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#electronics #music
Vocal Processing (Elite Gymnastics Tumblr)
Vocal Processing (Elite Gymnastics Tumblr)
i think vocal processing is really cool and i recognize that there are a lot of really interesting things being done with it and that in general it is kind of a new sound that identifies a piece of music as being a new vital thing that is happening right this second but i also know that i messed up by trying to use it as a veil to hide my singing and my lyrics behind because i was afraid of what people would think if confronted with them directly. that was a weak impulse and it ended up putting a wall between the content of the music and people who were trying to connect with it. i wouldn’t want that to happen to anyone else.
Vocal Processing (Elite Gymnastics Tumblr)
Matthew Irvine Brown: Music for Shuffle
Matthew Irvine Brown: Music for Shuffle
“I set myself a half-day project to write music specifically for shuffle mode — making use of randomness to try and make something more than the sum of its parts. Over an hour or so, I wrote a series of short, interlocking phrases (each formatted as an individual MP3) that can be played in any order and still (sort of) make musical sense.” The reference points here to electronic music (glitch and dubstep, obviously) are interesting, as are his integration of skipping noises as percussive elements and how the skip itself can be used as a musical device. Hat-tips to and reminders to look further into the work of pioneers La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Brian Eno, and John Cage.
Matthew Irvine Brown: Music for Shuffle