SAÚDE MENTAL (por Rubem Alves) Fui convidado a fazer uma preleção sobre saúde mental. Os que me convidaram supuseram que eu, na qualidade de psicanalista, deveria ser um especialista no assunto. E eu também pensei. Tanto que aceitei. Mas foi só parar para pensar para me arrepender. Percebi que n...
For six months a documentary team followed sculptor Jamie McCartney as he strove to complete the Great Wall of Vagina sculpture. As well as filming all the p...
Habitica - Gamify Your Life > The Mindfulness & Stress Relief Guild
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.
Habitica - Gamify Your Life > Mastering Emotions (DBT Skills)
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.
Habitica - Gamify Your Life >Emotional Regulation: Stars in jars (events of life)
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.
Habitica is a free habit and productivity app that treats your real life like a game. Habitica can help you achieve your goals to become healthy and happy.