Therapies | Terapias

Therapies | Terapias

Therapy Myths: 10 Common Misconceptions About Seeing A Therapist
Therapy Myths: 10 Common Misconceptions About Seeing A Therapist
"Just get a therapist  they get paid to listen to your problems." We've all heard this one before, right? The problem is, it's just not true. Misconceptions about seeking therapy may stop someone wh...
Therapy Myths: 10 Common Misconceptions About Seeing A Therapist
Expert Advice For Divorcing Women: Coping Emotionally, While You're Thinking Financially
Expert Advice For Divorcing Women: Coping Emotionally, While You're Thinking Financially
Expert Advice For Divorcing Women: Coping Emotionally, While You’re Thinking Financially In my work as a Divorce Financial Strategist™, I always advise clients to Think Financially, Not Emotionally® as they are negotiating their divorce financial settlement. Thinking financially results in the best possible outcome and establishes a secure foundation for your future as an independent single woman. By contrast, I’ve seen time and time again that thinking emotionally leads to short-sighted financial decisions and usually, deep regrets. When you’re in the middle of a contentious divorce, ho...
Expert Advice For Divorcing Women: Coping Emotionally, While You're Thinking Financially
6 Tips For Talking About The Future With Your Partner
6 Tips For Talking About The Future With Your Partner
There is nothing more terrifying than the unknown of the future, and sometimes talking about the future with your partner is just as terrifying. It's always fast approaching and something will not always go according to plan — but isn't that the most
6 Tips For Talking About The Future With Your Partner
8 Signs Your Therapist Isn't Working For You
8 Signs Your Therapist Isn't Working For You
A bad therapist isn't necessarily one who's running around breaking all the rules of therapy, up to and including friending you on Facebook. Many therapist-client relationships can be, well, not quite right, and that's largely down to the peculiariti
8 Signs Your Therapist Isn't Working For You
Do I Hate My Family? How To Deal With Unwanted Aggressive Thoughts
Do I Hate My Family? How To Deal With Unwanted Aggressive Thoughts
Ah, the holidays. The time for all crowding into the same house as your relatives, having brief and insanely intense fights about stuffing, and feeling on occasion as if you're going completely crazy. In this heightened political and social climate,
Do I Hate My Family? How To Deal With Unwanted Aggressive Thoughts
Terapia Assistida por Animais (TAA) – Você sabe o que é?
Terapia Assistida por Animais (TAA) – Você sabe o que é?
Foto: Divulgação Inataa – Na imagem, a cadela sem raça definida, DAMA, em atendimento no Lar Padre Vicente em São Paulo. “A Terapia Assistida por Animais (TAA) é uma intervenção direcionada, …
Terapia Assistida por Animais (TAA) – Você sabe o que é?
O nascimento do terapeuta digital
O nascimento do terapeuta digital
Há um ano decidi que faria meu mestrado em Nova York. Várias preocupações rondavam minha mente. Como eu faria amigos? Que lugar seria o meu refúgio? Será que eu teria coragem de andar de bicicleta por aí?
O nascimento do terapeuta digital
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