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Walt Hickey: The Ultimate Halloween Candy Power Ranking (Five Thirty Eight)
Walt Hickey: The Ultimate Halloween Candy Power Ranking (Five Thirty Eight)
Can we build the perfect Frankencandy based on this information? On one hand, no, that’s a ridiculous oversimplification of a somewhat scientific process and is likely to result only in an abomination. On the other hand, that exact ethical dilemma did not stop Dr. Frankenstein, and ’tis the season!
Walt Hickey: The Ultimate Halloween Candy Power Ranking (Five Thirty Eight)
Jody Rosen and Chris Molanphy: “Harlem Shake” is no. 1 after Billboard begins counting YouTube views: What this means for the future of the charts. (Slate)
Jody Rosen and Chris Molanphy: “Harlem Shake” is no. 1 after Billboard begins counting YouTube views: What this means for the future of the charts. (Slate)
YouTube crushing everything does seem like a concern. I love novelty songs, I ride hard for novelty songs—but if, suddenly, all our big hits are goofy YouTube-incubated one-offs, the novelty song will cease to be novel.
Jody Rosen and Chris Molanphy: “Harlem Shake” is no. 1 after Billboard begins counting YouTube views: What this means for the future of the charts. (Slate)
Jon Millward: Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars
Jon Millward: Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars
For the first time, a massive data set of 10,000 porn stars has been extracted from the world’s largest database of adult films and performers. I’ve spent the last six months analyzing it to discover the truth about what the average performer looks like, what they do on film, and how their role has evolved over the last forty years.
Jon Millward: Deep Inside: A Study of 10,000 Porn Stars
Wired: The Man Who Could Unsnarl Manhattan Traffic
Wired: The Man Who Could Unsnarl Manhattan Traffic
Statistician has a fifty-worksheet Excel file filled with numbers and ideas, mostly based on 'congestion pricing', that could fix the traffic problems of NYC. “Komanoff is a dyed-in-the-wool stats geek, and the BTA demonstrates his faith in data. By measuring the problem—the amount of time and money lost in traffic every year—we can begin to solve it, he says. We can turn the knobs on the entire transportation system to maximize efficiency. Komanoff’s model suggests a world in which everything from subway fares to bridge tolls can be precisely tuned throughout the day, allowing city planners to steer traffic flow as quickly and smoothly as a taxi driver tooling his cab down Broadway on a quiet Sunday morning.”
Wired: The Man Who Could Unsnarl Manhattan Traffic
The Atlantic: Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
The Atlantic: Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science
A ton of scientific studies are flat-out wrong. And most of it doesn't really matter anyway. "‘Science is a noble endeavor, but it’s also a low-yield endeavor,’ he says. ‘I’m not sure that more than a very small percentage of medical research is ever likely to lead to major improvements in clinical outcomes and quality of life. We should be very comfortable with that fact.’"
The Atlantic: Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science