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Best PIZZA recipe Without Oven 🍕 Real Italian PIZZA homemade cooked in a Pan 😋 Pizza Dough + Sauce
Best PIZZA recipe Without Oven 🍕 Real Italian PIZZA homemade cooked in a Pan 😋 Pizza Dough + Sauce
Thanks to Enri C. and Girolamo today we prepare a Spectacular Pizza at home very similar to Neapolitan Pizza without using the oven but it will be a pizza cooked in a pan with the help of the KITCHEN TORCH: For this recipe you will need: Flour 272 g Water 161 g Fresh yeast 2 g Salt 8 g Tomato pulp 400 g Salt 1 tsp Oregano 1 tsp Garlic 1 clove Extra virgin olive oil 1 tablespoon Don't forget to share your experience by leaving a comment 👍🏼 Here, on my website, you will soon find the written recipe: APRON : Here you can buy the Cuoredicioccolato T-SHIRTS YELLOW LOGO: RED LOGO: Spectacular BEER: If you would like to support the channel, do not hesitate to contribute to the purchase of the necessary material ;) thanks in advance Here you can Help me to buy the right equipment to improve my videos: INSTAGRAM: FANPAGE FACEBOOK: 15% DISCOUNT on all KOTAI knives KOTAI JAPANESE PROFESSIONAL KNIVES: just click on the link and before payment use the discount code "cioccola" RØDE Wireless GO: Softbox Kit di Illuminazione: ULANZI ST-08 Supporto: DJI Osmo Action Camera: Electric oven : Dough Mixer Machine : SILICONE SHEET: SACCAPOCHE: PLUMCAKE MOLD: FLOUR 00: PIZZA FLOUR: DURUM WHEAT FLOUR: YEAST for bread: 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil: YEAST for DESSERTS: POTATO CRUSHER: Wood oven:    Economic:
Best PIZZA recipe Without Oven 🍕 Real Italian PIZZA homemade cooked in a Pan 😋 Pizza Dough + Sauce
Easier pan pizza in a non-stick — browned base and crispy rim
Easier pan pizza in a non-stick — browned base and crispy rim
Thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video! Go to for a free trial, and when you’re ready to launch, go to and add code “RAGUSEA" at checkout to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. ***RECIPE, MAKES ONE 10-INCH PIZZA*** For the dough 1 cup (120g) bread flour + more for kneading (all-purpose is fine instead) 1/2 teaspoon (3g) salt 1/2 teaspoon (2-3g) sugar 1/2 teaspoon (1-2g) dried yeast 1/4 teaspoon (1g) garlic powder (very optional) 2 teaspoons (10mL) olive oil 1/2 cup (120mL) milk (water is fine instead) For the sauce 1/3 cup (80mL) canned crushed tomatoes (I like Pastene "Kitchen Ready") 1 teaspoon (5g) tomato paste (I only use this when I can't get the Pastene tomatoes) a small pinch of sugar a few pinches of dried pizza herbs (oregano, basil, marjoram, chili flakes, etc) For the rest 5-6 oz (140-170g) low-moisture mozzarella (ideally not pre-grated) grated parmesan additional olive oil and pizza herbs Combine all the dough ingredients. If it's too wet to knead, add more flour, but try to keep the dough as sticky as you can handle. Knead until smooth and elastic. Cover and let it double in size, 1-2 hours. (You can also simply throw it in the refrigerator and let it rise slowly for 1-7 days.) Get a 10-inch (25cm) non-stick skillet (you can use well-seasoned cast iron instead) and drop in just enough olive oil to coat the bottom. Put in some of your pizza herbs and a tiny pinch of salt, and coat the pan with oil and seasonings. Transfer your risen dough ball to the pan and flatten it into the pan with your finger tips, being sure to stretch it a little wider than you want it (it'll contract a bit). Rub the surface with a little more olive oil and let it rise again in the pan for at least 30 min. Combine all the sauce ingredients and grate your cheese. Position an oven rack up close to the broiler (grill). When you're ready to bake, turn a burner on medium heat under your dough, and get the broiler in your oven heating to maximum. Cook the dough on the stovetop until the bottom is browned to your liking, checking frequently by lifting it up with a soft spatula. You can shake the pan to make sure the dough isn't sticking. I like the bottom to be just starting to burn — this usually takes me 6-7 minutes. When the bottom is cooked, take the pan off the heat. Spread on the sauce, edge to edge. Dust the sauce with parmesan, and spread on the mozzarella, edge to edge. Put on any other toppings you want. Transfer the pan under the hot broiler, close the oven door, and cook until the cheese is brown to your liking. This usually takes me only two minutes, which in my experience isn't enough time to overheat the teflon pan and cause the release of hazardous fumes. If you need to be particularly cautious about such things (pet birds and people with respiratory diseases are at high risk), use a cast iron pan instead for this recipe. Remove the pizza from the oven and allow it to cool just until it's solid enough that you can slide it out intact — no more than 5 minutes. (The sooner you get it out of the pan, the crispier the bottom will be.) Slide the pizza out to a cooling rack, and let cool to eating temperature. If the bottom is too soft or soggy, you can slide it back into the pan and fry over medium heat again for a minute until sizzling. Slice and eat (duh).
Easier pan pizza in a non-stick — browned base and crispy rim
O MELHOR JEITO DE CONSUMIR CHIA - pudim de chia básico & variações de sabores
O MELHOR JEITO DE CONSUMIR CHIA - pudim de chia básico & variações de sabores
Aprenda como fazer pudim de chia básico e mais diferentes sabores para variar o preparo no seu dia a dia. Ele é uma ótima opção de café da manhã ou lanche saudável. Pode ser servido com diferentes acompanhamentos, como iogurte, frutas e granola. ► RECEITAS ESCRITAS: - Conheça os nossos e-books de receitas! DIA A DIA: e-book com mais de 150 receitas veganas e sem glúten, simples e acessíveis, fáceis de adaptar, nutritivas e perfeitas para a sua semana de refeições! ➡️ ESPECIAL: e-book de receitas veganas simples para momentos especiais! ➡️ Obrigada por apoiar o nosso trabalho ❤️ - ► OUTRAS RECEITAS CITADAS: Leite de amêndoas: Leite de coco: Iogurte de coco: Pasta de amendoim: Guia do leite vegetal: ► PRODUTOS USADOS: *Kit de medidores-padrão: *Xícaras medidoras: *Colheres medidoras: *Pote de vidro redondo: *Potinhos de vidro para servir: SOBRE O VÍDEO: Receita, imagens e edição por Plantte Este vídeo NÃO contém publicidade. Links afiliados estão marcados com um (*). Para saber mais, acesse Agradecemos por apoiar o nosso trabalho! Site: Instagram: Facebook: Pinterest:
O MELHOR JEITO DE CONSUMIR CHIA - pudim de chia básico & variações de sabores
Pão de aveia banana na frigideira Café da manhã SAUDÁVEL - SEM TRIGO SEM AÇÚCAR
Pão de aveia banana na frigideira Café da manhã SAUDÁVEL - SEM TRIGO SEM AÇÚCAR
Aprenda como fazer um café da manha super saudavel SEM TRIGO e SEM AÇÚCAR e sem lactose com esse pão de aveia com banana na frigideira. _________________________________________________________________ ============================ 300 Receitas Sem Glúten e Sem Leite 👇 COMPRE JÁ 👇 A apostila 300 Receitas Sem Glúten e Sem Leite foi criada pensando exatamente em como resolver seu principal problema: RECEITAS GOSTOSAS, PRÁTICAS, FÁCEIS DE FAZER E BARATAS! _________________________________________________________________ Se inscreva: Instagram: @RECEITAS DO CLAU Facebook : RECEITAS DO CLAU INGREDIENTES DESTA RECEITA 2 bananas 5 colheres de sopa de farinha de aveia 2 ovos 1 colher de sobremesa de essência de baunilha 1 pitada de sal ( a essência de baunilha pode ser substituída por canela em pó) Óleo de Coco para untar a frigideira
Pão de aveia banana na frigideira Café da manhã SAUDÁVEL - SEM TRIGO SEM AÇÚCAR
ANTIBIOTIK SALATA za zimu, ukusna, zdrava i bez konzervansa/ Turšija sa belim lukom
ANTIBIOTIK SALATA za zimu, ukusna, zdrava i bez konzervansa/ Turšija sa belim lukom
Mi ovu salatu zovemo "ANTIBIOTIK SALATA" jer se pravi od belog luka. Ako volite kiseli beliluk onda će vam se ova salata jako dopasti. Veoma je zdrava, ne sadrži konzervans i može poslužiti kao prilog raznim jelima tokom zime. Za dve manje teglice potrebno je: 250 gr belog luka 2 šargarepe Malo svežeg peršuna u teglu po 1 kašičica soli 4-5 kašika alkoholnog sirćeta od 9% voda malo bibera u zrnu #zimnica Pogledajte i ove sjajne recept 🥔 𝐊𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ********************************************************************************* 🍗𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ********************************************************************************* 🥗 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ********************************************************************************* 🎂 𝐁𝐑𝐙𝐈 𝐊𝐎𝐋𝐀Č𝐈 𝐈 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐙 𝐏𝐄Č𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐀 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ******************************************************************************** ★ Blog ➜ ★ Facebook stranica➜ ★ Instagram➜ ★ Pinterest➜ Svi komentari koji vređaju autora i pratioce biće uklonjeni a osoba koja tako nešto piše momentalno blokirana. Ovo je kanal koji okuplja pozitivne ljude koji žele da nauče nešto novo pa tako bilo kakve rasprave i svađe nisu dozvoljene u komentarima. Hvala vam na razumevanju. Ako vam se video dopada ostavite lajk. Unapred hvala i svako dobro.
ANTIBIOTIK SALATA za zimu, ukusna, zdrava i bez konzervansa/ Turšija sa belim lukom
BOMBA ZA IMUNITET I ANEMIJU! Salata od cvekle jako zdrava a ukusna
BOMBA ZA IMUNITET I ANEMIJU! Salata od cvekle jako zdrava a ukusna
Ova salata je prava bomba za imunitet i anemiju a takodje je dobra za čišćenje jetre itd... Svi znamo koliko je cvekla zdrava a u ovoj kombinaciji je i zdrava i ukusna. ● SASTOJCI ● 1 veća cvekla 1 veća šargarepa 3 čena belog luka 1 limun malo oraha maslinovo ulje so i biber #cvekla #salata Pogledajte i ove sjajne recept 🥔 𝐊𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ********************************************************************************* 🍗𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ********************************************************************************* 🥗 𝐒𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ********************************************************************************* 🎂 𝐁𝐑𝐙𝐈 𝐊𝐎𝐋𝐀Č𝐈 𝐈 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐙 𝐏𝐄Č𝐄𝐍𝐉𝐀 ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ ******************************************************************************** ★ Blog ➜ ★ Facebook stranica➜ ★ Instagram➜ ★ Pinterest➜ Svi komentari koji vređaju autora i pratioce biće uklonjeni a osoba koja tako nešto piše momentalno blokirana. Ovo je kanal koji okuplja pozitivne ljude koji žele da nauče nešto novo pa tako bilo kakve rasprave i svađe nisu dozvoljene u komentarima. Hvala vam na razumevanju. Ako vam se video dopada ostavite lajk. Unapred hvala i svako dobro.
BOMBA ZA IMUNITET I ANEMIJU! Salata od cvekle jako zdrava a ukusna
Cvekla za zimu -fenomenalna salata bez konzervansa
Cvekla za zimu -fenomenalna salata bez konzervansa
Kako spremiti cveklu za zimu. Jedna lepa i zdrava salata bez konzervansa. Veoma je ukusna i fina a pravi se jednostavno. Po ovom receptu uvek pripremam cveklu i jako sam zadovoljna kako se održi a zadovoljna sam i ukusom. Za moj ukus je kiselost savršena. Za količinu od nekih 2 do 2 ipo kg cvekle će vam trebati: 1 l vode 2 supene kašike šećera 1 supena kašika soli 1 supena kašika bibera u zrnu po želji malokima (opciono) 270 ml sirćeta (9%) ili 30 ml esencije #Cvekla #cikla ZIMNICA JOŠ RECEPATA: ★ Još video recepata: ➜ ★ Blog ➜ ★ Facebook stranica➜ ★ Instagram➜ ★ Pinterest➜ ------------------------ ☆Recepti☆ ------------------------ ►ODABRANI RECEPTI -NAJBOLJI RECEPTI: ►NAJGLEDANIJI I NAJPOPULARNIJI RECEPTI: ►PECIVO: ►IDEJE ZA RUČAK - SLANA JELA: ►DESERTI - TORTE I KOLAČI: ►HLEB - RECEPTI (DOMAĆI,INTEGRALNI,HELJDIN...): ►KROMPIR RECEPTI I IDEJE: ►RECEPTI ZA JELA SA PILETINOM: ►IDEJE ZA DORUČAK/VEČERU - RECEPTI: ►URADI SAMA PROJEKTI: ►BOŽIĆNE I NOVOGODIŠNJE DEKORACIJE: ►USKRS - FARBANJE JAJA: ►UREĐENJE DVORIŠTA - SAVETI ZA CVEĆE , URADI SAM SAKSIJE: Email:
Cvekla za zimu -fenomenalna salata bez konzervansa
Xícara / Copo usado é de 200ml Ingredientes: Pedaço de batata doce cozida (2 dedos) 01 Ovo 01 Colher de sobremesa de azeite 01 Colher de sopa de farinha de arroz 02 Colheres de sopa de goma de tapioca 01 Colher de café de fermento químico 01 Pitada de sal Espero que goste da receita!! Aproveite e se inscreva, compartilhe e deixe o seu like, vai nos ajudar muito!! Redes sociais e parcerias: Instagram: @pilotandoofogaoofc Instagram: @bastidoresdalene Meu canal de Vlogs e dia a dia:
This is the MOST DELICIOUS I've ever eaten! No yeast No oven! Everyone can make this at home!
This is the MOST DELICIOUS I've ever eaten! No yeast No oven! Everyone can make this at home!
This is the MOST DELICIOUS I've ever eaten! No yeast No oven! Everyone can make this recipe at home! Water 95ml Salt 1.5g/0.25tsp Flour 150g/1cup Green onion 30g A pinch of baking soda Cheese 50g Flour 1/4cup Corn starch 1/4cup Salted butter 20g Oil for frying 清水 95毫升 盐1.5克(1/4茶勺) 面粉 150克(1大杯) 小葱 30克 小苏打 一小撮 奶酪丝 50克 面粉 1/4杯 玉米淀粉 1/4杯 有盐黄油 20克 油 适量 ***Cooking gears I used in all my videos*** US: Canada: *** SUBSCRIBE *** to my YouTube Channels for more videos and click the bell so you will not miss any of my videos: Helly's Simple Recipe Cooking Everyday *** FOLLOW MY PAGE *** Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: BGM: Clear Air - Somewhere Sunny by Kevin MacLeod Clear Air - Somewhere Sunny by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Source: Artist:
This is the MOST DELICIOUS I've ever eaten! No yeast No oven! Everyone can make this at home!
EASY Air Fryer PIZZA! 🍕 Take your Air Fryer to ANOTHER LEVEL!
EASY Air Fryer PIZZA! 🍕 Take your Air Fryer to ANOTHER LEVEL!
Easy AIR FRYER PIZZA RECIPE! Soft Crust Air Fryer Pizza ! The first 1,000 people to use the link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: ➤ SUBSCRIBE to my channel here: ➤ Want more Air Fryer recipes? ➤ Printable Air Fryer Pizza: Soft Crust Air Fryer Pizza : - 100g All Purpouse Flour (3/4 cup) - 1 tsp Salt - 1 tsp Yeast - 60g Luke Warm Water (1/4 cup) - 2 tsp Olive Oil Quick no cook pizza sauce: Mix tomato sauce with a drizzle of olive oil, basil, pinch of salt and garlic. You'll only need about 2-3 tbsp of sauce! Add whatever toppings you like! Enjoy! ♥ Copyright © 2022 Emma Fontanella. All rights reserved. No part of this video (including thumbnail images or written recipe) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright holder
EASY Air Fryer PIZZA! 🍕 Take your Air Fryer to ANOTHER LEVEL!
10 HEALTHY Air Fryer Recipes that are EASY AND Yummy!
10 HEALTHY Air Fryer Recipes that are EASY AND Yummy!
Looking for some healthy air fryer recipes? I got you! Here's 10 of YUMMY & healthy air fryer recipes. 🔆 Get My Air Fryer Recipe Cookbook → and here's my favorite air fryer: 🔆 Join my Air Fryer Challenge for BUSY families who want to get healthy meals on the table fast → 🔆 FREE download with Top 18 Air Fryer Tips PLUS the recommended internal temps for meats & baked goods→ ✅ TOP 25 Air Fryer Tips and Tricks You Need to Know! ✅ 5 More Health Air Fryer Recipes: ✅ Roasted Broccoli 300˚F/149˚C for 10 min - optional, 1 more min w/ oil/s&p at 400˚F/200˚C ✅ Balsamic Chicken & Veggies ✅ Honey Garlic Air Fryer Shrimp ✅Crustless Quiche ✅ Air Fryer Sweet Potatoes ✅ Air Fryer Salmon ✅ Air Fryer Zucchini Bites Modified from: air fry for 15 minutes at 380F/195C ✅ Air Fryer Pork Tenderloin ✅ Air Fryer Savory Chickpeas 1 15 oz can chickpeas (garbanzo beans) drained. 1/8 teaspoon each of garlic & onion powder & 1/4 teaspoon each of cinnamon & smoked paprika. 390f/198c for 5 min, spray w/ oil, then 5 min, shake, 5 minutes, add 1/2 of seasoning, 2 minutes. Pour in bowl & stir in remaining seasoning. ✅ Air Fryer Honey Mustard Chicken Subscribe to my channel for more FAST & EASY Air Fryer recipes & tips! → ALL my Air Fryer Recipes: How to Use an Air Fryer: 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 Favorite Air Fryer Tools: → (these are affiliate links, which means I get a small commission off your purchase, at no extra cost to you!) 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻 Cosori Air Fryer: (Model # CP158 and CP358) or (use coupon code CATHY15)15% off Cosori Accessory Kit (use coupon code CATHY15) The Oil Sprayer I LOVE now: Unbleached Parchment Paper: Instant Read Thermometer: Kitchen Scale: My Favorite Knife: Bag Holders: Spatula Set: Avocado Oil: Ramekins: Silicone Cupcake Liners: Silicone Egg Bite Pan: Oven Safe Glass Containers: Air Fryer Accessories: My Amazon Store with Favorite Items in My Kitchen: ⏱️TIMESTAMPS⏱️ 0:00 Healthy Air Fryer Recipes 0:53 Frozen Broccoli in Air Fryer 1:39 Balsamic Chicken & Veggies 3:53 Honey Garlic Air Fryer Shrimp 5:10 Crustless Air Fryer Quiche 7:18 Air Fryer Sweet Potatoes 8:06 Air Fryer Salmon 9:30 Air Fryer Zucchini Bites 10:47 Air Fryer Pork Tenderloin 12:37 Air Fryer Savory Chickpeas 14:01 Honey Mustard Chicken 15:16 MORE Air Fryer Recipes #airfryerrecipes #healthyairfryerrecipes #fabulesslyfrugal
10 HEALTHY Air Fryer Recipes that are EASY AND Yummy!
*Actually* Satisfying Salads You NEED to Try This Fall!
*Actually* Satisfying Salads You NEED to Try This Fall!
If you're looking for a salad that's actually satisfying and delicious, you've come to the right place! Here are 4 nutritionally-balanced vegan salads that are full of seasonal fall produce and flavors. Full recipes are linked below :) ✗ Want More Recipes? Get my COOKBOOK ➢* IN THIS VIDEO • Curried Lentil Cauliflower Salad: • Fall Farro Salad with Rosemary Vinaigrette: • Roasted Butternut Squash Salad: • Kale Apple Walnut Salad with Cider Vinaigrette: --- • My Blender:* • My Food Processor:* • My Pans:* CONNECT WITH ME • Instagram: • Recipe Blog: • Pinterest: • Facebook: HELPFUL LINKS • 25% off Your 1st Thrive Market Order* ➢ • 5% Off ANY iHerb Order* ➢ (use code BOW1780) • My Kitchen Staples + Supplements* ➢ ABOUT THIS VIDEO • All My Gear: • The BEST quality music for videos*: • FTC: This video is not sponsored. Affiliate links are marked by (*); for a full affiliate discretion notice, please visit Thank you for the support! :)
*Actually* Satisfying Salads You NEED to Try This Fall!
Neujahrs dessert in 5 Minuten, kein Ofen, keine Kondensmilch, keine Gelatine, kein Mehl!
Neujahrs dessert in 5 Minuten, kein Ofen, keine Kondensmilch, keine Gelatine, kein Mehl!
Ein ausgezeichnetes Silvesterdessert in 5 Minuten, kein Ofen, keine Kondensmilch, keine Gelatine, kein Mehl! Dieses 5-Zutaten-Schokoladenkuchen-Rezept ist eifrei und ohne Backen. Dieses zuckerarme Dessert sollte in nur 5 Minuten kochen. Dieser Kuchen schmeckt fantastisch. Wenn Sie nach einem leichteren Kuchen suchen, probieren Sie diesen Kuchen. Zutaten: 200g Kekse. 100g Nüsse (nach Geschmack habe ich Walnüsse) 80g Butter. eine Prise Salz 18cm formen. 200 g Nutella-Schokolade 400g Frischkäse 50 g Puderzucker 200 ml Sahne 33% Nüsse und Schokolade zum Dekorieren Guten Appetit!
Neujahrs dessert in 5 Minuten, kein Ofen, keine Kondensmilch, keine Gelatine, kein Mehl!
Galettes petit-déjeuner : 2 ingrédients ! Délicieux ! Sans sucre, ni farine, ni oeufs, ni lait !
Galettes petit-déjeuner : 2 ingrédients ! Délicieux ! Sans sucre, ni farine, ni oeufs, ni lait !
J'adore les galettes pour mon petit-déjeuner ou comme collation avec un délicieux thé chaud. Ces galettes sont sans sucre ajouté (seulement le sucre naturel de la banane) et sans farine ! Une recette sans gluten, une recette vegan ♥ Ça croustille à l'extérieur et c'est fondant à l'intérieur. Vous pouvez faire des galettes plus fines aussi. Elles seront parfaites avec de la pâte à tartiner au chocolat ou caramel, ou de la bonne confiture. Une recette qui fera plaisir à toute la famille. Bonne dégustation ! Ingrédients : 2 bananes 2 tasses de 250 ml de graines de sésames ------ I love cookies for my breakfast or as a snack with a delicious hot tea. These cookies are without added sugar (only the natural sugar of the banana) and without flour! A gluten-free recipe, a vegan recipe ♥ It's crispy on the outside and melting on the inside. You can make thinner cookies too. They will be perfect with chocolate or caramel spread, or good jam. A recipe that will please the whole family. Good tasting ! Ingredients : 2 bananas 2 cups sesame seeds ------ أنا أحب الكعك في وجبة الإفطار أو كوجبة خفيفة مع الشاي الساخن اللذيذ. ملفات تعريف الارتباط هذه بدون سكر مضاف (فقط السكر الطبيعي للموز) وبدون دقيق! وصفة خالية من الغلوتين ، وصفة نباتية ♥ مذاق جيد! مكونات : 2 حبة موز 2 كوب سمسم ------ Ich liebe Kekse zum Frühstück oder als Snack mit einem leckeren heißen Tee. Diese Kekse sind ohne Zuckerzusatz (nur der natürliche Zucker der Banane) und ohne Mehl! Ein glutenfreies Rezept, ein veganes Rezept ♥ Guter Geschmack! Zutaten : 2 Bananen 2 Tassen Sesam ------ Adoro i biscotti per la mia colazione o come spuntino con un delizioso tè caldo. Questi biscotti sono senza zucchero aggiunto (solo lo zucchero naturale della banana) e senza farina! Una ricetta senza glutine, una ricetta vegana ♥ Buona degustazione! Ingredienti : 2 banane 2 tazze di semi di sesamo ------ Я люблю печенье на завтрак или в качестве закуски к вкусному горячему чаю. Это печенье без добавления сахара (только натуральный сахар банана) и без муки! Безглютеновый рецепт, веганский рецепт ♥ Хорошая дегустация! Ингредиенты: 2 банана 2 чашки семян кунжута ------ Me encantan las galletas para el desayuno o como merienda con un delicioso té caliente. Estas galletas son sin azúcar añadida (solo el azúcar natural del plátano) y sin harina! Una receta sin gluten, una receta vegana ♥ ¡Buen sabor! Ingredientes : 2 plátanos 2 tazas de semillas de sésamo ------ Uwielbiam ciasteczka na śniadanie lub jako przekąskę do pysznej gorącej herbaty. Te ciasteczka są bez dodatku cukru (tylko naturalny cukier banana) i bez mąki! Przepis bezglutenowy, przepis wegański ♥ Dobry smak! Składniki : 2 banany 2 szklanki nasion sezamu ------ 我喜欢早餐吃饼干或作为美味热茶的小吃。 这些饼干没有添加糖(只有香蕉的天然糖),也没有面粉! 无麸质食谱,纯素食谱♥味道好! 原料 : 2根香蕉 2杯芝麻 ------
Galettes petit-déjeuner : 2 ingrédients ! Délicieux ! Sans sucre, ni farine, ni oeufs, ni lait !
NÃO COMA PÃO, MISTURE AVEIA E MAÇÃ e você vai VICIAR nessa DELÍCIA! Sem Açúcar, Trigo, Leite, Ovo!
NÃO COMA PÃO, MISTURE AVEIA E MAÇÃ e você vai VICIAR nessa DELÍCIA! Sem Açúcar, Trigo, Leite, Ovo!
Essa receita fácil, barata e gostosa é uma boa opção para lanche ou café da manhã. São só 2 alimentos em um preparo simples e saudável. Não tem farinha (sem glúten), não tem leite (sem lactose), não tem ovo e não tem manteiga. É uma receita simples para substituir o pão! Pode ajudar sua reeducação alimentar para emagrecer e saúde. São poucas calorias, muitas fibras e ainda é vegana! Me conta nos comentários se vai fazer exatamente assim ou vai adaptar algum ingrediente. E veja os vídeos relacionados que separei abaixo para te ajudar. Me siga no INSTAGRAM e TIKTOK também! ✅ ✅ Receitas e dicas exclusivas lá. Quando fizer uma receita, me marque no Instagram para eu ver como ficou!! 📚 CONHEÇA MEUS LIVROS: Receitas incríveis para Emagrecer, Low Carb, Diabéticos, Imunidade e Mais! VISITE: 📋 INGREDIENTES DA RECEITA: - 2 xícaras de chá de aveia em flocos - 2 maçãs - 500ml de água quente - Canela em pó a gosto (opcional) Rende 6 porções, cada uma com 137 calorias, 25g de carboidratos (4g de fibras), 5g de proteínas e 2g de gorduras, aproximadamente. 🔥ÁREA DE MEMBROS EXCLUSIVA: Faça parte do nosso grupo especial. Embaixo de qualquer video meu clique no botão SEJA MEMBRO ou clique em - - - - - - - RECEITAS RELACIONADAS: - - - - - - - NÃO COMA PÃO! [Alternativas Gostosas, Rápidas e Saudáveis!] SEM FARINHA DE TRIGO! Receitas de LANCHE / CAFÉ DA MANHÃ Deliciosas para Emagrecer e Saúde - Fáceis e Rápidas Receitas VEGANAS DOCES - Bolos, Sobremesas e Lanches Deliciosos, Fáceis, Rápidos e Saudáveis - - - - - - - ASSISTA TAMBÉM: - - - - - - - DIETA VEGANA - Dicas e RECEITAS para Veganos AVEIA TODO DIA - Veja o que acontece com você! QUAL É O MELHOR TIPO DE AVEIA PARA MINHA ALIMENTAÇÃO? MAÇÃ TODO DIA - Veja o que acontece com você! USE ASSIM! CANELA TODO DIA - Veja o que acontece com você! Canela Aumenta a Pressão Arterial ou Baixa? Saiba a VERDADE! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ✅ 1# INSCREVA-SE NO CANAL para receber as melhores dicas: ✅ 2# COMPARTILHE O VÍDEO e vamos ajudar mais pessoas: Envie-o para seus amigos no WhatsApp / Facebook e convide-os para se inscrever no canal! ⚠️ As informações disponibilizadas nesse canal são de caráter informativo. Não devem ser utilizadas como base de auto-diagnóstico, auto-prescrição ou auto-tratamento. Consulte sempre seu médico e/ou nutricionista. Music | "Get Away" by LiQWYD Watch: License: Download/Stream: Take Me There by Declan DP License: Free Download / Stream: Promoted by Audio Library:
NÃO COMA PÃO, MISTURE AVEIA E MAÇÃ e você vai VICIAR nessa DELÍCIA! Sem Açúcar, Trigo, Leite, Ovo!
Questa torta lo farai TUTTI I GIORNI! Bastano solo 10 minuti! Incredibilmente deliziosa🤩 #293
Questa torta lo farai TUTTI I GIORNI! Bastano solo 10 minuti! Incredibilmente deliziosa🤩 #293
PUOI ATTIVARE I SOTTOTITOLI E LA TRADUZIONE💡 INGREDIENTI : 👇🏻👇🏻 • 3 uova medie • 8 g di zucchero vanigliato o 1 bustina di vanillina • pizzico di sale • 150 g di zucchero • 120 ml di olio di semi girasole • 150 g di yogurt alla vaniglia • 15 g di lievito per dolci • 290 g di farina 00 • marmellata Stampo : 28x19 cm Buon appetito ❤️ grazie per la visione ❤️ ISCRIVETEVI AL CANALE per rimanere aggiornati SEMPRE sui nuovi video: ⬇️⬇️ SEGUITEMI ANCHE SU: pagina Instagram: ⬇️⬇️ TUTTE LE RICETTE➡️ Se avete domande o dubbi scrivetemi nei commenti e mettete mi piace se vi è piaciuta la ricetta. Se ancora non siete iscritti al nostro canale, iscrivetevi qui 👆🏻 sopra e attivate 🔔il per rimanere sempre aggiornati. #ricette_dolci #ricette #ricetteveloci #torta #tortaveloce #torta_marmellata
Questa torta lo farai TUTTI I GIORNI! Bastano solo 10 minuti! Incredibilmente deliziosa🤩 #293
Alışkanlık Yapacak Bir Çörek 👀 10 Dakikada Haftasonu Kahvaltısı YUMUŞACIK Çörek Tarifi !!
Alışkanlık Yapacak Bir Çörek 👀 10 Dakikada Haftasonu Kahvaltısı YUMUŞACIK Çörek Tarifi !!
Çörek tarifi, evde çörek nasıl yapılır, Haftasonu Kahvaltısı için ÇÖREK TARİFİ kahvaltılık tarifler. ÖYLE BİR ÇÖREK PİŞİRDİM Kİ❗ HEM GÖRÜNTÜSÜNE HEM DE LEZZETİNE HAYRAN KALACAK 😍 TADINA DOYAMAYACAKSINIZ 😋 Daha çok tarif yükleyebilmem için kanalıma abone olur ve zili tıklarsan çok sevinirim. Hemen bu linki tıklayarak ücretsiz abone olabilirsin. Diğer kanalımı ziyaret etmek isterseniz ⬇ ____ TARİF İÇİN MALZEMELER ____ 2 adet yumurta 1,5 su bardağı ılık süt (300 ml) 1,5 su bardağı ılık su (300 ml) 1 yemek kaşığı şeker (20 gram) 1 tatlı kaşığı maya (5 gram) 1 paket kabartma tozu (10 gram) 3,5 su bardağı un (420 gram) 1 tatlı kaşığı tuz (8 gram) 2 adet yeşil biber 1 adet kırmızı biber 1 adet domates 1 adet patates. 1 su bardağı tulum peyniri (120 gram) #yemektarifleri #kahvaltılık #pratikyemektarifleri #efsanetarifler #delicious​ #tasty​ #yum​ #yummy​ #asmar​ #kahvaltı #çörektarifi #çörek #anayemek
Alışkanlık Yapacak Bir Çörek 👀 10 Dakikada Haftasonu Kahvaltısı YUMUŞACIK Çörek Tarifi !!
En este video te voy a enseñar, paso a paso, como hacer un delicioso BROWNIE SIN HORNO, sin azúcar, sin gluten, sin lactosa, sin harinas, sin huevo. Esta es una de esas recetas saludables, para compartir con amigas y con la familia, porque es fácil y rápido de preparar, es económica, con pocos ingredientes. Este es un postre saludable ideal para el cafecito de la tarde, para llevar como snack al trabajo o a la escuela. Saludable y gluten free. Si estas queriendo cambiar tu alimentación por una alimentación más saludable y sin productos de origen animal, esta receta es para ti. #recetasdegri #browniesinhorno #browniesingluten #brownievegano #postresinazucar Te dejo el link de mis otras recetas SIN HORNO Te dejo el link de mis otras recetas SIN AZÚCAR Cualquier consulta me la puedes dejar en los comentarios☺️ 💚¡GRACIAS POR COMPARTIR EL VÍDEO Y DARLE ME GUSTA! Así me ayudarás a seguir creando contenido. 💖Te invito a acompañarme en mis redes sociales Instagram👇 Facebook👇 Suscribete a mi canal de Youtube RECETAS DE GRI es GRATIS!👇 Ingredientes para BROWNIE SIN HORNO Vegano Sin Gluten Mi taza medidora es de 250 ml El molde 19 cm de largo 9 por cm de ancho 5 cm de altura 1/2 Taza de Mix de frutos secos o Maní (cacahuate) .......80 gramos 1 1/2 Taza de puré de Banana.............................................375 gramos 1/2 Taza de Cacao sin Azúcar.............................................50 gramos Cocinar en fuego minimo por entre 5 y 7 minutos Guardar en la nevera hasta por 5 días.
GNOCCHI di ZUCCA SENZA IMPASTARE RICETTA FURBA gnocchi di zucca senza uovo senza patate
GNOCCHI di ZUCCA SENZA IMPASTARE RICETTA FURBA gnocchi di zucca senza uovo senza patate
Gnocchi di Zucca senza Impastare LE COSE CHE USO NEI MIEI VIDEO le trovate qui _________________________________ Gnocchi di Zucca senza Impastare Per 4 persone 650 gr di Zucca pulita 250-300 gr di farina 2 cucchiai di formaggio sale pepe noce moscata poco olio poca acqua Gnocchi di zucca Pulire e tagliare quasi 700 gr di zucca tagliata a pezzi piccoli, cuocere in pentola con sale pepe poco olio per circa 12 minuti. Aggiungere a inizio cottura mezzo bicchiere di acqua. Usare il coperchio per tutto il tempo di cottura, mischiare spesso. Cotta la zucca schiacciarla con una forchetta, attendere 5 minuti e aggiungere circa 250 grammi di farina, e fate cuocere sul fornello mischiando per circa tre minuti. quando è quasi tiepido aggiungere 2 cucchiai abbondanti di formaggio, noce moscata, mischiare e fare quasi raffreddare. Deve risultare un impasto morbido, poco appiccicoso. fate un gnocco con le mani bagnate e cuocetelo, quando sale a galla è cotto. se è morbido va benissimo, se è troppo morbido aggiungete 2 cucchiai di farina nell impasto. Adesso potete creare gli gnocchi nel modo classico, sul tavolo con la farina, ma questa ricetta prevede di non sporcare il tavolo quindi mi avvicino alla pentola dell'acqua, preparo anche una padella con un condimento, in questo caso è burro e salvia con semi di girasole, e con le mani umide creo gli gnocchi e li cucino al momento, continuo a farli e man mano che vengono a galla li passo nella padella pescandoli con un mestolo forato. In 2 minuti gli gnocchi sono fatti e conditi senza impastare e senza utilizzare il tavolo o la farina. _________________________________ Con i SUPERGRAZIE di youtube puoi sostenere il canale con pochi euro per aiutarci a migliorare audio video e ricette. Tutti gli iscritti vedranno nei commenti la tua donazione che sarà evidenziata. Grazie ■ RAPANELLO SHOP ■ Il Blog ■ Facebook ■ Instagram ■ Contatto solo per commerciali
GNOCCHI di ZUCCA SENZA IMPASTARE RICETTA FURBA gnocchi di zucca senza uovo senza patate
Le famose biscotti si sciolgono in bocca,buoni e facili con pochi ingredienti,biscotti facile #asmr
Le famose biscotti si sciolgono in bocca,buoni e facili con pochi ingredienti,biscotti facile #asmr
Le famose biscotti si sciolgono in bocca,buoni e facili con pochi ingredienti, biscotti facili e veloci 😋 ASMR -------- PUOI ATTIVARE SOTTOTITOLI E TRADUZIONE - Non dimenticare di "ISCRIVERTI" al mio canale per le mie nuove ricette e di attivare il "RING" (🔔) per le notifiche ❤️🙏🏻 INGREDIENTI⬇️⬇️ 2 uova 125 gr di zucchero 125 ml di olio 125 gr di yogurt bianco Scorza di limone 🍋 Pizzico di sale 1 cucchiaio di marmellata 450 gr di semola di grano duro o tenero 10 gr di lievito per dolci (baking powder) 200 gr di zucchero a velo In forno preriscaldato 200 gradi per 10_ 15 minuti @dolci ricette Arabe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Asmr #dolce #carnevale #biscotti #brioche #ciambella #biscotti #biscotti_al_cocco #brioche_sfogliato #brioches_without #ciambella_soffice #Bread #dolce #torta #crostata #sweet_easy_fast #sweet_recipes #sweet_with_a_new_only #sweet_with_biscuits #sweet_arabe #sweet_arab_recipe #sweet_easy_and_fast #sweet_easy_fast_and_simple #arabian_recipe #cake_with_cuts_with_biscuits #cake_easy_fast #cake_easy #Asmr #ciambellone #cornetto #brioche #dolce #torta # cakeeasy_fast #cake_easy #cuisine_captures #cake_with_marmellata #torta_marmellata #torta_versata #torta_all'arancia #torta_cross #dessert_easy_fast #dessert_à_cuillères #dessert #fast_lecker_simple #fast_dinner #fattoamano #arancia #arabiane_ricette #sweet_recipes #cuisine_marocaine #recipe_arabe #confiture #marmellata #sweet_with_marmellata #recette_marmellata #polpette #polpette_di_patate #patate #ricette_veloci #ricette_arabe #ricette_dolce #ricette_facile #recipesoftiktok #ricetta_di_mele #cake_easy_fast #food #foodie #foodwars #foodchallenge #foodgod #cuisson_au_four #arabe #cuisine_arabe #cuisine_captures #cuisinemaison #sweet_recipes #cake_easy_fast #cuisine #sweet #sweet_easy_fast #recette_rapide #maffun #pomme_de_terre #tonno #arabian_kitchen #doux #cornetti #croissant #brioche #brioche_sfogliato #brioches_without #sweet_recipes #biscotti #biscuits #cookies #biscotti_all #biscotti_al_cocco #biscoti_facili #cioccolato #dolce_facile #dolce_arabe #doce_marmellata #dolce_cioccolato #torta #dolce #crostata #dolce_facile #dolce_arabe #marmellata #doce_marmellata #torta_all'arancia #gâteau #recipe #recette #mince #sweet_recipes #cake_easy_fast #cuisine #cuisinemarocaine #cuisine_captures #cuisinemaison #ricette_arabe #ricette_veloci #recettes #arabe #cookies Dolce arabe, ricette facili e veloci, dolci facili e veloci, ricette facili e veloci dolci, dolci facili e veloci al cioccolato, dolci al cucchiaio facili e veloci, , Biscotti con olio, ASMR food, ASMR, Cookies, Cakes, Torta di mele, Biscotti al cucchiaio, Fatto in casa, Rifugio perfetto, Biscotti tutti a tavola, Biscotti con marmellata Dolce arabe, Ricette arabe dolci, ricette arabe, Ricette arabe dolce, Ricette dolce arabe, Ricette dolci, Dolce facile e veloce, Dolce arabe ricette, Ricette dolci arabe, QUESTO DOLCE OTTIMO la FARAI tutti i GIORNI, DOLCE OTTIMO la FARAI tutti i GIORNI basta solo 5 minuti, DOLCE OTTIMO la FARAI tutti i GIORNI basta solo 5 minuti con pochi ingredienti delizioso, QUESTO DOLCE OTTIMO la FARAI tutti i GIORNI basta solo 5 Dolce arabe, ricette facili e veloci, dolci facili e veloci, ricette facili e veloci dolci, dolci facili e veloci al cioccolato, dolci al cucchiaio facili e veloci, dolci al cioccolato facili e veloci, dolci facili, primi piatti facili e veloci, dolci veloci, dolci pasquali facili e veloci, dolce facile e veloce, ricetta facile e veloce, torte facili e veloci, torta facile e veloce, dolce facile e veloce senza cottura, dolci senza cottura facili e veloci, dolci Dolce arabe, ricette facili e veloci, dolci facili e veloci, ricette facili e veloci dolci,cioccolato, dolci al cucchiaio facili e veloci, dolci al cioccolato facili e veloci, dolci facili,dolci marocco mandorle,dolci marocco del marocco,, dolci tipici marocco piatti facili e veloci, dolci veloci, dolci pasquali facili e veloci, dolce e veloce, ricetta facile e veloce, veloce, dolce facile e veloce senza cottura, dolci senza cottura facili e veloci, dolci schnell lecker einfache, schnelle und einfache Rezepte, schnelle und einfache Desserts, Irma bereitet vor, Rezepte von Irma, schnelle und einfache Dessert-Rezepte, Frühstück in 5 Minuten, schnelle und einfache Schokoladendesserts, schnelle und einfache Desserts mit einem Löffel, schnelle und einfache desserts, Apfel, Apfelkuchen, Marmeladenkuchen, Marmelade cornetto, brioche, croissant, croissantsfogliati, cornetto brioches, tutti atavola, sfogliatura veloce, ricetta semplice nastrine, ricetta veloce, tutti a tavola, fatte in casa, açma, acma, acma tarifi, çörek, Bunun, bun, buns, bun recipe, buns recipe, roll bun recipe, milky bread, milky bread recipe, bread recipe, bread, milky roll bread, roll bread, easy roll bread, easy recipe, tasty recipe, yummy recipe, cooking, yemek tarifi
Le famose biscotti si sciolgono in bocca,buoni e facili con pochi ingredienti,biscotti facile #asmr
Hamburger di Melanzane, niente carne ma sono più deliziosi della carne! Senza forno e senza friggere
Hamburger di Melanzane, niente carne ma sono più deliziosi della carne! Senza forno e senza friggere
Amerai questa ricetta con le melanzane! Facile, veloce, senza carne, senza forno e senza friggere. I burger di melanzane sono più buoni di quelli di carne. Essendo facili e veloci, cuciniamo molto spesso i burger di melanzane in questo modo con pane grattugiato, parmigiano, un uovo, aglio e olio. Una ricetta che tutta la famiglia adorerà. Adatta ai vegetariani essendo burger senza carne. Con pochi e semplici ingredienti preparerete hamburger di melanzane perfetti, leggeri e deliziosi. Prova questa ricetta con le melanzane e ne resterai stupito! Ingredienti per preparare 6 hamburger di melanzane: • Una melanzana da 550 gr • 100 gr di pane grattugiato • 40 gr di parmigiano reggiano • Un uovo • Spicchio piccolo di aglio • Un po’ di prezzemolo • Circa 5 cucchiai di olio extravergine di oliva • Sale La ricetta stampabile dei burger di melanzane: con tanti consigli per farli perfetti! Se la nostra ricetta dei burger di melanzane vi è piaciuta provate anche: BURGER DI ZUCCHINE: BURGER DI TONNO E PATATE: #hamburgerdimelanzane #ricette #cucinageek #burgerdimelanzane #burgers #hamburgers #melanzane #ricetteconlemelanzane #eggplants #eggplantsrecipes
Hamburger di Melanzane, niente carne ma sono più deliziosi della carne! Senza forno e senza friggere
Que tal trocar a mussarela comum, cheia de gordura saturada e colesterol, pela deliciosa mussarela de aveia? Minha receita de mussarela com aveia é impressionante! É o queijo vegano perfeito para usar no lugar do queijo comum e é uma versão de mussarela vegana muito barata e até mais em conta do que a versão original com leite de vaca! O legal é que esta mussarela vegan é sem lactose nenhuma! E tem mais: minha mussarela sem lactose derrete e fatia e ainda é um queijo vegano, ou seja, receita mais sustentável e amiga dos animais! Quem é que não gosta de queijo quente com muçarela vegana? E se for uma mussarela vegetal, ainda melhor, né! Minha mussarela vegetariana é uma muçarela de aveia, mas os passos são diferentes! Minha mussarela vegan tem zero gordura saturada e colesterol, ajuda na sua saúde cardiovascular, e ainda por cima é uma mussarela vegana de aveia que é mais barata! Super fácil de fazer! Cá entre nós, eu adoro os queijos veganos de castanha de caju que eu consumo regularmente, mas esta mussarela vegana com aveia é fora de série! Afinal, esta receita de mussarela de aveia é fácil e rápida de ser feita! Eu adoro! Você pode consumir esta receita como uma mussarela caseira comum na mesma proporção! Você pode usá-la como alternativa a mussarela em qualquer receita e também usá-la como uma mussarela fit, pois tem quase nada de gordura. É! Eu sei que mussarela fitness nem sempre é fácil de achar, mas a mussarela de aveia é uma das receitas para perder peso que mais caem bem! Ou seja, se você está procurando receitas para reeducação alimentar, veio ao lugar certo! Vem aprender! 💚 QUEM SOU EU 💚 Oi! Eu sou a Camila Victorino, a criadora do projeto Pensando ao contrário e autora do livro de receitas "Pensando na cozinha, 50 receitas saudáveis, fáceis e veganas". MINHA FORMAÇÃO ACADÊMICA 👉Bióloga formada pela USP, Instituto de Biociências;, bacharel e licenciatura; 👉Mestra em fisiologia humana pela USP, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas; 👉Doutora PhD em neurociências pela University of Surrey, UK; 👉Certificada em nutrição vegetariana pelo T.Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, ECornell, NY. Criei o Pensando ao contrário para ajudar você a ter uma alimentação mais saudável e sustentável, em conexão com a natureza! Aqui você encontra muitas dicas de como se alimentar com saúde e receitas desenvolvidas por mim, tudo para te ajudar nesta jornada de saúde e sustentabilidade. Atualmente, o Pensando ao contrário está presente no Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest. Facebook e TikTok, além de possuir um site repleto de conteúdo e uma loja online de produtos saudáveis e sustentáves. Vem conhecer! São mais de 1.500.000 seguidores e mais de 15 milhões de visualizações no Youtube, três livros de vida saudável publicados e diversos relatos de vidas mudadas! SEJA UMA PENSADORA OU UM PENSADOR! JUNTE-SE A NÓS! 🔔Inscreva-se para mais dicas gratuitas do Youtube: 🍎 Baixe meu EBOOK GRÁTIS DE RECEITAS SAUDÁVEIS aqui: 🌱 Conheça minha loja sustentável e vegana ONLINE: ✅ Meu contato para colabs e parcerias: ==== PEGUE MAIS DICAS NAS MINHAS OUTRAS REDES SOCIAIS ==== 👉Instagram do Pensando ao contrário: 👉Facebook do Pensando ao contrário: ==== INGREDIENTES DA RECEITA AQUI 👉 ❤️ SEJA MEMBRO DO CANAL E RECEBA CONTEÚDO EXCLUSIVO: KIT DE COZINHA SAUDÁVEL PENSANDO AO CONTRÁRIO 💚Meu livro de receitas: 👉Tapete de silicone: 👉 Apontador de macarrão: 👉Xícaras medida que eu aprovo: 👉Colheres medida que eu aprovo: 👉Balancinha que eu aprovo: 👉Pincel de silicone que eu aprovo: 👉Espátula de silicone que eu aprovo: 👉Moedor de grãos que eu indico: ===== #mussareladeaveia #queijodeaveia #pensandoaocontrário
5 foods I only cook In the air fryer.
5 foods I only cook In the air fryer.
Air Fryer Teriyaki Salmon Recipe in the Blog Post: Shop the Cosori Air Fryer Featured in this video: Getting your kitchen gear from Pro Home Cooks supports more cooking content like this. Browse below! ↪️ Pots & Pans; ↪️ Knives; ↪️ Small Appliances; Follow me on instagram @lifebymikeg for behind the scenes action! Music Credits: Epidemic Sound: APM Music: Video Credits Creator and Host - Mike G Co-Editor - Christopher Pressler
5 foods I only cook In the air fryer.
5 EGG BREAKFAST IDEAS To Keep on Repeat!
5 EGG BREAKFAST IDEAS To Keep on Repeat!
5 EGG BREAKFAST IDEAS To Keep on Repeat! It's all about the Mix Mix Mix! Watch 5 More Breakfasts: And Even More: Let me know which recipe you tried and give this video a thumbs up! ➜ ORDER My COOKBOOK! Souffle Omelette: 2 eggs 2 tbsps goat cheese or favorite shredded cheese 1 teaspoon chopped herbs Salt and pepper to taste In 2 bowls, separate the egg whites from the egg yolks. With a hand mixer on medium high speed, whisk the egg whites until they form stiff peaks. Using the same mixer, whisk the egg yolks. Take ¼ - ½ cup of the egg whites and mix it thoroughly with the egg yolks, then pour the entire mixture back into the egg whites, folding it gently until everything is combined. You’ll get a pale yellow mixture. In a small frying pan, heat on medium and melt the the butter, then add the egg mixture and spread out to fill the pan. Cook for one minute. Then add your favorite toppings, salt and pepper, and mix the top in, making sure not to scrape the bottom. Cover it for another 2 minutes until the top is just about set. Transfer to a plate and as you’re sliding it off, fold the top over so it looks like an omelette. Bagel in a hole 4 tbsps butter 1 garlic, smashed 1 sprig rosemary 2 bagels Salami 4 eggs Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a pan, melt butter with garlic and rosemary. Let it heat until it gets foamy. Cut the bagels in half, then make sure the hole is about 2-3 inches wide to fit an egg. Dip into the garlic butter. Place on baking sheet lined with parchment paper, flat / dipped side down. Arrange salami in the middle of the bagel hole, then crack a medium sized egg right into the hole. The whites will spill out a little but it will cook and look rustic. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until egg whites are set and yolk is how you prefer. Enjoy! Cacio e Pepe egg toast 2 eggs 3 tablespoons parmesan cheese, grated Salt pepper to taste Toast Crack eggs into a bowl and whisk with 2 tbsps of parmesan cheese, salt, and a generous amount of black pepper. In a frying pan, add a little bite of butter or olive oil and put on medium heat. Add the eggs and scrape the bottom of the pan until you get small ribbons or curdles. If you want soft scrambled eggs, heat for another 30 seconds as it looks half way cooked, mix it until creamy and add on top of your toast. If you want it really cooked, just keep on heat longer until it’s the way you like it. Serve on top of toasted bread; grate more cheese and black pepper right on top. Enjoy! Cilbir, Turkish Eggs 1 cup greek yogurt at room temp 1 garlic clove, minced Juice of half a lemon 1 sprig dill, chopped 1 tbsps butter ¼ tsp smoked paprika ¼ tsp aleppo peppers 2 eggs Dill to garnish In a bowl, mix greek yogurt, garlic, lemon, and dill together. Set aside on counter, don’t refrigerate. In a pan, melt butter with smoked paprika and aleppo pepper just until it melts and starts to get foamy. Don’t let it cook too long as the spices can burn. Now in a sauce pan filled with water half way, add 1 tbsps of vinegar and let it come to a rolling boil. Crack an egg and drop it in, one at a time. Cook for 2 ½ minutes for a perfect runny egg, 3 minutes for a more cooked one. Drain it on a paper towel to dry. Drizzle some spiced butter on top of the yogurt and add the eggs right on top. Drizzle with more butter if needed, and garnish with dill. Enjoy! Kimchi Pancakes 1 ½ cups kimchi, chopped ¾ cup all purpose flour ¼ cup potato starch or rice flour 1 egg 1 tbsp of soy sauce, 2 tsps sesame oil 2 tbsps green onion ¼ cup warm water In a bowl, crack the egg and whisk. Set aside. In another bowl, add the flours and mix it, then add the chopped kimchi, the whisked egg, soy sauce, sesame oil, green onion, and ¼ cup warm water. Mix well. In a cast iron skillet, add 2 tbsps oil and add half the batter to pan fry on medium high heat. Cook each side for about 3 minutes and flip. Serve with soy dipping sauce. Recipe can be found in my cookbook: ➜ ORDER My New COOKBOOK! ➜ SUBSCRIBE: ➜ STORE: ➜ Blog: ➜ Instagram: ➜ Twitter: ➜ Business inquires: © 2022 Honeysuckle® All Rights Reserved.
5 EGG BREAKFAST IDEAS To Keep on Repeat!
How To Turn $1 Canned Tuna Into a Restaurant Meal (4 Ways)
How To Turn $1 Canned Tuna Into a Restaurant Meal (4 Ways)
This video is all about canned tuna. A can of tuna is an excellent source of protein and it can cost you as little as $1/can. These canned tuna dishes are easy and quick to make and they are as good as restaurant meals. All you need is some basic ingredients and some tuna. I made a tuna burger, a spicy tuna fried rice, some tuna pasta, and a (failed) tuna mayo onigiri. Hope you'll enjoy! Thank you for watching my videos! If you enjoyed please consider supporting me by subscribing! FOLLOW ME LOVE U: Instagram: Personal Instagram: TikTok: Facebook: Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:26 Canned Tuna Burger 2:18 Spicy Tuna Fried Rice 3:56 Tuna Pasta 5:27 Tuna Mayo Onigiri (Fail) 6:43 Thank You!!
How To Turn $1 Canned Tuna Into a Restaurant Meal (4 Ways)
The North African Breakfast Every Student NEEDS To Master (Shakshuka)
The North African Breakfast Every Student NEEDS To Master (Shakshuka)
Shakshuka is a North African and Middle Eastern breakfast dish that is rich in history and culture and has many variations across the world. My case for Shakshuka is that it's a perfect student breakfast and we should all make it more often using ingredients that we like. It is affordable, healthy, convenient and of course, delicious. I'm showing you 2 Shakshuka recipes: one that is more traditional, and another that is customized to our student needs. Thank you for watching my videos! If you enjoyed please consider supporting me by subscribing and clicking the bell. FOLLOW ME LOVE U: Instagram: Personal Instagram: TikTok: Facebook:
The North African Breakfast Every Student NEEDS To Master (Shakshuka)
8 Techniques to Make Great Soups! After this video you will know how to make soup from everything 🍲
8 Techniques to Make Great Soups! After this video you will know how to make soup from everything 🍲
Soups have a big place in Turkish cuisine, therefore we have different methods for making over 100 soup recipes. You can add different ingredients and have them as your main dish, or you can have a mild soup before your main dish. Using these methods, you’ll be able to create different recipes according to your own taste, isn’t it wonderful? 🤩 You can find the rest of the recipes in the comments 👇🏻 Check out our Etsy Shop: JOIN: SUBSCRIBE: Lentil Soup 2 cups red lentils 8 cups water 1 large onion, roughly chopped 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1 cup chicken stock 1 heaped teaspoon salt • Rinse the lentils for about two minutes under cold running water to remove any excess dirt and starch. • Place the lentils and onion in a medium sized pot and fill with the water. • Boil for 10-15 minutes until it becomes a thick puree. • Collect the white foam forming on top while boiling. This foam gives the soup a greyish colour and makes it harder to digest. • To make the meyane (roux), melt the butter in a pan and add the flour. • Cook for a couple of minutes until it smells like roasted nuts and becomes brown. • Pour in the chicken stock into the pan and whisk constantly. • Add the mixture to the soup and season with the salt. • Lastly, blend the soup with an immersion blender till the texture becomes creamy and smooth. • Your velvety lentil soup is ready, and it is such a good base that you can top with many things and turn the soup into an incredible meal. • For the classical one, top with red pepper flakes and squeeze some lemon. In Cyprus, it is common -and delicious- to add black olives to soup and adding croutons is always a good idea. You can always sprinkle some roasted kadayif instead of croutons. If you want your soup as a main course, top with some meatballs, red beans, and coriander. For a lighter version, salad, croutons, and some sesame seeds would be great! Finally, Bahar’s favourite - yogurt, black pepper, red pepper, olives and parsley. Ezogelin Soup 1 tablespoon butter 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 onion, roughly chopped 1 potato, peeled and roughly chopped 1 carrot, roughly chopped 1 tablespoon tomato paste, use 200 ml tomato puree or passata if you don’t have paste 1 tablespoon red pepper paste, dried pepper would do good as well 1 cup red lentil, washed and rinsed ½ cup chicken stock, skip if you are a vegetarian 1,5 L water, (6 cups) 100 g bulgur, (around ½ cup) medium or coarsely ground are better but all would work great 1 heaped teaspoon salt 1 heaped teaspoon red pepper 1 teaspoon black pepper 3 teaspoons dry mint 1 tablespoon butter • Heat a pressure cooker on high heat. • Melt the butter and olive oil and add the onion, potato, and carrot when the oil is hot. • Add the tomato and pepper paste and sauté for a minute. • Add the lentil and bulgur pour the chicken stock and 1,5 L water. • Close the lid and set the pressure setting to high. When the lid is tight and the pressure is enough to cook, place the pressure cooker on a small burner on low heat. Cook for 15 minutes. • If using a regular pot, cook around 20 -25 minutes with lid on until all veggies are softened. • At the end of 15 minutes, turn off the heat and remove the pressure of the pot and open the lid. • After all ingredients are cooked, blend the soup with an immersion blender until it is smooth. • To season, add the salt, red pepper flakes, dry mint and black pepper. • Finally add some butter for a shiny and creamy texture and let it simmer. Yoghurt Soup 150 g rice 1 L water 2 egg yolks 2 cups savoury yogurt 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons of butter 1 handful of dried mint 1 teaspoon of salt • Add the rice and water in a large pot and bring to boil. Simmer for 15 minutes until the rice is fully cooked and has fallen apart. • Meanwhile, in a large bowl whisk the yogurt, egg yolks and flour. • Once the rice is cooked, slowly add some rice and water to the yogurt and egg mixture to temper it, with a ladle, Whisk well after each addition. • Add the yogurt and egg mixture back into the pot. Stir well, turn the heat on to medium and bring to a low simmer. • Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. • In a small pan, melt the butter and sauté dried mint for about 30 seconds. • Add the butter sauce to the simmering soup and stir well. ►SUBSCRIBE ► ►► ►CHECK OUT OUR TURKISH CHANNEL ► ►► ►CHECK OUT OUR TURKISH VIDEOS W/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES ► ►► ►Our Etsy Store for International Shopping: ►Our Amazon Store for UK Shopping: ►Uluslararası Alışverişler İçin Etsy Sayfamız: ►To subscribe our Turkish channel: ►Facebook: ►Instagram:
8 Techniques to Make Great Soups! After this video you will know how to make soup from everything 🍲
🥦🥕Vergessener Schatz! Medizin für den Magen! Hilft beim Abnehmen ohne Diät!
🥦🥕Vergessener Schatz! Medizin für den Magen! Hilft beim Abnehmen ohne Diät!
Hallo Freunde! Dieses Rezept ist ein wahrer Schatz! Magen Medizin! Dieses Gericht hilft beim Abnehmen ohne Diät. Wenn Sie schon lange abnehmen wollten oder Magenprobleme hatten, versuchen Sie doch einmal, dieses Gericht zu kochen! 🔥 Abonniere meinen Kanal für neue Videorezepte. 💬 Vergessen Sie nicht, Untertitel einzuschalten! Sie sind für alle Länder verfügbar. 😋 Wenn dir meine Rezepte gefallen, like bitte meine Videos und schreibe einen Kommentar! Vielen Dank! 👍 Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound! Erstes Rezept 00:00 📌 Ein halber junger Kohl Karotte Kartoffel Schnittlauch Ich benutze eine spezielle Reibe 2 Eier 2 Esslöffel Mehl Olivenöl Zugedeckt auf jeder Seite 5 Minuten braten. Sehr lecker! Zweites Rezept 03:46 📌 Zucchini 3 Stück 1 Karotte schälen Karotten reiben Zwiebel Knoblauch Essig 35 ml Öl 35ml Salz Sojasauce Honig Alle Zutaten mischen
🥦🥕Vergessener Schatz! Medizin für den Magen! Hilft beim Abnehmen ohne Diät!
This Anti-inflammatory Meal Will Make You Feel Great
This Anti-inflammatory Meal Will Make You Feel Great
This dish is loaded with nutrients and anti-inflammatory ingredients that will have you feeling great. While this is definitely a comfort food, this creamy coconut rice and spiced chickpeas dish is great year round. This dish is simple, easy, ready in 30 minutes and all made in one skillet! Give it a try and let me know what you think! 🤗 Shop Merch! 🤗 ★Recipe ★ 🌱 Timestamps: 00:00 How to Make Creamy Coconut Rice and Spiced Chickpeas 3:50 Creamy Coconut Rice and Spiced Chickpeas Finished 4:00 Are you Pumpkin’d out? 4:30 Why You’ll Love This Dish 4:50 Benefits of using a large pan ✔️Did you make this? Share a photo on IG and use #MakeItDairyFree to be featured! Thanks so much for watching. We’d love if you could click the “Thumbs Up!” Button, leave a comment below and Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to our taste test channel → Make It Dairy Free Website → Weekly Newsletter (FREE Top 15 Vegan Recipes when you sign up!) → Instagram → Facebook → Twitter → Pinterest → Contact us → Private Facebook Community → #VeganMeals #VeganDinner ★Products That I Used For This Recipe★ *Affiliate Links for products help me make these videos. Thank you for your support. Our Photography/Videography Equipment → *Bear Claw Mitts: *Black Measuring Cups and Spoons: *Black Utensils: *Bowls (Small): *Colander: *Cutting Board (Round): *Garlic Press: *Glass Mixing Bowls - *Hand grater: *Induction Burner: *Kitchen Knife Block Set: *Kitchen Towels: *Pots and Pans: *Tiny Whisk: *Wooden Utensils: -Note: Not all products are exactly as seen in video.
This Anti-inflammatory Meal Will Make You Feel Great
¡No compres mas pan! Pan de linaza en 2 minutos
¡No compres mas pan! Pan de linaza en 2 minutos
★ El molinillo es este ¿dejaste de comer pan Porque te engorda? Eso es hasta hoy, que vamos a hacer este PAN DE LINAZA ¡No compres mas pan! ☑︎ pan saludable Con solo 4 ingredientes ☑︎ pan Bajo en carbohidratos ☑︎ pan Keto ☑︎ pan Sin gluten ☑︎ pan Sin horno ☑︎ pan Muy esponjoso ☑︎ pan Super facil ☑︎ pan Mega bueno ☑︎ Pan En 2 minutos Acompaña este pan de linaza con mi mayonesa proteica y el pollo en el airfryer ♥ Los subtítulos están disponibles, no dude en activarlos en el video. ★ Mi tienda → ★ Lee la receta paso a paso → ★ Suscríbete a este canal → ★ Lo que utilizo en mis videos → INGREDIENTES 2 panes ▪️ 2 huevos ▪️(50g)1/2 taza semillas de linaza ▪️ (5g) ½ cdta polvo de hornear ▪️ Sal al gusto Opcional ▪️ 15 g ajo en polvo ▪️ 15 g de romero ▪️para decorar ajonjolí y linaza encima NET CARBS: 19.4g | GRASA: 9.5 g | PROTEIN: 11.8 g | CALORIAS: 204 MIRA TAMBIEN ESTAS RECETAS ⚑ Play list panes ⚑ Rollo de platano ⚑ Muffins de chocolate ⚑ Torta de manzana Búscame en redes sociales con #RECETASLILY y si haces esta receta PUBLICALA MENCIONAME con la etiqueta @recetaslily para publicarte en mis próximos stories! ★ IG → ★ TIKTOK → ★ FB → ★ PIN → ★ TEL → © 2021RECETASLILY - Todos los derechos reservados #LilibethRamirez
¡No compres mas pan! Pan de linaza en 2 minutos