JEP 384: Records (Second Preview)

Illegal Argument - Episode 166
Why #Java record getters have no 'get' prefix?
Call for Discussion: New Project: Leyden
GCC 10.1 Released
r/programming - [llvm-announce] LLVM 10.0.0 Release
r/rust - LLVM 10 has performance regressions with Rust
Rust in Action
Things I would definitely NOT use/have in my own software/product development team or company
Quick Start
Architectural Decision Records
Verified Functional Programming in AgdaFebruary 2016
Handbook of technical writing 9th edition
Overview of technical writing courses
How to write better emails
How to Edit
Welcome to our community! — Write the Docs
Why Writing Software Design Documents Matters
Technicalwriting fixed
Technical writing
Bewritingguide v2
The One Page Test Plan
How To Write A Software Test Plan:
swyx Writing | 6 Things Markdown Got Wrong
Crafting "Crafting Interpreters"