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#photography #cameramail
Neatorama: Behind the Scenes of the USPS
Neatorama: Behind the Scenes of the USPS
“I love the idea of this project by web designer Matthew McVickar. He sent this camera in the mail with a message asking the postal workers to take pictures on the camera’s trip to its destination. The result is fun and educational, and it would be a great school project for any teachers out there.”
Neatorama: Behind the Scenes of the USPS Smile, you’re on camera mail! A camera’s journey across America Smile, you’re on camera mail! A camera’s journey across America
I was interviewed by Debra Black at the Toronto Star this morning. “For Matthew McVickar the idea of sending a disposable camera attached to a piece of cardboard was intriguing. What kind of pictures would one get, he wondered? Would the camera make it to its destination?”
·· Smile, you’re on camera mail! A camera’s journey across America