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Ingredient Substitution Guide - Vegetarian Times
Ingredient Substitution Guide - Vegetarian Times
The next time you're missing an ingredient in a recipe, don't panic. Many recipes are flexible and will still come out delicious when you improvise with these substitutions.
Ingredient Substitution Guide - Vegetarian Times
How to Buy Veg-Friendly Wine - Vegetarian Times
How to Buy Veg-Friendly Wine - Vegetarian Times
Serving wine at your holiday feast? Watch what you pair with the vegetarian roast. Turns out, more than 70 additives—including a handful of animal products—can be used to make and process wine. Not to worry. Here’s how to find a vegetarian-friendly wine (and avoid ones that aren’t).
How to Buy Veg-Friendly Wine - Vegetarian Times
Wine and Food Pairing Chart | Wine Folly
Wine and Food Pairing Chart | Wine Folly
Need a reference guide for your dinner plans? Download the Wine and Food Pairing Chart to help you pick what to drink. From fish to red meat to vegetable based foods
Wine and Food Pairing Chart | Wine Folly
Oatmeal is made of hulled oat grains – groats – that have either been milled (ground), steel-cut, or rolled. Ground oats are also called "white oats". Steel-cut oats are known as "coarse oatmeal" or "Irish oatmeal" or "pinhead oats". Rolled oats can be either thick or thin, and may be "old-fashioned" or "quick" or "instant". The term "oatmeal" is also used in the U.S., Australia, and parts of Canada as another word for an oat porridge made from either the ground, steel-cut, or rolled oats.
Hummus (/ˈhʊm.əs/, /ˈxʊm.ʊs/, or /ˈhʌm.əs/; Arabic: حُمُّص‎, full Arabic name: hummus bi tahini Arabic: حمص بالطحينة‎) is a Levantine dip or spread made from cooked, mashed chickpeas or other beans, blended with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt and garlic. It is popular in the Middle East and in Middle Eastern cuisine around the globe. It can also be found in most grocery stores in North America and Europe.
Baba ghanoush
Baba ghanoush
Baba ghanoush (Arabic: بابا غنوج‎ bābā ghannūj, also appears as baba ganoush or baba ghanouj) is a Levantine dish of cooked eggplant mixed with tahina (made from sesame seeds), olive oil and various seasonings. The Arabic bābā means "father", while ghannūj could be a personal name. The word combination is also interpreted as "father of coquetry" or "indulged/pampered daddy."
Baba ghanoush
Persian Cooking
Persian Cooking
Just want to share the recipes to some of my favorite Iranian dishes.
Persian Cooking
Khoresh Gheime- a more hearty meal
Khoresh Gheime- a more hearty meal
After giving recipes for two relatively light meals (ashereshteh and fesenjoon), I decided to share my secrets to a more hearty and meat based meal. Khoresh Gheime is a meat and split pea stew that…
Khoresh Gheime- a more hearty meal
#FaçaemCasa: quibe de abóbora
#FaçaemCasa: quibe de abóbora
Aprenda uma receita do curso de cardápio infantil: alimentação saudável desde bebê com Karin Paciulo
#FaçaemCasa: quibe de abóbora
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Arte da Coquetelaria e outras bebidas
Arte da Coquetelaria e outras bebidas
Meu livro de coquetéis. Mundo das bebidas. Sommeliers e Cervejeiros. Cursos. Dicas e produtos para bar. Bares para frequentar.
Arte da Coquetelaria e outras bebidas
A board by Marcela Bee