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Como são as psicoterapias hoje em dia? Luiz Hanns, doutor em psicologia clínica, dá esse panorama, hoje, aqui na Casa do Saber. Se aprofunde nos temas e cursos da CASA DO SABER pelo app CASA DO SABER ON DEMAND: Versão desk: Android: Apple: Você sabia que a Casa do Saber oferece diversos cursos? Confira em Inscreva-se no canal - Vídeos novos terças e quintas às 10h. Para contratar um dos professores da Casa do Saber como palestrante, envie um e-mail para
I read 100 self-help books. Here’s what I learned…
I read 100 self-help books. Here’s what I learned… ☝️ Don’t have time to read 100 books? Get my weekly emails for the best self-help content on the Internet. I read 100 self-help books. From The Power of Now to Deep Work, to Daring Greatly and Awaken the Giant Within. You can say that I have a bit of a problem. But I learned so much from these books, and the lessons might change the way you look at self-help. --- Hi there 👋 If you're new to my video's my name is Matt D'Avella. I'm a documentary filmmaker, entrepreneur and YouTuber. I've made a couple documentaries for Netflix. I also teach courses on everything from filmmaking to habit change. If you like to nerd out about self-development as much as I do, you can subscribe for weekly videos. 🔗 LINKS Enroll in my habit's course: Enroll in my YouTube course: Get my weekly newsletters: Follow me on Instagram: Follow me on Twitter: 🎬 Credits Directed by Matt D'Avella Produced by Emma Norris & Matt D’Avella Associate Produced by Nicole Tabak
I read 100 self-help books. Here’s what I learned…
André Lima - EFT
André Lima - EFT
André Lima - Engenheiro que hoje atua como Especialista em Desenvolvimento Pessoal e Profissional com aplicação da Técnica EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques. Criadordor do Programa Mente Próspera. Tem fomentado a Qualidade de Vida das Pessoas através de seus Cursos, Palestras e Treinamentos. Com sua larga experiência e determinação já beneficiou e continua beneficiando milhares de Pessoas no mundo inteiro com a *EFT. PORTAL: FANPAGE: INSTAGRAM:
André Lima - EFT
Código da emoção: um método profundo e elegante de cura energética - Medicina Integrativa
Código da emoção: um método profundo e elegante de cura energética - Medicina Integrativa
O presente artigo visa a apresentar o código da emoção, que é um método de cura energética. A primeira parte é uma síntese de informações extraídas do livro The Emotion Code e do website Discover Healing, ambos de autoria do Dr. Bradley Nelson, criador da técnica. Na segunda parte, serão relatados alguns casos atendidos pelo ... Ler mais
Código da emoção: um método profundo e elegante de cura energética - Medicina Integrativa
Renovação de energias: uma prática de limpeza energética - Medicina Integrativa
Renovação de energias: uma prática de limpeza energética - Medicina Integrativa
Sei que é tentador acreditar que temos boas energias e que são os outros os portadores de energias negativas. Contudo, se não tivermos o hábito de incluir rotinas de higiene e limpeza energética, nem estivermos num processo de autoconhecimento que nos permita ter consciência do que está acontecendo no nosso campo vibracional, então, sim, nós ... Ler mais
Renovação de energias: uma prática de limpeza energética - Medicina Integrativa
Uso de imagens mentais positivas como recurso terapêutico para depressão - Medicina Integrativa
Uso de imagens mentais positivas como recurso terapêutico para depressão - Medicina Integrativa
A depressão caracteriza-se como uma doença de carga global, ocupando o segundo lugar entre todas as patologias em termos de anos vividos com deficiência. É uma doença associada à diminuição do engajamento do indivíduo nas atividades comportamentais. Nos modelos comportamentais da depressão notam-se um aumento da retirada social e uma diminuição drástica do interesse por ... Ler mais
Uso de imagens mentais positivas como recurso terapêutico para depressão - Medicina Integrativa
Laserpuntura: a menina dos olhos dos terapeutas integrativos - Medicina Integrativa
Laserpuntura: a menina dos olhos dos terapeutas integrativos - Medicina Integrativa
O laser, considerado a menina dos olhos dos físicos desde sua criação em 1917 por Einstein, pode hoje ser designado também como a menina dos olhos dos terapeutas integrativos. Mas foi apenas em 1960, a partir das descrições teóricas elaboradas pelo célebre físico alemão, que uma nova forma de emissão de luz foi criada, no ... Ler mais
Laserpuntura: a menina dos olhos dos terapeutas integrativos - Medicina Integrativa
Como o ThetaHealing pode ajudar nos tratamentos médicos - Medicina Integrativa
Como o ThetaHealing pode ajudar nos tratamentos médicos - Medicina Integrativa
Cada dia mais, na minha prática como terapeuta de ThetaHealing®, constato que tudo o que experienciamos na vida é criado através de informações que existem no subconsciente. Nós somos 5% de mente consciente e 95% de mente subconsciente. Isso significa que, na maior parte do tempo, estamos vivendo a partir do subconsciente. E é nele ... Ler mais
Como o ThetaHealing pode ajudar nos tratamentos médicos - Medicina Integrativa
How Sound Heals - Shift Network Sound Healing Summit 2020 Interview with Jonathan Goldman
How Sound Heals - Shift Network Sound Healing Summit 2020 Interview with Jonathan Goldman Join Healing Sounds pioneer Jonathan Goldman as he is interviewed by Alec Sims for the Shift Network Sound Healing Summit 2020. Jonathan discusses many fascinating aspects of sound healing, focusing on many of the fundamental principles and practices of how sound heals including psycho-acoustics, vibro-acoustics, the power of humming, the importance of intention and much more. This interview is part of the Sound Healing Summit, a free online event where you can revitalize yourself through vibrational medicine. For more information, please visit: This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
How Sound Heals - Shift Network Sound Healing Summit 2020 Interview with Jonathan Goldman
The Science of Sound Therapy with Eileen McKusick
The Science of Sound Therapy with Eileen McKusick
This interview is part of the Sound Healing Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
The Science of Sound Therapy with Eileen McKusick
Healing Your Body with Sound with Eileen Day McKusick
Healing Your Body with Sound with Eileen Day McKusick
On this episode of HealthMade Radio Dr. Karlfeldt interviews Eileen Day McKusick who is an internationally recognized thought leader in the fields of therapeutic sound and the human biofield. She is the originator of Biofield Tuning (also known as "sound balancing") a unique therapeutic method utilizing tuning forks; founder of the Biofield Tuning.  Did you know that this energy has electromagnetic qualities... and that just the right type of sound can have the positive effect of “harmonizing” your “electric body” to promote optimal wellbeing? Sound-healing therapies are used in medical facilities across the globe to address PTSD and its associated symptoms, including anxiety, sleep challenges, grief, depression, anger, and panic attacks. They’ve shown remarkable success in helping lessen the tremors in Parkinson’s patients, in calming autistic adults, and in helping the anxious and agitated in homeless shelters quickly achieve and maintain a state of peace and homeostasis. Sound-healing therapies are also used to address fibromyalgia, digestive issues, and autoimmune disorders... and to boost the immune system. This exceptional interview delves deep into your electric connection with the world, your biofield, and healing -you won't want to miss it. We are offering in-office and telephonic appointments! Call 208-338-8902! Schedule your Nutritional IV, telephonic, or in-office appointment here! Learn More at ___________________________________________________________________________ Be sure to explore We're working on making "health" better, for you, and for all of us striving for wellness in our fast world. A community for natural health seekers where we educate people about common health conditions and share extensive research on the most effective natural health treatments. A core concept and belief is in the innate intelligence and healing power of the body. If properly supported spiritually, emotionally, and nutritionally, it can find its way back to health. HealthMade Radio brings information from integrative health experts from around the world!
Healing Your Body with Sound with Eileen Day McKusick
EFT Tapping For Beginners: How to Start Your Day with Tapping
EFT Tapping For Beginners: How to Start Your Day with Tapping EFT Tapping first thing in the morning will prepare you for the day. EFT Expert, Dawson Church's favorite way to start the day is to combine EFT Tapping and a meditation. EFT Tapping can be used at any time of the day, but starting your day with EFT lowers stress levels which helps focus your intention for the day. In this video, Dawson shares how to start your day with an EFT Tapping practice. What is EFT Tapping? EFT means "Emotional Freedom Technique" and is a powerful self-help method based on research showing that emotional trauma contributes greatly to disease. Clinical trials have shown that tapping therapy is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. EFT tapping techniques use elements of Cognitive Therapy and Exposure Therapy, and combines them with Acupressure, in the form of fingertip tapping on 12 acupuncture points. These become EFT tapping points. Over 20 clinical trials published in peer-reviewed medical and psychology journals have demonstrated that EFT therapy is effective for phobias, anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, pain, and other problems. Read more about Dawson Church at: • According to a news report on, EFT is “one of the most successful psychology self-help techniques ever developed.” Over 5 million people a month search online for "EFT tapping" and related terms such as “EFT technique”, and the 5 highest-traffic EFT web sites have over 2 million page views a month. • EFT Universe is one of the most-visited alternative health sites on the web, with about 150,000 unique visitors each month, and some 200,000 newsletter subscribers. • The EFT Universe community was founded in 2010 by Dawson Church, PhD, author of the best selling and award winning science book, The Genie in Your Genes, as well as the latest edition of The EFT Manual. • The The EFT Mini-Manual and earlier editions of The EFT Manual have been downloaded by more than 2 million people. • The mission of EFT Universe is to bring the healing benefits of Emotional Freedom Techniques (“EFT” or “Tapping”) to the greatest number of people consistent with high standards of ethics, integrity, and professionalism. • EFT Universe training and research is based on the standards defined by the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Division 12 Task Force on Empirically Validated Treatments. • According to the APA standards, EFT has demonstrated efficacy for anxiety, depression, PTSD, and phobias. • EFT has been researched in more than 10 countries, by more than 60 investigators, whose results have been published in more than 20 different peer-reviewed journals. • EFT Universe has the largest EFT training and certification program in the world, offering over 100 workshops and training over 1,000 practitioners each year. • EFT Universe is the only organization whose trainings have been accredited for Continuing Medical Education (CME/CE) credit for all the major healing professions, including doctors (American Medical Association), nurses (American Nurses Credentialing Commission), psychologists (APA) and social workers (NASWB). • Stories about Tapping and/or EFT Universe have appeared in the New York Times, Huffington Post, Reuters, Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), the Times of London, Larry King Live, the Washington Post, Psychology Today, and ABCs “The View.” • Donations from EFT Universe provide the primary funding for the Veterans Stress Project, which has helped over 10,000 veterans recover from PTSD. • EFT Universe reaches over 10 million people a year through the web site, news releases, books, social media, talk radio shows, training and certification. ******************************************************** Discover more about EFT and energy work with our resources: Free 60 Page EFT Tapping Mini-Manual. Learn what EFT is, what it can help, and how to do it. Click here: Skinny Genes: Discover how to use EFT and energy work to achieve healthy weight loss. Click here: Energy Psychology Certification: Become a certified Energy Psychology Practitioner and earning a fantastic income helping people with energy work. Click here: Tapping Deep Intimacy: Discover how to use EFT to improve relationships. Clear away resentment and break through to peace. Click here:
EFT Tapping For Beginners: How to Start Your Day with Tapping
How to use EFT Tapping to Accelerate Healing | Jack Canfield
How to use EFT Tapping to Accelerate Healing | Jack Canfield
I am always looking for a quicker and more efficient way to release blocks and achieve goals. EFT Tapping is one of the greatest discoveries I have made. It consists of identifying a physical pain, negative emotions like fear, guilt and anxiety, or a limiting belief, and then tapping on 9 acupressure points in a specific order as you concentrate on that pain or belief until it is released, sometimes within a matter of minutes. Download my free guide on overcoming negative thoughts and feelings by clicking the link above. ___________________ Let's connect: Subscribe to my channel for motivation, tips and more! YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Google+: +JackCanfieldOfficial Instagram: @jackcanfield_official Blog: tapping for anxiety, tapping for pain, eft benefits, eft tapping, learn eft tapping, anxiety and eft tapping, eft tapping therapy
How to use EFT Tapping to Accelerate Healing | Jack Canfield
EFT in Pratica - Andrea Fredi
EFT in Pratica - Andrea Fredi
EFT in Pratica - Andrea Fredi Vuoi saperne di più? Acquistalo subito su MyLifeStore: Edizioni My Life - - Tel. 0541.341038 - Fax 0541.448470 Musica: «The Deal I Made», Dan'O ( EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) è una tecnica di auto-aiuto che consente di riequilibrare il sistema energetico ottenendo così profondi miglioramenti a livello fisico, emotivo e mentale. Inventata da un ingegnere di Stanford (USA), Gary Craig, è a tutt'oggi, vista la sua straordinaria efficacia, uno dei sistemi di auto-guarigione a maggior velocità di diffusione del mondo. Guarda Andrea Fredi, operatore ed insegnante di EFT, applicare questa tecnica a diversi casi specifici ottenendo immediatamente risultati. Ascolta le parole e le frasi utilizzate, veri e propri "codici di accesso" al problema. Gli esempi contenuti in questo DVD, uniti ad una formazione di qualità ed allo studio dei materiali offerti gratuitamente su internet rappresentano una impareggiabile risorsa di apprendimento. Andrea Fredi Dal 1995 si interessa di metodi complementari per il benessere. Dal 2003, dopo aver appreso EFT, dedica tempo ed energia alla diffusione di questa tecnica in Italia. Nel 2004 scrive l'eBook Il Codice del Benessere, mentre nel 2005 fonda l'Associazione Culturale EFT-ITALIA. Tiene conferenze e corsi in varie città d'Italia. Il sito è dove troverai centinaia di articoli e consigli, il Calendario Attività, con le Conferenze ed i Corsi in Italia e l'Elenco Operatori, ovvero le persone che, a vari gradi, hanno ricevuto la formazione in EFT.
EFT in Pratica - Andrea Fredi
IL TAPPING: Come eliminare il dolore, ridurre l'ansia e abbassare lo stress con una sola tecnica.
IL TAPPING: Come eliminare il dolore, ridurre l'ansia e abbassare lo stress con una sola tecnica.
Stati d’ansia, stress e nervosismo, sono tutte sensazioni che, oltre a farti star male psicologicamente, possono anche trasformarsi in problemi fisici. Per risolvere alla radice questi problemi ti presento una tecnica che, una volta imparata, puoi praticare comodamente a casa tua con dei risultati stupefacenti a livello fisico e mentale. Parliamo del “Tapping”, un termine inglese che vuol dire “tamburellare” o “picchiettare”, una tecnica psicocorporea che mi ha permesso di aiutare quelle persone che avevano problemi fisici riconducibili allo stress. Il "Tapping" nasce da una tecnica chiamata EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), cioè “tecnica di liberazione emozionale”, che poi è stata modificata e semplificata nella tecnica chiamata “The tapping solution”. Comunque ci sono alcune piccole differenze tra una tecnica e l’altra, ma io ti presento quella più semplice da eseguire e che mi ha portato i maggiori risultati. ✅ Elimina lo stress grazie al picchiettamento ✅ Riduci le tensioni muscolari e migliora la postura 👉 Se vuoi imparare come prenderti cura di te con la digitopressione vai sulla mia pagina del corso di Autotrattamento Posturale Olistico: 👉 Elimina le tensioni al collo con i 10 esercizi per la tua cervicale: 👉 SE SEI UN OPERATORE DEL BENESSERE e vuoi imparare una tecnica innovativa di Rieducazione Posturale tramite la digitopressione vai sulla mia pagina Massaggio Posturale:
IL TAPPING: Come eliminare il dolore, ridurre l'ansia e abbassare lo stress con una sola tecnica.
What is Tapping? Learn How to Do EFT with Dawson Church
What is Tapping? Learn How to Do EFT with Dawson Church
EFT Universe founder and best-selling author, Dawson Church, PhD, explains the principles behind the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or "tapping" and why it can help with stress and many other emotional and physical issues. Join Dawson as he demonstrates how to do tapping with a simple exercise and provides resources to continue your healing journey. Learn more about EFT Universe and subscribe to our newsletter at: Watch free videos of tapping sessions for specific issues at: Find the schedule of upcoming live workshops and training at: Register for an online, self-help course at: Find an EFT Practitioner at:
What is Tapping? Learn How to Do EFT with Dawson Church
How does tapping work?
How does tapping work?
Find Out About Our Online Tapping Program: In this video, Australia's leading weight management psychologist and Co-developer of EFT Tapping For Weight Management Online Course (with world-leading authority on EFT for weight management Dr Peta Stapleton), Glenn Mackintosh, explains what we know about the effects of tapping on the brain, and why it's benefits are so rapid, powerful, and lasting. Subscribe to our e-newsletter for: - 52 Thoughts for the Chronic Dieter (the blog that is changing lives) - Special Offers (only for our mailing list!) - More FREE videos! =========================== LETS GET YOU CONNECTED: =========================== Website: Glenn Facebook: Weight Management Psychology Facebook: Instagram: Twitter:
How does tapping work?
What Is Tapping, And Why Does It Work? | Jennifer Partridge
What Is Tapping, And Why Does It Work? | Jennifer Partridge
Release traumas, heal emotional wounds, and make peace with the past 🌟 Get a FREE Emotional Mastery Self-Assessment and a healing exercise with brand new author Jennifer Partridge on her special Masterclass here now 👉 Can tapping REALLY bring peace, mindfulness, and healing? 🤔 Or is it just woo-woo? It may sound like it, but there’s actually a lot of science to back it up. Tapping is a remarkable blend of modern psychology, Chinese medicine, and neuroscience. In this video, the world-renowned tapping expert Jennifer Partridge explains exactly how tapping works and how it affects your energy and your mind, especially since your emotions are there to tell you something, even the negative ones. 🤗 A few minutes a day of tapping is all it takes to bring more calm and serenity into your life. Sounds amazing? Try it out for yourself in a LIVE tapping session with Jennifer in her brand NEW Masterclass for FREE. ✨ You’ll discover how to release your traumas, soothe your emotional wounds, and make peace with your past through tapping. In her Masterclass, you’ll get an Emotional Mastery Self-Assessment and an incredible healing exercise. Check out the link above to tap your way out of your traumas and towards freedom one day at a time. ☝ About Jennifer Partridge: 🌟 Jennifer Partridge is a world-renowned tapping expert, author, speaker, and facilitator of human potential. 🌟 Coming from a background of deep emotional trauma and childhood abuse, Jennifer first started exploring tapping as a way to heal her own wounds. The outcome was so profound that she made it her life’s purpose to empower others through tapping and the gift of emotional mastery it brings. 🌟 Today, Jennifer is a prolific authority on emotional healing. She speaks on stages worldwide, writes books, and collaborates with luminaries like Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Michael Beckwith, and many more. 🌟 Through her first-ever Masterclass with Mindvalley, Jennifer aims to spread the power of tapping to an even wider audience - and normalize the pursuit of emotional mastery and freedom as an essential part of every human’s life journey. About the Masterclass “How to Heal Trauma and Master your Emotions with Tapping”: 💁‍♀️ The Emotional Mastery Self-Assessment: Just answer these five simple questions, and get an instant insight into your current state of emotional mastery and freedom. You may be surprised by what you discover about yourself and your inner world. 💁‍♂️ Experience a tapping exercise with Jennifer Partridge: Jennifer is one of the most in-demand tapping experts in the world - and in the Masterclass, she’ll guide you through her unique tapping process that deeply soothes, invigorates, and heals your emotions in just minutes. 💁‍♀️ Learn why you should fight the urge to run away from your negative emotions: Whether it’s anger, fear, grief, or self-doubt: avoiding the problem never solves the problem. Instead, take this one simple step to face your negative emotions safely and gently release their grip over you. 💁‍♂️ Why emotional mastery is the most important key to your healing and growth: Modern education doesn’t teach you this: but your emotions are at the core of everything you do, feel, achieve, and struggle with. You’ll discover the steps to master and rewire them, so your emotions become a catalyst for healing and growth rather than an obstacle. 💁‍♀️ Tapping your way to deeper, warmer, more loving relationships: Do you want to find that special someone? Rekindle the spark with your soulmate? Heal a conflict with a friend or family member? Learn how to harness tapping to elevate your relationships with others and even yourself. 💁‍♂️ Is there something from your past that you can’t shake off?: Childhood wounds and traumatic events from your past can leave a lasting imprint on your energy body and silently impact every dimension of your life. Discover how to clear and heal them from a place of safety and self-love. 💁‍♀️ The fascinating (and undeniable) science behind tapping: Scientists, governments, and even insurance companies are finally starting to recognize the science behind tapping. You’ll explore the neuroscientific and psychological explanations behind why tapping your body’s meridian points can have such a transformational effect. 💁‍♂️ And much more. You’ll emerge from this Masterclass with a deeper understanding of tapping and how you can start using it in just minutes a day to achieve profound emotional mastery and freedom. FREE Masterclass: Experience freedom from your inner blocks with tapping: a remarkable practice that blends modern psychology, Chinese medicine & neuroscience to heal you in just minutes a day. Watch Jennifer Partridge’s FREE Masterclass now 👉 —— 🎉 NEW VIDEOS OUT EVERY WEEK 🎉 #TappingExplained #Science #Subscribe
What Is Tapping, And Why Does It Work? | Jennifer Partridge
Hipnose para tratar medos
Hipnose para tratar medos
Por meio da hipnose, psicóloga trata pacientes com medo de voar de avião. Nós acompanhamos uma paciente.
Hipnose para tratar medos
Futurando - Edição de 19/09/2022
Futurando - Edição de 19/09/2022
Veja neste programa: o que acontece no cérebro durante a hipnose? E ainda, como a hipnose é usada para tratar medos.
Futurando - Edição de 19/09/2022
Este é um vídeo fundamental. Eu faço uma espécie de guia sobre os afetos e sentimentos. Espero que ele sirva por aí no seu processo de pesquisa de si. Os vídeos que eu citei: Sobre a autoescrita Os sete afetos fundamentais Sobre ansiedade Sobre depressão Sobre desesperança Sobre TAG As referências Jaak Panksepp Mark Solms's,is%20therefore%20quantifiable%20in%20principle. Damasio ÍNDICE ABERTURA 00:00 OS SETE AFETOS 0:55 NEUROPSICANÁLISE 1:29 HOMEOSTASE 5:30 OS AFETOS 6:56 AS EMOÇÕES 7:42 OS SENTIMENTOS 8:47 COMO EU ME SINTO QUANDO 10:41 O BUSCAR 11:21 SER AMADO 13:55 O FUGIR 18:52 O BRIGAR 24:18 O GOZAR 28:13 O CUIDAR 30:30 A DOMINÂNCIA 35:35 PARA SE TORNAR MEMBRO DO PERCURSO DA AUTOESCRITA: Para entrar em contato comigo: VÍDEOS FUNDAMENTAIS DESTE CANAL: A autoescrita As sete necessidades afetivas fundamentais: Os princípios fundamentais da autoescrita: A playlist do percurso da autoescrita: O link do canal da autoescrita no telegram: O link do grupo no telegram: O site da associação de neuropsicanálise: Seja membro deste canal e ganhe benefícios:
Emotion Code Challenge
Emotion Code Challenge
14-DAY EMOTION CODE CHALLENGE are you ready to transform your life? Join our fun free challenge to learn the basics of the Emotion Code! We'll share journal prompts, introduce you to foundational techniques, teach through videos, and so much more. GET STARTED TODAY
Emotion Code Challenge
Koru Transformación
Koru Transformación
Diseño y Facilitación de Experiencias de Transformación
Koru Transformación
Cantareiros - Cantores Voluntários - Regeneração Global
Cantareiros - Cantores Voluntários - Regeneração Global
CANTAREIROS é um projeto de amor - cantores voluntários que se unem para levar carinho, atenção, sorrisos e boas energias através do canto em grupo. O amor cura. E a música tamb&
Cantareiros - Cantores Voluntários - Regeneração Global
LIVE hoje às 19h com Miguel Zaffuto, sobre o tema: "Sound Healing: Fortalecimento da Saúde pela Música e Vibração Sonora"* 🌎 🎥 Assista no Facebook ou Youtube do Instituto Regeneração Global: ou . 👨🏻‍🦲 *Miguel é Argentino, nascido junto às Neves Andinas de Mendoza, vive no Brasil há 40 anos. Multi-instrumentista e Terapeuta do Som pela “International Association of Sound Therapy”, com formação em massagem de som - método Pierre Stocker Sound Healing com quem partilha os caminhos da Cosmovisão Andina. Autor do livro: “Amor, um caminho, uma ideia, uma História” que inclui um CD de world music. Iniciado desde 1975 nos segredos da Meditação e da Simbologia Arcaica em CAFH, com ensinamentos de uma antiga Ordem Esotérica, hoje pesquisa O Som Terapêutico e a vibração que conecta as pessoas com a Consciência Cósmica. Ministra retiros de autoconhecimento e vivências de Meditação, Relaxamento Acústico e Massagem Sonora, na Aldeia do Holon em Campos do Jordão, São Paulo. . 🎼 Tema: Sound Healing: Fortalecimento da Saúde pela Música e Vibração Sonora"* . LIVES IRG POR SOLUÇÕES EM TEMPO DE COVID-19: . 📡 TERÇA (19h): Boas notícias da semana e checagem de fake news . ⛑ QUINTA (19h): Soluções e conteúdos em Medicina (Prevenção, Alimentação, Psicologia e Neurociência) . 🧘 SÁBADO (19h): Soluções e conteúdos em Consciência (Autoconhecimento, meditação, saúde emocional e espiritual) Conheça a Biblioteca Global de Soluções com centenas de iniciativas de todas as partes do mundo disponíveis em: