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Tasty - Food videos and recipes
Tasty - Food videos and recipes
The official home of all things Tasty, the world’s largest food network. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place!
Tasty - Food videos and recipes
Thai Basil Peanut Pesto Recipe by Tasty
Thai Basil Peanut Pesto Recipe by Tasty
Here's what you need: thai basil leaves, garlic, dry roasted peanuts, sesame oil, rice vinegar, red pepper flakes, agave nectar, soy sauce, lime juice, salt
Thai Basil Peanut Pesto Recipe by Tasty
Pistachio Cake With Cardamom Glaze
Pistachio Cake With Cardamom Glaze
Cake flavored with ground pistachios and drizzled with a sweet cardamom scented glaze.
Pistachio Cake With Cardamom Glaze
Get Started Now
Get Started Now
Kulfi is a popular North Indian dessert recipe. This creamy and flavorful frozen treat is the perfect ending to a meal on a hot summer day.
Get Started Now
The Spruce Eats - Make Your Best Meal
The Spruce Eats - Make Your Best Meal
Whether you're cooking a feast for the holidays or just need some great ideas for dinner, we have you covered with recipes, cooking tips, and more!
The Spruce Eats - Make Your Best Meal
How to Make Perfect Roast Potatoes
How to Make Perfect Roast Potatoes
This recipe makes utterly perfect roast potatoes! These roasties, with fluffy middles and super crispy edges, are the star of every plate.
How to Make Perfect Roast Potatoes
Creamy gnocchi primavera
Creamy gnocchi primavera
Creamy gnocchi primavera - a super simple vegetarian dinner! WIth heaps of colourful veggies and a cheesy, creamy sauce. Irresistible!
Creamy gnocchi primavera
Easy Homemade Ricotta Gnocchi (5 simple steps!)
Easy Homemade Ricotta Gnocchi (5 simple steps!)
These homemade ricotta gnocchi are so light and fluffy, and much quicker and easier to make than potato gnocchi!
Easy Homemade Ricotta Gnocchi (5 simple steps!)
How To Fry Gnocchi (and why you should want to!)
How To Fry Gnocchi (and why you should want to!)
A simple guide to how to fry gnocchi, to make light and fluffy dumplings with crispy edges. They're so much better than boiled!
How To Fry Gnocchi (and why you should want to!)
15 Minute Mushroom Stroganoff
15 Minute Mushroom Stroganoff
This quick and easy mushroom stroganoff recipe makes a healthy, tasty meal in just 15 minutes! Perfect to impress your guests.
15 Minute Mushroom Stroganoff
How to Make a Simple White Sauce
How to Make a Simple White Sauce
Here's my straightforward method for how to make a simple white sauce (béchamel sauce) - one of the first things any beginner cook should learn!
How to Make a Simple White Sauce
What Are the 5 Mother Sauces of Classical Cuisine?
What Are the 5 Mother Sauces of Classical Cuisine?
There are 5 mother sauces in the culinary arts from which all other sauces are made. You've probably heard of some of these staples of French cuisine.
What Are the 5 Mother Sauces of Classical Cuisine?
A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Cheesy Béchamel Sauce
A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Cheesy Béchamel Sauce
This cheesy version of the classic béchamel sauce is perfect for many dishes that need a mild-flavored sauce. Use this recipe and tips.
A Cheesy Twist on a Classic: Cheesy Béchamel Sauce
Tzatziki | Pasta de Iogurte e Pepino - Cozinha Técnica
Tzatziki | Pasta de Iogurte e Pepino - Cozinha Técnica
Tzatziki | Pasta de Iogurte e Pepino (em grego: τζατζίκι) é uma receita grega preparada com iogurte grego/coalhada, pepino, alho, azeite de oliva, vinagre de vinho branco ou suco/sumo de ... Leia mais...
Tzatziki | Pasta de Iogurte e Pepino - Cozinha Técnica
Curso de Gastronomia & Receitas - Cozinha Técnica
Curso de Gastronomia & Receitas - Cozinha Técnica
Curso grátis de gastronomia. Receitas bem explicadas, com fotos e vídeos. Aprenda tudo sobre ingredientes, equipamentos e como cozinhar.
Curso de Gastronomia & Receitas - Cozinha Técnica
Salada de Batata (versão Alemã) - Cozinha Técnica
Salada de Batata (versão Alemã) - Cozinha Técnica
Salada de Batata é um prato feito com batatas cozidas, acompanhada de vários outros ingredientes, tais como caldos (de legumes, galinha ou carne), maionese e temperos/ervas. Kartoffelsalat é a salada ... Leia mais...
Salada de Batata (versão Alemã) - Cozinha Técnica
Arroz com cogumelos e berinjela
Arroz com cogumelos e berinjela
O arroz com cogumelos e berinjela é um arroz simples que nos permite aproveitar estes e outros vegetais que estão perto de estragar.
Arroz com cogumelos e berinjela
Insalata di riso
Insalata di riso
L'insalata di riso è un classico delle ricette estive. Veloce e facile da preparare l'insalata di riso si può insaporire con gli ingredienti più vari.
Insalata di riso
Yelp's Kitchen Sink Cookies with Chloé Mendel and Billy Corgan - Highland Park, IL
Yelp's Kitchen Sink Cookies with Chloé Mendel and Billy Corgan - Highland Park, IL
71 reviews of Yelp's Kitchen Sink Cookies with Chloé Mendel and Billy Corgan "SMASHING COOKIES Life has been a little different, so these virtual events allow us to get together safely on line. It's not often you get to make vegan cookies with a rockstar. Madame Zulu's is a vegan based cookie shop created by Billy Corgan and his partner Chloe. The event started with Chloe's phone ringing and her sharing her potty mouth. Classic! The best part is I think Billy was there just to drink beer! Ha! I'm thinking that Billy and Chloe were cooking for the the first time together. I knead this baking show to be on television weekly. It's a little like Abbot and Costello. Poor Billy! I'm not sure Billy will ever bake a cookie again. Billy asked, "Has anyone ever broken up on yelp?" Brilliant! Him and Chloe defiantly don't bake together and I'm glad I got a front row seat to this classic moment. Billy and Chloe have some funny banter back and forth. Billy said, "Don't be surprised when this goes viral!" Is it me or am I really watching this? I'm honestly enjoying this. Chloe also keeps getting phone calls and messages through the event. She keeps stopping to check them. Doesn't she know to shut off her devices. Luckily the Yelp CM's jumped in to start asking some questions because we were heading in a bad direction. I loved that Billy offered Chloe a guitar so she could join him on stage. Billy even thanked Yelp for having him so he could see what happens in the kitchen. Billy even said it was hot in the kitchen. Chloe said, "Of course, the fricken oven is on!" Please tell me some casting agents from Food Network are watching this too. This was true realty TV. While the cookies were baking, it was great to learn about the teas they offer at their shop. I loved hearing Billy talk about the label of Organic and it being a scam. So true! It is great to hear someone famous share the truth. Chloe left Billy on screen alone to make sure the kids were still alive. Ha! When she came back she called mass produce teas the roached of tea. Billy said you shouldn't say that. Please make this a tv show please. I'm loving this show. A huge thanks to CM Angela for putting this fantastic event together. It's awesome to be able to hang with Billy Corgan on a zoom call and bake! Thanks Yelp for putting all of this together."
Yelp's Kitchen Sink Cookies with Chloé Mendel and Billy Corgan - Highland Park, IL
Yelp's Vegan Voyage: Kitchen Sink Cookie Madness with Chloé Mendel and Billy Corgan, Highland Park, IL
Yelp's Vegan Voyage: Kitchen Sink Cookie Madness with Chloé Mendel and Billy Corgan, Highland Park, IL
THANK YOU FOR JOINING US! Your event feedback is appreciated: Yelp's Vegan Voyage is making a virtual stop in Highland Park for kitchen sink cookie madness with Chloé Mendel and Billy Corgan, the co-owners of Madame Zuzu's Teahouse. Get your aprons ready and join Chloé and Billy on Zoom in the kitchen to make one of their favorite vegan cookie recipes from Madame ZuZu's Teahouse. Learn more about Madame Zuzu's and meet the owners--though we're pretty sure you might already be familiar with at least one of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INGREDIENTS LIST - Oven preheated to 350 degrees -2 cups all-purpose flour - 1 tsp. baking powder - 3/4 tsp. baking soda - 1/2 tsp. fine salt - 1 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips. (prefer chocolate with 60% cocoa content or higher) *Note: Double check to make sure ingredients are vegan - 1/2 cup pretzels - 1/2 cup mini Dandies marshmallows - 1/2 cup sugar - 1/2 cup packed coconut sugar - 1/2 cup + 1 Tbs. sunflower oil - 1/4 cup + 1 Tbs. water ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EVENT DETAILS When: Monday, February 8 at 6:30PM CST Where: On Zoom, from the comfort of your own kitchen What: An interactive cookie making class from the owners of Madame Zuzu's Teahouse and a conversation on how Madame Zuzu's came to be! Note: You must be opted in to Yelp emails to receive the Zoom link ((*)*) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT MADAME ZUZU'S TEAHOUSE Musician Billy Corgan, founder of the Grammy winning band The Smashing Pumpkins and his partner Chloé Mendel (also Creative Director of @maisonatia) have opened Madame ZuZu's, a local plant-based tea shop in Highland Park, Illinois. Zuzu's combines delicious plant-based foods with rare teas of the world (in collaboration with Rare Tea Cellar) and good vibes. Madame ZuZu's has grown into a nationally recognized tea brand, renowned for its rare and exclusive blends. The business model is simple: healthy living combined with an open source venue for the arts, where everyone in the community can gather in an inclusive, unpretentious environment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT YOU'LL NEED + Desktop/laptop/phone with ability to access Zoom meeting room + Kitchen sink cookie ingredients and supplies *If you are unable to secure the ingredients for the event, you are welcome to attend, watch and learn! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW IT WORKS 1. RSVP for a spot to this event if you're interested. 2. You'll receive a confirmation from the Yelp North Shore Community Manager via email. You must be opted in to receive Yelp emails. 3. If confirmed, we'll send you a link to the Zoom webinar. 4. When it is time for the event, use the link to enter the meeting room - the event will begin promptly on time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE DO I REVIEW THE EXPERIENCE? We ask that you review this event on a separate listing specifically set up for this experience. Feel free to share your virtual event experience and upload photos of your ingredients, your kitchen prep, and your finished product here: **************************** For more Vegan Voyage events, check out the event landing page here:
Yelp's Vegan Voyage: Kitchen Sink Cookie Madness with Chloé Mendel and Billy Corgan, Highland Park, IL
Comment préparer un (bon) bouillon ?
Comment préparer un (bon) bouillon ?
Le bouillon revient sur le devant de la scène culinaire et il possède de nombreux bienfaits pour la santé. Comment préparer un bon bouillon ?
Comment préparer un (bon) bouillon ?