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#america #America #money #wealth
Ellen Cushing: The Bacon-Wrapped Economy (East Bay Express)
Ellen Cushing: The Bacon-Wrapped Economy (East Bay Express)
But the thing about this particular brand of low-key wealth is that it can lead to a false sense of self, on both a micro and a macro level. Consumption is still consumption even if it's less conspicuous. Class may be harder to see here, but that doesn't make it any less real. Mark Zuckerberg's still a billionaire, even if he's wearing a hoodie and jeans. And if you don't feel or look rich, you don't necessarily feel the same sense of obligation that a traditional rich person does or should: Noblesse oblige is, after all, dependent on a classical idea of who is and is not the nobility. As that starts to fall away, obligation — to culture, to the future, to each other — begins to disappear, too.
Ellen Cushing: The Bacon-Wrapped Economy (East Bay Express)