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We Make Change | How can I help - RESEARCHER
We enable anyone, anywhere to use their skills to support the causes they care about.
Community & Recruitment Intern - Translators without Borders
The mission of Translators without Borders is to provide people access to vital knowledge in their language through translation and interpreting, building language translation capacity at a local level, providing translation and simplification services that are culturally appropriate, accessible and open source, and raising awareness globally of language barriers. Contract length: 6 months Hours: Negotiable […]
How World Film Collective is changing the world with mobile movies - Microsoft Devices Blog
Films have been around a long time, probably a lot longer than you think. The first moving picture was taken way back in 1882 by Étienne-Jules Marey, while the oldest surviving film, the Roundhay Garden Scene, was shot in 1888. Of course, movie making has changed immeasurably since those bygone days. Nowadays, practically anyone with […]
Earn #TimeCoins by sharing your passions. TimeRepublik, the ultimate #SharingEconomy experience.
Earn and spend TimeCoins™
18 aplicativos gratuitos de celular que estão ajudando a transformar o mundo - Spotniks
Preparamos uma lista com 18 aplicativos gratuitos que estão ajudando a melhor a vida de milhões de pessoas ao redor do planeta.
Home | UNV Online Volunteering service
Voluntariado a Distância
Português: h4. O que encontro por aqui? Nem todo mundo tem tempo ou perfil para realizar ações sociais e é aí que entra o voluntariado online. De casa ou do trabalho, é possível realizar ações concretas e relevantes do seu computador ou através d...
Portal Voluntários Bradesco
Este portal oferece aos seus colaboradores a oportunidade de exercer o voluntariado e, assim, fomentar a cultura de participação social.
Sikana | Improve your life - one skill at a time
Thousands of skills in your pocket. Improve your life and the world around you through practical learning. Join our community. Make an impact.
Filantropia • GBG Curitiba
Workaway in over 169 countries - give meaning to your travels
Immerse yourself in local culture and community. Learn, teach and share skills. Get off the tourist trail. Don’t follow the herd. Contact tens of thousands of local hosts to start your adventures.
Camphill Communities of Ireland
Atados - Juntando Gente boa
Conheça oportunidades de trabalho voluntário e se inscreva.