-Compassion Signifies A Return To Love
Why Self-compassion Signifies A Return To Love. Self-compassion is essential if we are to return to love. Have you ever wondered why some people just seem t
Why Self-Compassion Signifies A Return To Love
Five ways to show yourself compassion every day
Five ways to show yourself compassion every day
“My beloved child, break your heart no longer. Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart. You stop feeding on the love which is the wellspring of your vitality. The time has come. Your time. To celebrate. And to see the goodness that you are. You, my child, are divine. You are pure. …
Five ways to show yourself compassion every day
Cultivating Calm: Self-Compassion
Cultivating Calm: Self-Compassion
Cultivating Calm: Self-Compassion, Life can be tough. Distress and pain unavoidably arise for all of us, ..., MindfulMe, Timaru, Canterbury, 4 May 2017,
Cultivating Calm: Self-Compassion
A Self Compassion Check-Up
A Self Compassion Check-Up
February is the month for a Self Compassion check-up. Extend some love your way as well as others.
A Self Compassion Check-Up
The Self-Compassion Project
The Self-Compassion Project
Because you deserve some self-kindness, self-care and a big dose of gentleness.
The Self-Compassion Project
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Self-Compassion: The Often Missing Ingredient in Healthy Eating
Self-Compassion: The Often Missing Ingredient in Healthy Eating
Mindful eating often starts with a kinder outlook toward ourselves. From there, we're in a better position to make decisions about foods that satisfy hunger. #mindfuleating
Self-Compassion: The Often Missing Ingredient in Healthy Eating