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CIVIC Platform
CIVIC Platform
CIVIC Platform is a technology environment that makes institutional data more accessible, enabling creative applications and analysis. We connect resources and a nationwide network of collaborators with complex information challenges in the public interest to build projects on CIVIC’s open technology frameworks. Our vision is for public data to be available as a vital resource for collaboration and group problem solving -- accessible programatically, in common formats, with excellent documentation, using secure and reliable technology. The technology is only part of the challenge. Custodians of this data in government, nonprofit, and academia face barriers of limited funding, access to talent, and unique compliance. We’re building the teams and systems to make it happen.
CIVIC Platform
Joshua Kopstein: Dear Congress, It's No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works (Motherboard)
Joshua Kopstein: Dear Congress, It's No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works (Motherboard)
‘So it was as proponents of the Hollywood-funded bill curmudgeonly shot down all but two amendments proposed by its opponents, who fought to dramatically alter the document to preserve security and free speech on the net. But the chilling takeaway of this whole debacle was the irrefutable air of anti-intellectualism; that inescapable absurdity that we have members of Congress voting on a technical bill who do not posses any technical knowledge on the subject and do not find it imperative to recognize those who do.’
Joshua Kopstein: Dear Congress, It's No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works (Motherboard)