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#Internet #business
Pitchfork’s absorption into GQ is a travesty for music media – and musicians | Laura Snapes
Pitchfork’s absorption into GQ is a travesty for music media – and musicians | Laura Snapes
Perfect summary.
It is bleak on so many levels, first and foremost the job losses during a straitened time for media. Pitchfork was one of the last stable music outlets going – where else are the former staff, and the site’s hundreds of freelancers, meant to work now?
Incorporating Pitchfork into a men’s magazine also cements perceptions that music is a male leisure pursuit, and undermines the fact that it was women and non-binary writers – Lindsay Zoladz, Jenn Pelly, Carrie Battan, Amanda Petrusich, Sasha Geffen, Jill Mapes, Doreen St Félix, Hazel Cills; the fearless editing of Jessica Hopper and then the most recent editor-in-chief Puja Patel, to name but a handful – who transformed the website in the 2010s. It also suggests that music is just another facet of a consumer lifestyle, not a distinct art form that connects niche communities worthy of close reading, documentation and, when warranted, investigation.
Pitchfork’s absorption into GQ is a travesty for music media – and musicians | Laura Snapes
Jenn Schiffer: how to grow a web presence, 1/n
Jenn Schiffer: how to grow a web presence, 1/n
the places we grew our careers and social circles on have all been damaged beyond repair by men who, despite having billions of dollars, look like they have the suds and the emotional intelligence of a paper straw 5 minutes after it has entered my iced latte. they're surrounded by yes-men with less-money who are about half as smart as the character i played in my early satire days. i truly hope they all find the immortality they seek, and also that they then get trapped in quicksand, respectfully.
Jenn Schiffer: how to grow a web presence, 1/n
Hanson O'Haver: The web looks like shit (The Outline)
Hanson O'Haver: The web looks like shit (The Outline)
Share buttons and prompts to “read more” treat readers like idiots who don’t know how to do basic tasks; meanwhile, a huge amount of faith is put in technology, which fails constantly. Embedded social media posts don’t load properly, videos expire, and the pre-populated tweet mangles the text. If there are high-res photos, they are often too large to display on a standard laptop screen, so one first looks at a face and much later scrolls to see a body. Should the poor reader decide to navigate the site’s categories via the drop-down menu, they must maneuver the mouse like a tight-rope walker, lest the proper choice vanish before they can click on it.
Hanson O'Haver: The web looks like shit (The Outline)
Josephine Wolff: How Is the GDPR Doing? (Slate)
Josephine Wolff: How Is the GDPR Doing? (Slate)
By expanding the definition of what constitutes personal data—and by extension, what constitutes a breach of personal data—and applying a standardized notification requirement to the entire EU, the GDPR appears to have generated a much larger data set of reported incidents and thereby significantly widened our window into what types of breaches are occurring. The vast majority of companies are still not being fined for failing to protect their customers’ data, and the vast majority of fines are still too small to register with the companies that are being penalized. (Arguably, even 50 million euros is a fairly trivial sum to Google, which brought in $136.8 billion in revenue in 2018. For comparison, 50 million euros is equivalent to roughly $57 million, or 0.04 percent of Google’s 2018 revenue.)
Josephine Wolff: How Is the GDPR Doing? (Slate)
Katie Notopoulos: What If Actually…Is A Horrible Website? (Buzzfeed)
Katie Notopoulos: What If Actually…Is A Horrible Website? (Buzzfeed)
Looking at the big picture, these are all tiny things, mostly harmless. Considering the amount of harm Amazon does to the environment and the people who work for them, it’s hard to give much of a shit about whether or not there’s a Subscribe & Save option for a bassoon harness. But these little things matter when we’re putting massive amounts of money, personal data (including our kids’ data), and faith into a company that’s falling short of its basic business: running a website that sells stuff.
Katie Notopoulos: What If Actually…Is A Horrible Website? (Buzzfeed)
Paul Ford: The Lease They Can Do: What the Fight Over 'Used' Music Reveals About Online Media (Businessweek)
Paul Ford: The Lease They Can Do: What the Fight Over 'Used' Music Reveals About Online Media (Businessweek)
There are all kinds of files. A song is just a file, as is a book, and so is a movie. People have been pointing this out for years, usually to explain piracy. For a long time, folks were gnashing their teeth and wailing that no one would pay for anything on the Internet ever; it was just too easy to steal. They went from renting their garments to renting out music. As solutions emerge, and marketplaces for licenses emerge, you have to wonder if new kinds of media will remain part of the free, “remix” culture of the Internet, or if they’ll want to participate in a for-pay market. Maybe the reason so much great creative work on the Internet is free is that it’s been too hard to charge. A Pandora, but for podcasts! A Spotify for funny animal videos! Once the framework is in place, the pitches will come. Then the licensing can start. After all, they’re just files.
Paul Ford: The Lease They Can Do: What the Fight Over 'Used' Music Reveals About Online Media (Businessweek)
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
We can and should support the companies we love with our money. Companies can and should have balanced streams of income so that they’re not solely dependent on just one. We all should consider the business models of the companies we trust with our data. But we should not assume that, just because we pay a company they’ll treat us better, or that if we’re not paying that the company is allowed to treat us like shit. Reality is just more complicated than that. What matters is how companies demonstrate their respect for their customers. We should hold their feet to the fire when they demonstrate a lack of respect.
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)
Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)
To assess a film's odds of success (because even crowdfunders don’t want to back a loser), a prospective funder would want to know what people in the know—who are part of the “industry” in one way or another—make of it. This is the point often missed by those hailing Kickstarter as a revolutionary project that could emancipate the artists: What defines potential “success” for their film is still very much defined by the industry heavyweights.
Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)
Paul Ford: Facebook and Instagram: When Your Favorite App Sells Out (New York Magazine)
Paul Ford: Facebook and Instagram: When Your Favorite App Sells Out (New York Magazine)
Tens of millions of people made a decision to spend their time with the simple, mobile photo-sharing application that was not Facebook because they liked its subtle interface and little filters. And so Facebook bought the thing that is hardest to fake. It bought sincerity.
Paul Ford: Facebook and Instagram: When Your Favorite App Sells Out (New York Magazine)
Ben Brooks: Readability and Collection of Money for Others
Ben Brooks: Readability and Collection of Money for Others
Readability has no right collecting money in my name without my consent. Now, realistically, I have given Readability consent by signing up — but what about other publishers that have not only not signed up, but have actively chosen to not sign up? Is it still OK for Readability to be collecting money in their name? I think not. But how do you solve this problem? I don’t know, but it is a very real problem.
Ben Brooks: Readability and Collection of Money for Others
Louis CK: Live at the Beacon Theater — Statement
Louis CK: Live at the Beacon Theater — Statement
Reflecting on his newly self-released $5 internet-only special. ‘I learned that money can be a lot of things. It can be something that is hoarded, fought over, protected, stolen and withheld. Or it can be like an energy, fueled by the desire, will, creative interest, need to laugh, of large groups of people. And it can be shuffled and pushed around and pooled together to fuel a common interest, jokes about garbage, penises and parenthood.’
Louis CK: Live at the Beacon Theater — Statement In Groupon’s $6 Billion Wake, a Wave of Start-Ups Follows Suit In Groupon’s $6 Billion Wake, a Wave of Start-Ups Follows Suit
Copying a successful business plan is safe, and tons of companies are copying Groupon. The differentiating strategies of the more successful copycats are interesting, as is the arms-race and recursion of deal aggregators. I find it fascinating that people sign up for this stuff, because I find it wasteful. This is insane: “In just over two years, Groupon has accumulated 60 million subscribers, more than $1 billion in venture capital and $760 million in annual revenue to become the fastest-growing Web company ever. In December, it declined a $6 billion buyout offer from Google.”
·· In Groupon’s $6 Billion Wake, a Wave of Start-Ups Follows Suit
HIPSTERRUNOFF: The Memefication of Your Band
HIPSTERRUNOFF: The Memefication of Your Band
Sifting through HRO's sorta-haughty satire is worth it for the occasion post like this, where whoever Carles is gets tired of mocking teenagers and writes something true and intriguing about the state of the music industry and popular music culture (at least for the indie set).
HIPSTERRUNOFF: The Memefication of Your Band