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#Internet #business #internet #money
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
We can and should support the companies we love with our money. Companies can and should have balanced streams of income so that they’re not solely dependent on just one. We all should consider the business models of the companies we trust with our data. But we should not assume that, just because we pay a company they’ll treat us better, or that if we’re not paying that the company is allowed to treat us like shit. Reality is just more complicated than that. What matters is how companies demonstrate their respect for their customers. We should hold their feet to the fire when they demonstrate a lack of respect.
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)
Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)
To assess a film's odds of success (because even crowdfunders don’t want to back a loser), a prospective funder would want to know what people in the know—who are part of the “industry” in one way or another—make of it. This is the point often missed by those hailing Kickstarter as a revolutionary project that could emancipate the artists: What defines potential “success” for their film is still very much defined by the industry heavyweights.
Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)